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Chapter 12


The heir of the Terumi clan watched as Mangetsu blurred in front of Ohashi. His sword lit up, and waves of pressure came from the massive twin swords.

“HIRAMEKAREI: RELEASE!” screamed Mangetsu as his grip around her swords tightened, and the massive dual sword began to glow up with chakra. Even at her distance, she could feel chakra rolling off of the sword.

She watched as Hatake grew pale and tried to jump off of the branch, yet the tree’s roots gave out in the same second. Her eyes widened as Hatake lost his footing, and Mangetsu smirked as he swung the Hiramekarei.

And instinctively, she knew the attack would hit. And if it did, it could spell the end of Ohashi Hatake. Yet for some reason, it didn’t fill her with the sense of triumph and accomplishment that she had thought it would.

She had known Hatake for over half a decade and had waged battle against him over more than twenty times now, due to some stroke of luck. Yet the first time she had met him, they hadn’t bared their blades at each other. Rather they had fought together.

Yet in war that meant little. Very little, as she hardened her heart and narrowed her eyes at Ohashi. And suddenly she felt his chakra thrum suddenly and then his lips moved.

“…. KAI!” and it was the last words she could hear before suddenly the area in front of her exploded.


She was pushed back, her feet grinding on the ground. Dust covered the whole area as Mangetsu launched his attack, an attack which Hatake had little chance of dodging! Hiramekarei glew as it released a massive blast of chakra aimed straight at Ohashi.

“AGHHHH!” suddenly a body was thrown out of the dust and Mei’s eyes widened as Mangetsu appeared out of the dust, eyes glaring straight ahead. He tried to stand up yet he winced in pain as he coughed up a lot of blood before he dropped to his knee and began to huff.

“Mangetsu!” Mei was broken out of her trance and jumped towards her fellow Kiri nin who continued to look straight ahead.

“Monster!” she heard him whisper as he wiped away the blood staining his chin, while his eyes remained focused straight ahead. Right, where Ohashi had been, waves of chakra continued to roll off of the area.

And her chakra quivered a bit as someone stepped out of the dust, that someone being Ohashi Hatake. Yet even his appearance had changed, with his skin tinged red as his chakra rippled out, but she didn’t miss the blood dripping from his mouth or the way he huffed for breath.

Mangetsu got up and picked up his sword once more.

“I don’t know what technique he is using but I can tell it’s taking a toll on him. Back me up Terumi, I am not letting him get away this time,” ordered Mangetsu and she nodded as she pushed her own chakra through her coils.

“BOIL RELEASE: DECAYING MIST!” she said as she decided to turn to her other Kekkei Genkai, and then Mangetsu jumped away. She bathed the whole area in front in acidic boiling mist.

Hatake caught on and jumped back, though Mangetsu was already there waiting for him, with his blade in hand. She watched as Hatake and Mangetsu engaged in a short exchange, and she aimed her jutsu toward them.

Mangetsu’s body suddenly dissolved into water and began to form a cacoon around the silver-haired shinobi.

“Got you!” said Mangetsu as he appeared right behind his clone, his hands finishing a set of head seals.

“SUITON: WATER PRISON JUTSU!” screamed Mangetsu as the water nearly wrapped itself around Hatake. But before the jutsu was completed, she felt the same pressure she had felt earlier. As the red shroud around Ohashi thickened, and she finally heard him whisper.

“Shomon: KAI!” he screamed before the water prison was blasted away, and he jumped away into a blur. But this time, she had closely sensed the shift in his chakra and noticed something rather unique.

“Mangetsu! Whatever technique he uses is disturbing the flow of his chakra through his body. He probably cannot use ninjutsu in his current form!” she shouted at her comrade who struck Hiramekarei into the ground to stop himself before he sprang right back towards Hatake

She cycled through another set of seals.

“KATON: PHOENIX FLAMES JUTSU!” and the fiery projections rushed at Hatake, aimed straight at him. Mangetsu caught up to him due to her intervention and just as he was about to engage him. They were interrupted by a sharp whistle.

A sound that was a signal for her.

Mangetsu continued to chase after Ohashi who was limping now, probably from a fracture. Mei expanded her senses to feel his chakra when she suddenly felt a massive build up of chakra from right behind her. She glanced back and saw a massive sky high tidal wave appear right behind her and she knew that this was it.

“MANGETSU! WE NEED TO GET AWAY!” she screamed and Mangetsu glanced back and his eyes widened as well as he saw the massive wave behind them. She saw him curse, before he nodded, and joined her. They both suppressed their chakra as they jumped away from the path of the suiton jutsu and as she was moving away. Mei couldn’t help herself as she glanced back, and saw Ohashi struggling to stand up.

“Huh, at least, I won’t have to deal with this guy ever again. Fucking Imposter!” cursed Mangetsu as he jumped ahead, and for some reason her heart lurched as she saw him struggling there. She didn’t understand why it pained her seeing him die. She should be relieved that one of her most troublesome opponents was dying yet her heart still ached.

So, she decided to turn her gaze. And close her eye, as she made a prayer for him in her heart.



Minato Namikaze frowned as he felt Ohashi’s chakra ripple in an uncontrolled fashion. Someone else had joined Mangetsu in his fight, and since then Ohahsi had been on the back foot.

Suddenly, the clouds rumbled, and Minato instinctively jumped back as a lightning bolt hit the ground, exactly where he had been standing moments ago.

But that wasn’t all, suddenly the air behind him buzzed as Biwa Juzo appeared there and swung his massive sword straight at him. Minato ducked as he avoided the strike from the executioner’s blade and plunged his kunai into the man’s chest.

