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Chapter 46


The day had ended, and the Sun had set long ago, as she found herself in her room along with Rhaenyra and Aenys, who motioned for the servants to close the door.

As soon as the door closed, he sighed as he glanced toward both her and Rhaenyra and began in an exasperated tone.

“Now, will of you please tell me how the hell did my talk of power and consequences led to you wishing to abdicate your position as heir to me,” he questioned Rhaenyra, his tone annoyed.

Rhaenyra looked him in the eye and began.

“Because I realized that I hold no desire for the Iron throne. What I wished for was freedom, and as things stand, sitting on that throne would take that very freedom away from me,” she replied, a hint of sadness in her tone at the last words.

“And do you think I desire the Iron Throne Rhaenyra, especially given it is yours by right,” Aenys replied as he sat down in a chair while shaking his head, motioning for both of them to sit down as well.

Rhaenyra sat down opposite to him, and Alicent took the seat by her side as she cut in.

“We both know that you have no wish to usurp Rhaenyra,” she said, glancing toward her as she nodded her head.

“But there is no other choice,” but Aenys cut in quickly.

“But there is!” he spoke as he pointed towards Rhaenyra.

“If you all wish that Daemon not ascend the throne, then all you need to do is just be the heiress as you have been for all these years. And take the throne when it is time,” he retorted, and Rhaenyra cut in.

“It is not that simple,” and Aenys bit his lip as he answered rather darkly.

“It is and as far as Daemon is concerned, I have begun taking steps to curb his influence. I would not leave you alone to deal with him,” he added and Rhaenyra bit her lip as she added.

“It’s not just about Daemon!” she said strongly, making her frown. She watched with narrowed eyes as her hand went towards her belly.

“The Lords will never let a woman rule over them. They already had their chance when they denied Princess Rhaenys,” she said as she looked towards Aenys.

“And even if you help me deal with Daemon, what of the future after me? What of my children? What if my firstborn is a daughter as well? What then?” she said forlornly as she glanced at Aenys, whose face had lost much of its anger, and looked at Rhaenyra with a complicated expression.

“And what of Gwayne, what of your father? Both of them expect to see you on that throne, Rhaenyra, not me,” he added, and she cut in.

“Gwayne will not begrudge her this choice. If he dares, I shall teach him a lesson myself,” she cut in as Rhaenyra smiled.

“I shall talk to Gwayne myself, though I don’t think he would be averse to my choice, as for father,” and Rhaenyra hesitated here for a moment as she continued.

“I don’t believe he will be as averse to this choice as you think,” Rhaenyra said cryptically as she glanced at Aenys with a narrowed gaze, and she felt as if there was a secret there which she was not privy to, as Aenys chewed his lip and leaned back into his chair.

“That accursed Council!” her husband snarled angrily, taking a sip of wine from the glass as both Rhaenyra and herself glanced at each other.

“So will you?”

“No,” came the quick answer, even before Rhaenyra had finished her question as Aenys glanced at her friend.

“Let me think, just as you should as well, more a lot more. Your father’s condition, while worsening despite my efforts, is not terminal. If the Gods wish he could live for years and years, so take some time and think. Talk to Gwayne; don’t let your fears force you into a rushed choice,” he added, and though they hadn’t managed to convince him, at least it seemed that he had softened his stance somewhat.

“I will, though I doubt my decision will change,” Rhaenyra answered as silence reigned over the room as the three of them sat down, each lost in their own thoughts, until suddenly Rhaenyra spoke up.

“Speaking of that, what do you think of the Vale’s plea for help in dealing with the pirates,” Rhaenyra questioned, and Aenys sighed as he sat a bit straighter.

“The Crown will have to answer, of course, the relation between the two Houses is already strife. Ignoring their call for help would look very bad on the Crown,” and Rhaenyra nodded as she further questioned.

“And what of the marriage of Lady Rhea and Ser Joffrey Arryn?” she asked, and she saw Aenys think for a moment before he answered.

“It’s a good match, one that strengthens the political position of Lady Jeyne, though I wish they had informed us of it earlier,” he then looked towards.

“Your wishes for you to ride to the Vale for it,” and Rhaenyra nodded.

“He does. He believes it would be a step in mending the relationship between the Crown and the Vale,” she then glanced up at him.

“He wishes for you to join as well, would you?” she questioned and saw him glance towards Alicent with narrowed gaze.

“Why not? The capital has become quite tireso….” And suddenly, loud noises and screams of the City disturbed them, as and Rhaenyra herself quickly rushed towards the window to see what was happening.

There was no fire or riot, thankfully, though from the shouting, she could make out that someone had just been murdered.

“Let’s go and see what has happened?” Rhaenyra remarked as she rushed out of the room, and as she was about to follow her, she realized that Aenys had not shifted from his position even slightly and seemed rather nonchalant, which was quite unlike him. Unless he already knew the answer.

Her steps slowed down as the realization dawned on her, and she looked towards Aenys, who was simply sipping his wine.

“What did you do?” she questioned. A part of her already knew the answer as he looked at her, his face apathetic and cold as he replied in a stiff tone.

“Sent a message. Let us hope they understand it!”



Otto Hightower, the Hand of the King, walked into the King’s chambers, beckoned by the King himself.

Viserys Targaryen sat in his chair, dressed in a simple robe, one and he could see the rot arching up his neck. Lupus, Prince Aenys had called it, a disease that ate the very. How the Prince knew of it, when the Citadel held no record of it was a mystery to him, yet his efforts had bore fruit and the disease spread had slowed over the course of the months.

