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Chapter 19


Kakashi Hatake stilled as he watched the stupified face of his teammate who had just been eliminated from the match due to his carelessness, though it was a relief, given that he won't have to care for that idiot now, and wouldn’t be held back by the idiot as well.. Though he was equally amazed by the level of skill of the opposing team.

Kakashi had been a part of their class for some time and had known about their skill level, or at least he had thought he did. Yet in the past months they had improved, the taijutsu of Asuma Sarutobi and Ebisu had improved by miles yet the biggest surprise was the kunoichi standing behind them with her brows scrunched up, as she held her hands in a ram seal, clearly controlling whatever special ninjutsu that had taken out Obito.

But despite their improvements, he was quite sure that he could take them out, if he could take out Kurenai who was behind this invisible justu.

“Obito Uchiha, please leave the field,” came the voice of his brother from the side, and Kakashi watched as Obito glanced at their sensei, who had a look of slight disappointment on his face, as he gestured for Obito to leave the fields.

“But I can still con….” His idiotic teammate tried to speak up, but their sensei was quick to cut him off, his tone serious and sharp.

“The rules were clear Obito, a clan decapitating hit, and you are out. Come here,” and he saw the Uchiha grit his teeth as he began to leave the field.

"You better win against these cheaters, Bakashi!” he shouted trying to motivate him, making him scoff.

“What is the plan Kakashi-kun? If we don’t attack, we will lose because we are a man down. But if we move in, then we will get attacked by whatever jutsu took out Obito-kun,” questioned Rin from the side, and Kakashi understood her concern.AT least Rin was smart enough to listen to him, unlike that ignorant Uchiha idiot.

They were in a bit of a pickle, and the cause of their distress was the invisible jutsu that had taken out Obito, and the one behind it was the Kurani Yuhi standing there.

“Support me from behind. Let me try something,” he said as he took out his tanto and saw Asuma and Ebisu gear up as well. He then broke out into a run and watched as they both rushed forward to face him. Kakashi ducked and two shurikens whizzed past him, as Rin provided him with cover as his sword clashed with Asuma’s knuckle blades.

Their clash was short-lived, and just as Kakashi was about to overpower Asuma, Sarutobi suddenly stepped back, and Kakashi felt the air shift when he suddenly ducked and felt something pass right above him.

Ebisu tried to kick him, but Kakashi jumped up and suddenly felt something rush towards him from above, and then he shifted his sword. He was able to block the attack using his sword but was pushed back. He used the force of the attack and jumped back to retreat back to his earlier position.

Rin stood there, a bit anxious and contemplative, as he landed by her side. And a plan began to form in his head, a plan which would involve him using that.His secret jutsu was still incomplete despite the help he had gotten from Ohashi, yet a part of him knew that he had no other choice.

“I can take out the other two, but first, we need to take out Kurenai. As long as her jutsu is active, I won't be able to engage the other two for long enough to take them out,” Kakashi remarked, and Rin nodded, her specialty was in iryo-ninjutsu which meant that it was up to him to take out Kurenai, yet Asuma and Ebisu stood there in front of her hoarding her and he knew that with them in the way he won't be able to take her out.

“I could join you and act as bait….” but Kakashi shook his head.

“No, they aren’t dumb enough to fall for any tricks. They have practiced their formation quite a bit,” he remarked as he looked to the side at the shinobi behind the massive improvements in the three of them and the possible mind behind their tactics.

Kakashi was quite sure that the technique Kurenai Yuhi was using was one of his brother’s recent creations, for he was sure that he hadn’t seen something like this earlier. It was a testament to the prowess of his brother, for he had invented at least two A-ranked techniques, even before reaching the twenties, a feat that only their sensei could boast among the Konoha forces.

“I have a plan,” he said as he decided to use his trump card despite it still being incomplete. He had planned on using it against their sensei to surprise him, but there was no other way left.

“I want you to attack first and try to distract Asuma and Ebisu, be careful. Try to move them away from the center,” he remarked as he put his tanto back in its scabbard and took a deep breath.

“What will you do, Kakashi-kun?” asked Rin as she took out her kunai, as Kakashi took his stance and began to make handseals.

“I am going to take Kurenai to get rid of this technique,” he remarked, as he finished making the handseals and held his right hand as he began to gather massive amounts of chakra in his hand, making it take a visible form.

Rin saw this and gave him a nod, and rushed out, and Kakashi gritted his teeth as he began to mold the massive amount of chakra into the required chakra nature. He felt the skin on his hand tingle in pain, yet he gritted through as the massive glob of chakra began to shift as lightning began to arch out of it as his jutsu took its final form.

The miniature storm of lightning began to make his hand shake yet he held it still as the sound of chirping of birds began to reverberate in the area.

He looked up and found Rin struggling against Asuma and Ebisu, she glanced back and their eyes met as she suddenly left herself open to an attack and used the small opportunity to land a clan blow on Asuma, as she pushed him away. Ebisu was quick to react and landed a blow on Rin, eliminating her as well.

But she had done her job as both of them were out of his way, giving him a straight view of Kurenai.

“Rin Nohara, Asuma Sarutobi. Out!” came their sensei’s voice but she had done her part, and Kakashi’s eyes met the red orbs of Kureanai Yuhi as he lowered his lightning-clad hand to the ground making the very ground crack as he pulled his arm began and pushed chakra into his legs.

“Raiton….!” he whispered, as he pushed himself off the ground, the whole world whizzed past him, blurring away as his senses failed to keep up with him. He saw Ebisu trying to push himself in front of his teammate but he was too slow as Kakashi whizzed past him and reached the black-haired kunoichi in the blink of an eye. And extended his lightning-clad arm, aiming it right above her shoulder.

