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Chapter 36


Tsunade Senju watched as a water prison formed around Namikaze, who failed to teleport away, beside her Fugaku was injured heavily, it was a miracle that he was still alive, yet Ohashi had somehow targeted the man’s optical chakra pathways specifically, rendering his left eye useless, she had stopped the damage, and could heal it given some time.

Though as Ohashi appeared out of water, and Orochimaru stepped infront of her, she realized that she was not going to get that time.

“Interesting, it seems he has been quite busy, and has dismantled all of Namikaze’s markers,” Orochimaru muttered.

“But how…” and then the answer arrived, as water clones sprouted beside Ohashi, about a dozen water clones, and she saw him smirk, as she saw the area behind him become hazy as vapor began to form.

“We need to get Namikaze out of the prison,” Fugaku said as he struggled to her feet. She was about to mold chakra when she heard a small whisper.

“….Tomon Kai….” Her eyes widened, and then, before she could utter a word, Ohashi blurred above her and swung down his leg at Fugaku, who was caught off guard by his pace.

She pushed him down and pushed her arm up as Ohashi’s kick connected.

“ARHHHHHH!” she grunted in pain as she felt the bone in her arm.

Raiton: Snake Lightning Jutsu.” And she saw snakes of lightning arch towards Ohashi, who vanished once more, and appeared right behind her and swung his fist at her from behind, but Fugaku had gotten back to his feet and blocked the punch and tried to grip his hand.

“Katon: Pheonix Flame jutsu.” And he spewed a number of phoenixes at him, at point blank. Instead of dodging, she saw the water below them rush up in the form of a wall, as it covered Ohashi, who dislocated his shoulder and rushed under the Katon technique as he punched him.

“ARGHHH!” the man vomited blood and was sent back. She had tried to assist Fugaku but was preoccupied by three of his clones, much like Orochimaru.

Shadow Clone Jutsu!” she heard Orochimaru mutter as, as about ten of his clones appeared.

“CHAAA!” she shouted as punched two of his clones, destroying them, as the last one managed to punch her in the gut. She withstood the pain, before she swung her leg at it, destroying it as well, and as she was about to turn to face, Ohashi, she stilled as she heard a sound of chirping birds.

And then, in an instant, Ohashi was infront of her, his hand pulled back, a literal lightning storm held in his hand, as she heard him mouth.

Raiton: Lightning Blade!” He shouted, and then before she could react, a splatter of blood covered her vision before pain rippled through her as his fist went through her body, and she felt her vision darken as their eyes met.

She bit through the pain, as she unleashed the chakra stored in her special seal.

Byakugo: Unseal!” she uttered and felt him stiffen as he felt the massive pressure of her chakra. He tried to pull away his arm, yet she didn’t let him as she held him in his place using her left arm, as she felt the seal markings expand, and her body began to heal the massive injury she had just sustained.

“I don’t know what happened to you, but I promise you Hatake, I am gonna knock you back to your senses,” she uttered as she swung her right fist into his face, and he was sent crashing into the barrier to her side, and she fell to her knee, as she coughed up blood.

Sighing as the jutsu worked tirelessly to heal the massive injury she had sustained.

“Orochimaru, keep him busy. I need to get Minato out of there,” she said, as she jumped towards the clone maintaining the water prison, as Orochimaru raced towards where Ohashi had crashed. However, suddenly, she felt a massive build-up of chakra from above her and looked up, and her eyes widened as she saw Ohashi right there above her, his hand coated in lightning.

Yet it was the lightning construct behind him prowling among the crowds that had her still as she heard him whisper.

Begone with the thunder clap!”

“Raiton: Kirin!” he uttered, and the massive lightning construct rushed towards her. Their eyes met for an instant and she prepared herself for a sea of pain when, suddenly she felt a soft pair of snakes wrap around her torso and pull her to the side, as another figure infront of her,

“Fugaku!” she shouted as she recognized it to be the Uchiha patriarch. A red hue covered him as a ske;ta; structure began to sprout around him, this time adorned with a majestic shield.





Sweat dripped from his forehead as he watched the whole area disappear under the thick cloud of smoke. They had not expected this fight to be easy; everyone was aware of Ohashi’s prowess, yet this had been even harder than they had imagined.

Right now, Ohashi faced four kage-level shinobi, who were using strategies devised by him to counter him as best as they could, yet even then, he was facing them on near equal footing.