“Your grace,” Otto gave a small bow as the King quickly added.

“Otto! Come sit down. I wish to talk to you,” the King offered with a polite smile, and Otto acted on the King’s orders and took the offered seat, still ignorant about the topic of this discussion.

He could see Viserys looking at him with a complicated expression. One he would make when he had made a rather tough decision.

“It has been some time since we both sat down like this,” Viserys began, and he frowned. It was not like Viserys to reminisce about the old times, though Otto nodded nonetheless.

“Indeed so, your grace,” for though many did not know Otto and Viserys had first become acquainted with one another when he had served under Prince Baelon. He was a steward to the Spring Prince, and upon his demise, the Old King had made him the Hand temporarily, a position that would become truly his when the King saw just what he was capable of.

“Yes, I still remember the day when you came to serve my father with your dear wife,” the King began, his voice tinged with sadness.

“Those were simpler times,” the King added, and he still remained oblivious to the purpose of this calling. Viserys suddenly glanced at him with a saddened gaze as he leveled another question.

“How many years have you served as hand now?” Otto questioned, and he felt a chill pass through his spine.

‘It couldn’t be. Could it?’ He thought as he forced himself to answer in an even tone.

“A bit less than twenty years now, your grace,” he answered, and the King nodded, still looking at him with those saddened eyes, as fear and apprehension filled Otto’s heart.

Until Viserys finally spoke up.

“Nearly two decades, and I can easily say that you have served the realm as best as you could,” the King began as his heart thumped in her chest.

“But I believe the time has come for you to part from your position,” and he felt the floor vanish beneath him.

The King wanted him to remove him as Hand. He racked his mind for any mistakes, and though there were many a mistakes and plots, he could not reason out one which would warrant such a reaction.

“Have I somehow displeased you, your grace?” he questioned cautiously, and Viserys was quick to shake his head.

“No, not at all. As I said, you have served as Hand to the best of your abilities, but things are set to change, especially with the upcoming marriage between Rhaenyra and your son,” and then it all clicked together.

The Court was becoming tumultuous as the lords spoke of how House Hightower was gaining too much power, how he was gaining too much power with his daughter married to a Prince, and now his son was marrying the Princess and heir.

“You have served me faithfully over the years, yet the court and the lords raise questions on how a single House is gaining too much power,” Viserys confirmed his earlier suspicions.

“I promised Rhaenyra she could marry whomever she chooses, and she chose your son. And with Alicent married to Aenys, I can see why the lords would grumble, in the end this is the only way,” the King said with a frown, and Otto swallowed as he thought of what to do.

He could try and assuage Viserys, try and keep his position yet it appeared as though Viserys had already made his mind. Plus, even if he wasn’t the Hand that didn’t mean his influence would vanish over night especially given that his relation to Gwayne and Alicent.

“As you wish your grace,” he said as he slowly reached for the golden pin inched into his doublet, just as it had been for all those years. And as he took it out, he felt as if he was parting with a piece of himself, as he glanced at it one more time before placing it on the table infront of him.

Viserys glanced at the badge of the Hand of the King and gave him a nod.

“Know this Otto that this was not an easy decision to make,” VIserys spoke in a gentle tone and Otto nodded.

“I understand your grace, you are the King you must choose what is best for the realm,” he placated Viserys, who gave him a stiff smile.

“Though may I ask, whom do you plan to appoint as my replacement, your grace?” he questioned.

“Lord Strong,” Viserys replied, and it was a good choice. The man had served as the Master of Laws for a decade now and was a fair and competent enough.

“A good choice, your grace,” he commented and Viserys nodded.

As the King made to sip wine, they were interrupted by a sudden ruckus outside, and Otto stood up and headed towards the window.

“What is going on?” Viserys questioned.

“I don’t know, your grace, but let me find out,” and with that he walked out of the room, ordered the guards to bring him some answers.

And then minutes later they would arrive.

“It’s a tragedy, lord Hand. Lord Lyonel’s son, Lord Larys, has been killed!”



Mysaria found herself sitting with Daemon, who, for the first time in months was in a relatively good mood, despite the events of last night.

The death of Larys Strong had been strange, the man had worked tirelessly to keep himself out of prying eyes much like another character in the court, yet it seemed he had slipped, for the Prince Aenys had noticed him.

“Last night, the man who died, wasn’t he the one who led me into the castle and to the nursery?” Daemon questioned, his jaw had healed somewhat in the days, as he had been busy holding talks with the Sea Snake.

She nodded at his question.

“Yes, Larys Strong, he was the second son of Lord Lyonel Strong, and I suspect that his death was orchestrated by Prince Aenys,” she made her suspicion known and Daemon’s eyes narrow for a moment as he grunted.

“I believe this was a message, a reply to what happened between you and him in the nursery,” she told him and saw him nod after a moment.

“It seems he has a bit of dragon blood in him, huh? No matter, Corlys and I have reached an agreement for the match between me and Laena,” he told her, and she was surprised.

That was rather quick, and it seemed like the Prince hadn’t even needed to use the leverage she had given him on the man.

“That is good news,” she said, and Daemon smirked as he nodded and took a sip of the wine.

“Yes, though I have heard a certain rumor that my Bronze Bitch has found herself another man to marry,” he questioned, and she was surprised that he had heard of this and more so, was interested in this.

“Yes, she is set to marry Joffrey Arryn, a cousin of Lady Arryn herself, in the coming week,” she replied and saw his eyes narrow.

“Interesting, perhaps I shall give my Bronze bitch a visit to congratulate her,” he japed, or at least she hoped that was what it was.



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