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Chapter 10


Seline Kyle found herself sitting on a beach, relaxing as the soft wind caressed her skin. The Sun illuminated her, as the rhythmic sound of waves crashing on the shore soothed her ears.

The beach was empty, or at least it was for her. For her attention was focused on the person sitting by her side, wearing simple white shorts with an unbuttoned safari shirt, his hair wet as water dribbled down his face, his blue eyes focused on her, hungering after her.

His mouth moved, yet no sound reached her.

Until a distant shout, of someone calling her name disturbed her.


She frowned as she failed to hear what he was saying, as his lips moved again.


Someone called her name again, and she frowned getting frustrated.


And as she turned angrily, to see who was calling her name, the world went dark.

“AGHHH!” she screamed in pain as she felt her head hit the floor.

“Gods! Are you fine? Should I call someone!” suddenly, she heard footsteps hurry towards her as a pair of arms helped her sit up. Her vision cleared up, and she watched as Helena looked at her worriedly.

“No! I will be fine. Just get me some ice,” she replied quickly as her vision cleared up. And as Helena rushed to the fridge to get her some Ice, she forced herself and sat down on her bed once again.

And as she looked around, she sighed as she found no trace of the clear ocean, the beach, or the person sitting beside her, as she found herself back in her apartment. A two-bedroom apartment in one of Gotham’s rather safe corners, or at least it had become after Wayne Enterprises had built their shelter and rehab center here.

And though crime and drugs still lingered on, in the darkness of the night, people were less driven towards a life of crime when they had a way of making an honest living. However, she did have to break a few bones to get those who had been rather unwelcoming of the change that had begun to brew in this city.

Helena entered the room once again, ice and water in hand. She took the icepack from her hand and placed it against the bruise on her forehead. The cool ice numbed the pain as she took a sip of the water.

“Are you sure you are fine Selina? I could call an ambulance or….” At this she gave him a rather scandalous stare, making her frown.

“What?” she questioned, as Helena wiggled her brows.

“Nothing but from the way you were sleeping and calling out a certain name, you know maybe I could call Thom….” That was all the liberty she would allow her, that little rascal as she replied quickly and emphatically.

“No!” she said, and as she saw that devilish smile on her face, she narrowed her gaze as she threatened her.

“And if you ever mention anything of the sort to him, I will throw you out of this house!” she threatened, but the little rascal just rolled her eyes as she huffed haughtily.

“Then I will just have Thomas take me in, after all, that’s the least he could do for his future sister-in-law,” Helena teased her, and Selina narrowed her eyes at her, and the teenager finally buckled under her gaze as she stood up, defeated.

“Ok. Ok. I will not say anything,” said Helena with another roll of her eyes as she plopped herself down on the chair, beside her table.

“Honestly, I still cannot realize why both of you aren’t together yet. It’s obvious both of you like each other,” Helena said, and she felt her cheeks heat up and her heart flutter. Yet she pushed down on that momentary elation, as she removed the Ice and walked into the bathroom, hoping to freshen up.

“It’s complicated. You are too young to understand,” she replied, and Helena looked at her with a tired expression.

“I am not a child anymore, you know. I am in high school. High school!” she shouted back as she opened the tap, and any of the leftover sleepiness left her very soul as the chilly water hit her face.

She could see that the Sun had long set, and night had fallen, and it was time for her to leave the house and finish the little crusade she had begun over a week ago.

She wiped off her face and walked out of the bathroom, and Helena was now in the kitchen, heating up something in the oven. For all her efforts, Selina couldn’t cook to save herself, and so it had been decided early on in their time together that it was better she stay away from the stove lest she burn down the whole House.


Helena opened the oven, and took out a small dish, and placed it infront of her, it was lasagnia, not her favourite, but her times without any meals had made her thankful for any meal, especially for one without mould and smell.