As the smoke cleared, and he saw the red hue of Fugkau’s technique, he felt his heart ease. Yet as his eyes landed on the shinobi himself, who was bleeding profusely and huffing for breath, as an equally hurt form of Ohashi Hatake stood facing him glaring at the Uchiha matriarch. His Susanno around him was disseminating, as the red hue vanishing as the Uchiha patriarch fell to his knees, his Sharingan vanishing.

“The Yate Mirror, I should have been more careful,” Ohashi snarled as he fell to his knee as one of his arms hung limply by his side. Tsunade-sama.

“Yata Mirror?” the ANBU beside him questioned, and Shikaku smirked as he nodded.

“It is a Uchiha artifact, a spiritual weapon that allows one to reflect any attack, yet it seems even it was not enough in this case,” Shikaku answered as he saw the precarious state of Fugkau. He could tell that the Uchiha was out of Chakra. Thankfully Tsunade-sama and Orochimaru-sama had managed to evade the technique.

Lady Tsunade rushed towards the Uchiha patriarch and began to heal him, as Orochimaru-sama rushed towards Ohashi, and suddenly a dozen massive snakes appeared out of the water and began to surround Ohashi, and began to bind him.

“Ninpo: Snake Prison.” And he saw several snakes bite into Ohashi, who closed his eyes.

“Raiton: Lightning Cage!”and then lightning arched around him, destroying the snakes, just as Orochimaru-sama engaged him in a taijutsu struggle, and this time, Ohashi was not dominating their clash as he had previously.

It seemed as if his injuries were beginning to take a toll on him, then suddenly, a pair of arms appeared out of the water and held Orochimaru-sama’s feet, as Ohashi managed to land a clean hit on him.

The man was sent barreling away, as Ohashi’s water clone appeared out of the water, as he quickly made a hand seal before a white haze began to spread all over the area.

“Ninpo: Shimmering Mist!”and with that, the whole area was covered by a cover of mist.

“Shit!” Shikaku cursed as he saw that this was not good. The Mist gave Ohashi an advantage, especially with the absence of Minato. This was not good. Not good at all.

And then suddenly, he stilled as he felt an ominous gaze staring at him, and he looked around and found no one. Yet his senses told him that there was someone watching them. Someone very powerful. He closed his eyes as he expanded his senses, yet he found no signature. The presence had seemingly vanished.

In the end after much failure, he opened his eyes with a frown, wary for he still felt uneasy for that gaze still lingered.

Though only if he had bothered to look up.



Ohashi Hatake moved through the mist using his senses. He held two blades made out of water in his hands and circled the two shinobi standing there in the center of the mist.

Without the aid of either Namikaze-san or Fugaku-san, Orochimaru-san alone could not get rid of his technique, and it was proving to be in his favor as he blurred past them once more, landing a quick strike on Tsunade-san’s tendon, barely avoiding her retaliatory strike, as she tried to punch him.

“Suiton: Thousand needles of death!” he uttered, and thousand water senbon surrounded the two sanin, and the Snake Sanin was quick to react as he put down his hand.

“Suiton: Wayer Wall!” and the senbon were blocked as three walls of water rose around them blocking his technique. By then Ohashi, was always beside the man and swung his blade at the Snake sanin’s neck.

However, before he could land the attack, his attack was interrupted by Tsunade Senju, who appeared infront of her teammate, the blade cut into his shoulder, and Ohashi saw her wince in pain, and even with the use of his Mangekyo ability, he failed to dodge, as the Senju iryo-nin punched him in the face.

“AGHHH!” he screamed in pain as his vision darkened for a second, and then before she could land a subsequent attack, he molded his chakra as two clones arose from his side and held her arms. Yet there was no holding her back as she pushed herself forward and struck him using his her head.



Ohashi’s skull cracked from the force of the attack, and Ohashi’s vision turned scarlet as he was forced to his knees. She swung her leg at him, but before she could do, it, Ohashi put his hand on the water surface, and pushed his chakra into it, and the water began to wrap around her lower limbs, and then freeze, locking her in place.

Her whole lower limb up to her torso froze, locking her in her place as Ohashi stumbled back to his feet, his vision blurry as pain eroded his senses. He could barely see through.t eh scarlet blood that now covered his vision.

Ohashi pulled back his hand and pushed chakra into it. Water from below began to rush up at his command, and a blue orb began to form in his hand, as he barely held himself there.

The weight of the jutsu made him stumble, yet Ohashi gritted his teeth as he fought through the pain and pushed forward his arm with all his might.

