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Chapter 24


It was early in the morning, and Aenys found himself sitting in the Sea Lord’s palace once more. The two of them sat in his solar, and the only sound in the room was of his fingers thrumming on the wooden table as he thought about the proposal from the Sealord.

With Drahar dead, Aenys had little reason to attack the pirates. His real target was now all those who had backed him, and thankfully his associates from a couple of days ago had been friendly enough to give him the name she had missed. Of course, he couldn’t move against them openly, at least not yet. But he could just simply chip away their coffers slowly, beggaring them one gold dragon at a time. Yet the Company of Rose had already begun mobilization for his contract and that meant that he would have to pay them half of the contract fee even if he canceled it, and that would be a loss. A massive loss.

“So what do you think? I believe my offer benefits both of us,” said Armando Ferosa magnanimously as Aenys’s mind raced. The man had offered to buy off the Company of Rose’s contract off of him because with the mobilization from Kingslanding Bravos couldn’t remain behind and let Kingslanding have control over all of Stepstones. Negotiations were going on yet if Bravos had nothing to bring to the table how could they force even begin to negotiate? And so came his offer.

They would buy off his contract and then use the Company of Rose to conquer parts of Stepstones so they could have an equal negotiation with Kingslanding for the Stepstones. The move was complicated and could further complicate his relationship….

“And please don’t worry about the issues from Kingslanding. No one will hear about this from me, and the initial negotiations with Kingslanding have been fruitful and I am confident that we will reach a reasonable accord,” assured Armando. But Aenys was doubtful of his words, especially with the new information he had gotten about one of his close confidants.

Though, in the end, he nodded. In the end, it didn’t really matter. The pirates were going to die and this way, he wouldn’t be stretched so thin and could focus more on the real culprits. Armando smiled enthusiastically at his words.

“Ahh, that is good. I believe this calls for a celebration,” and just as he was about to refuse, the man continued, “A private one, of course. Plus, Blair has been dying to meet the lady that stole the Healer Prince’s heart.”

Aenys could only shake his head at that. Blair was the Sealord’s wife and amongst his earlier patients. The woman had been adamant to set him up with one of her relatives though thankfully, Aenys had been able to avoid that disaster. But it would be hardly inappropriate to deny such an invitation, so he nodded.

“We will be happy to attend,” Aenys said as the man passed him a wine-filled cup. And Aenys could do nothing as they both toasted and drowned their cups.

“Good, good. Now, tell me Aenys with all this business done when will Bravos see its resident Prince’s wedding,” questioned the man reminding him of his plans. And the man was right, perhaps it was time.

“We will have to see,” aenys shrugged because it truly wasn’t just his decision. He would have to talk to Alicent about it as well. They chatted a bit more about various topics before he finally left the Sealord’s palace and as his carriage moved past the streets of Bravos he suddenly spotted a shop along the side.

“Jerome, have him turn the carriage and make a stop at Sepia jewelry,” Aenys ordered his servant. Jerome nodded and spoke to the driver. Aenys had truly never shopped for a female in quite some time, and so it had only been a month later had he realized that Alicent lacked any jewelry. He had berated himself for his mistake and now it was time to rectify it.

He walked out of the carriage and into the shop. The shopkeeper was a primly dressed man standing behind rows and rows of meticulously crafted pieces of jewelry, ranging from rings to tiaras. And from the little he knew about women’s ornaments Sepia was amongst the best shops in all of Bravos. The man greeted him politely and seemed a bit surprised at getting a customer so early in the morning.

Aenys walked around the shop and scanned the objects and found them quite satisfactory. So, he walked up to the man, behind the counter and told him of his decisions.

“Yes, this will do,” said Aenys making the man frown.

“Which piece, may I ask?” questioned the man. And Aenys looked up and smiled.

“All of them!”


Alicent Hightower shifted nervously in her bed as she found herself missing her friend. As much as Aenys may try, life in Bravos was a lot different than in Kingslanding. In Kingslanding, the castle was always bustling with activity. In comparison life here in Bravos was slower and duller. There were no feasts or tourneys. The entertainment here was of a different nature, and the city usually became alive after the setting of the Sun. From her balcony, she often saw the famous water dancers of Bravos test their mettle against one another in the silvery light of the moon.