“Thanks,” she said to Helena, who gave her a smile as she began to fiddle with her phone, the one that Thomas had recently launched. She herself used a similar one, though unlike Helena, she couldn’t appreciate what was so special about a phone like this.

“So, you leaving for work again?” Helena questioned her as she ate the heated Italian dish. She nodded, and though Helena was not privy to the true nature of her job, Selina knew that the young blonde knew enough that it was not as simple as she made it out to be.

On paper, she was a simple secretary, working as many others in the city for the prestigious Wayne enterprises, though that was just a cover one she had established so she could take legal custody of Helena.

“Yeah,” she said as she took a sip of the water and asked a question of her own.

“Everything fine at school?” she questioned. And Helena had been admitted to Gotham High, a private school, and she knew first hand how those snobby idiots at school could behave.

“Yes, though most of my friends have been bugging me about how I got this phone so early,” Helena replied with a smug smile, and Selina smiled as she saw the innocence of her sister, and it was to protect that very innocence she had agreed to taking that position on paper.

Even in moving to this apartment, one which was located in one of the safer areas of, the only reason Thomas had been able to convince her of doing so had been because of Helena.

Thomas’s motto in life was simple.

‘Problems that can be solved by money aren’t problems at all’ though if one were to be born with the wealth of the Wayne empire at his back, they would probably have a similar motto.

Yet it wasn’t said condescendingly or boastfully. It was just how he tackled his life, and right now, his efforts were working. The shift in Gotham, however small it may be, was because Thomas was using his personal wealth to tackle the city’s problems, to give hope to the destitute. And it was working.

Yet some people, people who had thrived in the dark, were not happy. There were grumblings against him in the underbelly of Gotham. Plots were hatched and abandoned as the criminal element of the city faced what seemed to be an existential threat to their dark enterprise.

She was aware of the usual culprits. Knew which arms to break to know of their plans, yet things had begun to shift. Someone new and much more dangerous had taken root in the city. And now, after weeks of hard work, she finally had a name for them.

Ra’s al Ghul. A name she didn’t recognize, yet it sounded ominous, and dangerous. And she had promised herself that she would never let anything happen to Thomas.

Both she and Helena had a small talk. This was routine was no longer a surprise for them. And so, after washing the dishes she walked out of the building, and after a simple glance to the sides, she frowned.

She could feel someone looking at her, observing her. After another look she walked into the street, walking towards the corner, and silently vanished into the blind alley.

She threw off her long coat, revealing the black suit she wore underneath, as she placed it at her usual hiding place. Picking up her mask, she placed it on her face, and then, after a small stretch she kicked off the ground.

Small claws extended out of her gloves, a gift from Thomas, and helped her grip into the wall, as she jumped off again, eventually reaching the terrace. She stepped on the roof. The soft wind blew away he hair as she looked around the city.

Gotham was a city didn’t sleep. Even now, deep into the night the city was alive, with cars moving around the city, as the heinous element of the city came out with the setting of the Sun, with the cover of night providing refuge for all those who had made a deal with the devil itself.

Yet even that had begun to change, especially over the last few weeks. There were rumors of another man prowling the city at night, silent as a snake, clad in a black costume.

Batman, he was called by those who had met him.

She had yet to see him, though held a favorable view of him, for he had protected the shelters from Falcone’s goons. Yet the jury was still out on that as her eyes narrowed onto the docks in the distance.

From her reports, she had come to know that this Ra’s al Ghul had an important shipment coming today. This man, or organization, or whatever it was, was using Falcone’s men for his business. A smart move, given the man, was perhaps the biggest of the cronies ruling Gotham’s underbelly.

Yet, this also gave him an opportunity to find out who this new threat was. As for Falcone, his time will come as well.

Soon. Very soon.

And with that she broke out into a soft stride, as she jumped from one rooftop to another, heading straight for the docks.