“Suiton: Soku Kozuki!” however, the Iryo nin didn't move to dodge or block the attack, and Ohashi realized that something was wrong as he heard her shout.

“NOW! MINATO!” and his eyes widened as he saw three-pronged kunai race past her shoulder and appear right above his head.

And then, in a yellow blur, the man he appeared there, Minato Namikaze. His bright blue eyes had changed color to yellow and had that recognizable horizontal slit in them, along with a bright yellow marking around his eyes, and in his hand was a massive orb of Chakra, concentrated to such an extent that its thrum could be felt from such a distance.

“SENPO: OODAMA RASENGAN!” and the man swung his arm, as the blue giant orb rushed towards him, and Ohashi pushed chakra into his leg, twisting his body and breaking his hip joint. He spun in the air as he pushed his own smaller orb of chakra infront of him.


Both the justu collided, and then pain rippled through his arm as the whole area exploded.




The Uchiha patriarch huffed as the whole ground shook from the sheer force of the explosion, causing a storm inside the barriers. The sheer destructive capabilities of Senjustsu made anyone who could use the sage arts a certified S-ranked ninja, though as the blonde jounin blurred infront of him grasping his bloodied arm, huffing for breath he realized that the man was still far from mastering the said technique.

“Minato!” Tsuande-sama gasped as she rushed towards the blonde and began to heal him, his injuries had been cared for, and it seemed that the blonde was in need of immediate assistant.

His eyes went to the cloud of dust and smoke as he spoke up.

“Is it over?” he questioned as he struggled to his feet, and though no man should be able to survive after taking an attack like that, the sheer prowess displayed by Ohashi made him doubt whether he was yet a man.

And he gasped as he saw the silver-haired Hatake standing on one leg, his right arm had been reduced to a sheer mess, as he stood there huffing, bleeding, yet alive.

“How can he still stand?” Minato questioned as the Hokage and her teammate stepped forward. Out of the four of them, they were in the best condition. She glanced towards him as she questioned.

“Can you do it now?” she questioned, and he nodded, though his reserves were low. With the state Ohashi was in, he could finally use that technique on him, the very technique that had begun this all, for he knew that the only way to counter Izanami was through Izanami, and if Mikoto’s guess was right, Ohashi was well aware of that as well.

She nodded as she turned towards Minato and Orochimaru, who both brought together their hands in a tiger seal.



OHNOKI- The Fence Sitter

Ohnoki floated in the skies above Ame as he watched four of Konoha’s most elite shinobi fighting with a silver-haired shinobi. This silver-haired shinobi was probably also the one who had defeated Hanzo to take control of the village, and he smirked at the opportunity the Gods had presented him with.

The fight had seemingly drained the four Konoha ninjas, and thus, this presented him with a perfect opportunity to tackle with all his problems. One opportunity to deal with both Konoha and Ame, and he smirked as he brought together his arms.

And so, Ohnoki rustled up his chakra, as he cycled through a long set of handseals. His very chakra network felt strained from the massive volume of chakra he was molding. His reserves began to drop significantly and were halved as he finished making the required handseals as he put down his hand.

Bu now, several shinobi below had sensed his presence, yet it was too late.

It was time they learned of the true power of a Kage.

“NINPO: TENGAI SHINSEI!” (Concealed Heaven)

And then a meteor appeared in the skies above, parting the clouds as it descended down, sealing the fates of all those present below, for this was not the power of a man.

This was the power of a God!


This chapter took me about five tries to write. And even now, I am unsatisfied with it. Yet, in the end, this is the best I could do.

I know Ohashi may seem underpowered, but he is facing four Kage-level shinobi, at their peak who have been chosen specifically to combat him. And amongst those shinobi is also Minato, who arguably is a bit of a hack with his Hiraishin

And though it may not seem like it but during the Izanami Ohashi was able to preserve a semblance of self. This was what allowed him to make the choice of rescuing Mikoto and that vestige of his old self is also putting up some internal resistance here.

As for Ohnoki, he is a student of Muu and can easily escape sensors, according to Canon. This was the best opportunity for him to deal with all his problems in one go, dealing both Konoha and Ame a serious blow, crippling them in one stoke. That is why he used such a technique, one which drained half the reserves of a Kage.

Yeah, give me your thoughts.

And do you guys want a Batman chapter?


Caleb Hopper

I thought it was good. And yes for the batman chapter.


Hahaah, well i shall try to get a new chap done in the next 12 hrs.