“Chidori!” he shouted as the lightning cackled, and his arm went right by her ear, and he smiled internally as he waited for the announcement, yet the words kind of shook him.

“Kurenai Yuhi, Hatake Kakashi. OUT!” and the words shook him, and just as he was about to shout at their sensei, he looked to the side and found three kunai aimed right at him, from the above and the sides, as the black-haired Kunoichi smiled triumphantly.

“We win!” she said with a weak smile as she wiped away all the sweat from her face.

“Team Minato has lost all members. Team Ohashi wins!” came the voice of their sensei, startling him, before suddenly hearing a loud groan from his useless teammate.

“NOOO! How could you lose like this Bakashi, even after Rin-san sacrificed herself like this!” shouted Obito souring his already agitated mood.

“Shut up, it's not like you did anything useful you idiot!” Kakashi retorted as he glared at the Uchiha who huffed.

“It was a mistake, I..I jus.. just slipped. Yeah, I just slipped otherwise I would have beaten them all myself…” and before Kakashi could tear him a new one, their sensei intervened.

“All right, team, that is enough!” Kakashi stiffen up at the tone of their sensei, who had a polite smile on his face, yet all three of them knew there was a massive storm brewing behind that smile..

“Why don’t we gather up and discuss the spar, I believe there is quite a bit to cover here,” remarked their sensei, and all the three of them could do was nod

“Yes, sensei!”



Ohashi placed his hand on the ground and closed his eyes as he let his senses expand as he tried to locate the hidden Foundation base. He was at the border of Konoha and the base he had located was located just outside the border, right in between the territories of Land of Fire and Land of Rice, and finally, he found it just a few miles ahead.

Finding the bases had been quite a hassle since Danzo was on crazy monster. He constantly moved them from one location to another, and the seals he employed were extremely intricate making it hard to locate a base, in the end, Ohashi had been forced to use clones to monitor the movement of men, as they shifted from one base to another in order to locate these bases.

He pushed chakra into his soles and vanished as he began to make his way to the hidden base, his body moved on instinct from the years and years of practice and his mind began to wonder to his team.

Teaching Genin had been quite an experience, and he had been quite mindful about his teachings, hence he had arranged that training session with Team Minato. And his team had performed well above his expectations, making him think that perhaps he had been pushing them a bit too much.

Though given that they were in the middle of a war, he found his cautiousness quite adequate. He reached the location and found two ANBU guarding the entrance, Ohashi took a deep breath and suppressed his chakra as he took out his tanto, cycled through a set of handseals, and whispered.

“Suiton: Shimmering Mist.”And exhaled slowly as the chakra-laced mist began to envelop the forest, and just as the two ANBU noticed the thickening air, Ohashi pushed chakra through the air and scrambled their senses before he vanished into the mist.

The two ANBU noticed the genjutsu, yet before they could do anything about it, he slit their necks cutting their vocal cords in a swift motion making it impossible for them to alert anyone inside. Though, his efforts seemed to be in vain as he felt a number of presences from inside the cave, making him sigh.

He could engage them all and probably kill them all, yet he still had to get the evidence before they wiped it all. So, he made handseals as he made his plan.

“Suiton: Water Clone Jutsu.” And three water clones appeared behind him, and then he took out the scroll tied to his back. It was one of the trump cards that he had prepared for situations like this.

He bit his thumb and unsealed the scroll to reveal a massive modified storage seal inscribed there, and it glowed as he pushed the chakra into it.

“Ninpo: Mist Storm!” and then the seal was undone as a massive storm of mist came out of the scroll enveloping the whole cave, making it the perfect atmosphere for him.

The clones would take out anyone who stepped outside as he would rush in and get the required evidence. The sound of ANBU approaching was getting louder, and Ohashi gave his clones a nod and rushed into the caves, silently and covertly moving past the ANBU who were rushing out of the cave, as he made his way through the cave his senses latched onto a specific chakra signature.

He raced past a dozen or so men, as he silently entered the room from which he had sensed the chakra signature that resembled Lady Tsunade, a part of him already knowing the source of the signal.

And as soon as he entered the room, he was nauseated at the sights in front of him. There were bodies of children placed in glass caskets, surrounded by a green liquid with various tubes connected to them, there was some rotting corps in some of the tube corps that belonged to children who could be no more than six or seven years old.

Ohashi slowly moved through the room, his heart thumping in his chest as he saw the wanton cruelty on display. He was of course aware of the damning things Danzo and Orochimaru did yet seeing it was a whole other experience. Nothing had prepared him for what he was seeing, rotting corps of children who had been experimented upon by a mad scientist all to appease a power-hungry maniac.

Suddenly, he heard a whimper and looked at the corner of the room, and his eyes widened as he saw a cage placed there. A cage filled with children, most of them covered thin as grass with their skin hugging their bones, most of them were unconscious and strewn across the floor, with only one of them barely clinging to consciousness.

Ohashi approached the cave, and cut through the metal bars with a quick swing of his tanto, as he slowly walked towards the barely conscious kid. His heart thumped with each step as he recognized the signature silver hair of the kid, hair that resembled his own.

The kid suddenly shifted and looked up, and Ohashi stilled instantly and could only utter a single word as he saw the piece of paper near its neck, and it was only then he noticed how the whole room was covered with explosive tags.

“FUCK!” he shouted as he pushed chakra into his feet, and jumped back as the whole room shook as the tags burned up.






Damn cliffhanger why would you do this your a monster. On a other note love the spar between the teams and I wonder will Mc learn Chidori and Rasengan. Also is the child a experimental clone. Either way can’t wait for the next update.


Child is a biologically modified clone indeed, and the similarity in their chakra is what allowed him to locate the base.