There would often be a kind of a small procession when one of the infamous courtesans of Bravos would decide to join the festivities often, and then the clashes would turn more intense and loud than usual as the Bravo fought to gain even a hint of their affection.

She continued to twist and turn listlessly before she decided that it was time to get up, and with the Sun already up, it was better for her to get up and get on with her day. Her bath was already drawn up, and after a brief soak, she put on a rather simple dress before she left her room.

As she came out of the Hall, the servants stood there attentively and she frowned as saw some of their servants entering the manse carefully carrying ornately designed wooden boxes. As she descended the stairs the head of the maids, Anya, bowed as she saw her.

“Good morning, my lady. Should I have them prepare breakfast for you,” she questioned respectfully, but Alicent pointed at the boxes being brought in and asked her.

“What is going on here?” she questioned, hoping to get an idea of what was in those boxes. But before the head maid could answer, Aenys stepped into the manse from the massive doors, dressed in a rather elaborate doublet showing that he had gone out for some business.

“Ah, good morning Alicent,” he said as he joined her. And she did not miss how his smile was a bit tense, and she greeted him as well before she asked him her question from earlier.

“What is in all these boxes, Aenys?” she questioned as he led her toward the guest room where the boxes were being stacked. He shifted for a moment before he finally spoke up.

“Oh, well, they are for you,” he said, making her frown. Though she had visited the markets a couple of times now, she did not remember ordering all this.

“What do you mean they are for me?” she questioned, a bit perplexed by his statement. Aenys smiled sheepishly as he sat her down.

“Ahh, you see, as I was returning from the Sealord’s palace, I remembered that though I had hired those seamstresses to make you a full wardrobe, I had forgotten about something rather important,” he said, and her eyes widened as the realization dawned on her. Yet his next words confirmed her suspicion.

“Jewellery, and with the Drahar situation behind us. I had hoped that we could discuss our marriage, but before that, I had to rectify my mistake,” he continued sheepishly, and suddenly as she saw the stacks and stacks of boxes, she realized just what he had done.

“So, you decided to buy it all,” she finished his sentence with a shake of his head. He at least had the conscience to break out into a small laugh as he tilted his head and spoke slowly.

“Well, from what I have heard, a girl can never have enough diamonds?” he japed, and then she just looked at him before both of them broke out into a small laugh. After they were both done, she spoke up.

“And about the pirates. Are you not going to do anything about them?” she questioned, and she was intimately aware of his hatred for them. He became quiet at that before he eventually replied.

“The pirates are going to die one way or another. That was also part of the reason I was called so early into the Sealord’s office,” he explained, and then he explained to her about the mobilization in Kingslanding and how the Sealord wanted to buy the Company of Rose contract off of him.

“So, yeah. This gives me enough capital to carry on with my usual trading business without interruption and allows me to go after all those who backed Drahar,” he finished, his fists balling up. And every time she saw this side of him, she was reminded that the person sitting in front of him wasn’t a regular human, he was a descendant of Valyrian dragonlords, dragonlords who once ruled nearly the whole world, and it showed.

He noticed her getting queasy and sighed before he apologized to her.

“I am sorry about this. But I ju…” she did not let him finish and gently placed her hand on his paling fist.

“I know Aenys,” she said, reassuring him, “You don’t have to explain.”

And he smiled at her as the both of them just simply sat there, silent and comforted by each other’s embrace. In the end, it was she who broke the silence first.

“So, marriage, huh,” she said with a smile, looking up at his face as his arms tightened around her. And he smiled as he replied.

“Yeah, marriage,” he finished. And Alicent just let herself relax in her arms and thought of what it exactly meant. She had not thought about it, though she knew that it was going to happen. But was she ready? Were they?

She looked up at Aenys, and over their months together, she had begun to unravel the mystery that was Aenys Targaryen. For that was what he was, a mystery. He was caring, considerate, generous, and by every definition of the world, brilliant. The care and attention he had shown her over the months were something she had never expected out of anyone. And perhaps it was not the kind of love she had for Rhaenyra, and she knew she loved him.

She did, and with everything she had seen, perhaps he loved her as well.

“Is there a problem, Alicent!” he questioned, and she was broken out of her trance and shook her head immediately.

“No, no. Everything is fine,” she assured him, but she suddenly felt a pair of gentle hands on her and looked down to see that she had started chipping away at her thumb once more.