The first thing that reached her ears as she reached near the docks was the sound of gunfire, and she frowned as she slowed down, and began to climb up the massive crane hoping to find out what was going on. The climb was pretty quick, and as she stood on the arm of the massive crane, she could watch a shadowy figure dismantling Falcone’s crew singlehandedly.

He moved with purpose and intent, no hesitation or hear in his stride even as Falcone’s men fired upon him. The bullets bounced off him, much to her surprise for there were few materials that could take bullets like that.

She watched, Falcone trying to get away, even as the man shot something towards his driver and the car, stopping the man’s escape. And even though she was tempted to go down there and deal with the scum like Falcone herself she stopped herself, reminding herself of her true purpose.

A man like Falcone didn’t deserve her attention, and it seemed he had finally met his match.

“Interesting isn’t it,” suddenly someone spoke from behind and she turned quickly and found herself staring at a man, as her mind raced.

How had he gotten behind her so quietly? He was dressed in rather loose clothing, something that one would often find people wearing in a dojo or in cosplays. Yet the way the man moved over the arm of the crane told of years of training.

“Who are you?” she questioned as she began to move back, growing apprehensive about the man’s intentions.

“I believe you already know the answer to that,” he began as she frowned moving forward.

“Afterall, you have been looking for me for some time now, Miss Kyle?” he said and she stilled.

He knew her name, her real name. Alarm bells rang in her head as she narrowed her eyes, taking the first name that came to mind.

“You are Ra’s al Ghul?” she guessed, and the man smiled, yet that did little to ease her, for the man gave a dangerous aura.

“Yes,” he agreed, and she gulped down and reached for her gauntlets and twisted them, and saw a small light flicker for a moment as she prayed to God above hoping that, he would hear this.

“What do you want from me?” she questioned.

And the man’s expression shifted as disgust appeared on his face.

“From a criminal like you, nothing.” He said in a disgusted tone as he glared at her.

She had now reached the end of the crane arm and had no more space to back up. So, she stopped as the man continued to walk towards her.

“Then why are you here?” she questioned as she glanced at the ocean below, her mind racing.

“I believe you also know the answer to that, I want nothing from you. But rather from Thomas Wayne,” he added, and her fear materialized as the man continued.

“After all, the man does care quite a bit about you and that sister of you!”

And her heart twisted at the mention of Helena. And she remembered the ominous presence she had felt when she had left her home, and she growled at the man.

“Leave her out of this. She is a child!” she screamed.

“Child she may be, but even she is complicit in the rot that has taken root in this city. Yet do not worry, no harm will come to her, as long as you agree to do as I say,” he said, and she gritted her teeth. Her heart raced as she worried for Helena.

She knew she had to buy time. Time, for even though there had been no signal, she knew that he would be listening. She had to trust him.

And so she closed her eyes as she took a deep breath and then questioned once more.

“What do you want from Thomas?” she questioned.

“I believe you don’t deserve to know that. And though I find your attempt to reform yourself, it is futile. A criminal is a criminal, and must face punishment for his actions,” the man said, his voice zealous and filled with conviction.

“My sister is innocent,” she argued.

And the man nodded.

“And no harm will come to her as long as you come with us,” added the man, and she frowned.

“Us?” she questioned and watched as three more people literally stepped out of the man's shadow, clad in body suits with masks covering their faces. Their movements numbed and measured as they surrounded her.

She raised her hand and reached for her hair, seemingly to tie them up, as she brought the gauntlet near her ear.


She heard through the small speaker, and so did the four men, who immediately pounced at her.

Yet she was faster, as she took a step back and jumped down, cutting through the air, and she smirked as the crane arm blew up seconds later, as the gauntlet she had attached to the rods blew up, as her feet hit the cold water of the sea river.



Sorry for the delay. I had a dentist appointment, and let's say it went worse than I had imagined.




olafur olafsson

Something tells me that Thomas is not one to take this lying down. Something tells me that he’s going to get even and he’s going to pressure ras with the same methods he used just now.