“Tell me what you are thinking, Alicent?” yet how could she? She looked up and found his gentle gaze focused on her, his eyes filled with care and concern. And her lips quivered before she finally mustered the courage and spoke her.

“Do you still love Gael even after all these years?” she spoke up, and she felt him go still by her side. And his lips thinned before he asked a question of his own.

“Why brought this on Alicent?” he asked, and she chewed her lip and looked down, and silence reigned between them before she finally spoke softly.

“Because I want to know if there is there any space left in your heart for me,” she said as tears dripped from her eyes. A broken smile on her face. And she knew it was selfish of her, perhaps even cruel. Yet she needed to know.

She felt a pair of gentle hands cup her face, making her look up at him as he wiped away her tears. His eyes were glowing, and her heart stilled as he saw him gaze at her with those amethyst orbs.

“There is no space in my heart, Alicent,” he said, and her heart tore itself at those words, and she closed her eyes. And she closed her eyes, yet he suddenly continued.

“Because it’s already filled with you,” he finished, and she felt a cold breath of air on her lips. And as soon as the implication behind those words dawned on her, she opened her eyes and saw his face inches away from her. Her very reflection was clear in his eyes.

And she nodded before she closed the distance between them, her lips touching his as they both melted with each other. Her hands gripped his head as his hands wrapped themselves around her. And soon enough, the fabric encompassing them both became unraveled.

They finally separated, gasping for breath, yet still lost in each other. She felt abashed as she saw his gaze lingering on her before he inched slowly, inched closer, and whispered slowly.

“Are you sure about this?” he questioned, as he held her like a prized, fragile, treasured, despite the hunger in his eyes. And she nodded slowly, her nose touching his as she smiled and answered,

“I am!”



Gwayne Hightower found himself walking along the docks of Kingslanding as he thought of the days. The docks were less busy than usual, much like the capital itself, after the departure of the army for the crusade on the Stepstones.

The King had sent a force of twenty thousand to bring down the wretched pirates inhabiting those wretched islands. Gwayne himself had wished to join the army and win honor and glory, yet his father had forbidden him from doing so. And so he found himself bored in the capital. His elder brother was gone.

As he walked past the docks he cast a glance back, and his eyes narrowed at the hooded man following him. A tail that had been following him for some time now. He frowned as he turned to the right into a narrow street and hid at the edge. And just as the man was about to enter the narrow alley, Gwayne lept out and put his dagger on the man’s back.

“Who are you, and why are you following me?” he questioned sharply, and the man began to speak frantically.

“I am just a messenger, my lord. I have a letter for you from your sister, Lady Alicent,” said the man making him still. A letter from Alicent!

“Don’t lie to me! If Alicent wanted to write to me, she would use a raven! Tell me who you are?” he said once more as he forced the man onto his knees.

“I am not lying, my Lord. My name is Chuck, and I work for Prince Aenys. I was ordered by Prince Aenys to have a message delivered to you,” continued the man frantically.

“They are in my pocket! You can see them for yourself, my lord,” said the man, and Gwayne frowned. He patted down the man and found no weapon on him, so h put his hand into his pocket and the man had not lied as Gwayne brought out a couple of letters.

“Don’t move!” he ordered, and the man nodded and stayed still as he moved back and turned the letters.

There were four of them. Two letters addressed to both him and Princess Rhaenyra. His hands stilled as he saw the handwriting on one of the letters, and he recognized it at once.

That was Alicent’s writing. The man was not lying.

Yet why had his sister sent a letter like this? Why?


This scene was inspired by the first romance novel I ever read. It was a Korean one that I somehow stumbled on, named Lucia.

So yeah, a bit of a slow chapter. But hopefully, I will compensate by uploading the omake about Gael and Aenys this Sunday.

As always, thanks for reading!



I wonder if there going be further implications of him living in essos now because I’m pretty sure the free city lords won’t like him living there because he has a dragon considering essos history of valeryia empire.

Rahul Vijay

Thanks for the chapter! I also hope there is a timeskip soon as we got to see the confirmation of Allicents and Aenys relationship, just hope they won’t give birth to another Aegon II but a more Aegon V kind of character. Will there be a chap tmrw as well on webnovel since you released the chap a day early?


Next chap will come next week. I uploaded a bit earlier cuz i was gling to be away from my laptop for a couple of days.