Yet there was no blood as the body dissolved into a water clone, and he watched as Ameyuri Ringo stood right behind the clone. Lightning arched around her.

She struck her sword into the ground touching the water.

“RAITON: WATERFALL SHOCK!” and the lightning arched through the water, aimed straight at him.

Though it never touched him as he vanished and saw Ameyuri’s eyes widen as he appeared right behind her, the kunai he had thrown earlier was now right behind her and he caught it in his hand and swung it straight at her neck.

Ameyuri’s eyes widened as she saw him, but the bruised Lightning Mistress finally failed to respond to his attack.

“SUITON: WATER DRAGON BULLET!” screamed Juzo Biwa and a water dragon rushed straight at him. Minato felt her kunai cut through flesh, and just as the water dragon was about to hit her he vanished once more and appear a meter or so away from both the Kiri nin.

And he frowned as he saw, that the Lightning Mistress had managed to somehow didge his attack, not unscathed though for she bled heavily out of her neck, as she dropped to her knee and glared daggers at him.

“What the hell were you thinking Ameyuri? Letting him get so close!” screamed Juzo Biwa who was older and more experienced of the two. Though he was in no better condition himself and was littered with cuts and bruises, and stood there grunting in pain as he bled out of his gut.

“SHUT UP!” screamed Ameyuri at her compatriot. And Minato found their comradeship unique for the both continued to insult and bicker with one another during their whole exchange. Yet their attacks were rather well coordinated, and both covered each other well.

“It seems all those rumors about you are true, Yellow Flash,” said Juzo Biwa and Minato suddenly frowned as he felt the shifts in Ohashi’s chakra. He had pushed past the third gate and had just opened the fifth gate. Ohashi had told him that he hadn’t mastered the fourth gate and had informed him of the toll using it took on him.

Mianto’s eyes hardened as he looked beyond the two Kiri nin at the forest where Ohashi was and he knew that he had to help the kid. And for that, he needed to end this right now.

Suddenly their fight was interrupted by the sound of the whistle. And he saw the shift in the demeanor of the two Kiri nin. It was meant for them.

“Well, it seems we are gonna have to cut this short, Yellow Flash,” said Juzo Biwa and Minato understood what that meant. Ameyuri to his side continued to glare at him, and despite the massive blood loss she stood there and screamed at him.

“I am not going to forget this Namikaze, I am going to get you the next time we meet,” she screamed and Minato simply exhaled as he closed his eyes and got into his stance once again.

“I am afraid I cannot let you go,” he said before he blurred and appeared right behind Juzo Biwa and swung his kunai at his throat but to his surprise, Ameyuri Ringo had reacted faster than he could imagine and was already behind him. Sword in Hand and he barely moved his head out of the way of her strike yet the word managed to graze his face.

And Minato winced as he felt lightning course through his body, making him wince. He vanished once more and appeared right above the two Kiri nin. As he cycled through a number of handseals.

“FUTON: VACCUM BULLETS!” he screamed as he molded the chakra in his body before he fired half a dozen shots of the invisible wind natured technique at the two below.

Juzo Biwa did not react and continued to cycle through a complex series of handseals, and the amount of chakra he was fathering felt ominous.

Ameyuri stepped up and struck his swords into the ground.

“RAITON: LIGHTNING PRISON!” Lightning arched and covered them both and formed a cell around them blocking his attack.

“HOW LONG IT’S GONNA TAKE BIWA!” screamed Ameyure coughing up a mouthful of blood as she dropped to her knees. And he frowned as he saw Biwa smirk.

“I am done!” said the wielder of the executioner’s blade yet Minato’s eyes widened as he saw that Biwa did not turn towards him. No, the man turned his back, and finally Minato realized exactly whom he was aiming for.

“SUITON: A THOUSAND FEEDING SHARKS!” screamed Biwa as he slammed his hands on the ground Minato’s senses rumbled as he saw the massive build-up of chakra and the whole ground shook as a massive tidal wave appeared and washed over the two Kiri nin heading straight for where Ohashi was.

The massive volume of chakra messed with his sensing as the two Kiri shinobi used the distortion to vanish from his senses. Minato could try and give chase or try and rush towards Ohashi, whose chakra signature was still very messed up.

He closed his eyes and focused on Ohashi’s chakra signature, and his decision was made he placed his kunai back in his pouch and began to push chakra into his hand.

Juzo Biwa’s jutsu was massive, and he only had one technique in his arsenal that could stop it. For he couldn’t let the whole wave cause devastation across the forest, for it would remove one of Konoha’s strategic advantages across the Southern Border.

And he noticed how the other two Kiri signatures vanished as well, as the jutsu barreled through the forest, causing absolute devastation and heading straight for Ohashi who remained still.

Minato’s eyes narrowed as he rotated the chakra in his hand, and felt a faint blue shimmer appear in his hand. Before that shimmer began to take the solid form, of a rampaging blue ball of concentrated and raving chakra.

And then Minato Namikaze vanished once more, just as the massive tidal wave was inches from his comrade.



Ohashi had messed up. He had messed up greatly. His whole body screamed in pain, and his attempt at trying to stand up failed as the shattered bone in his legs made it impossible to put even a little bit of weight on it.

He senses Mei and Mangetsu’s signature vanishing as the tidal wave continued to rush towards him, ravaging the forest as it made its way towards him. He tried to cycle chakra through his coils to use ninjutsu yet using the fourth gate without mastery had its consequences. His chakra flow was distorted and turbulent making it impossible for him to mold it for ninjutsu.

“DAMN IT! DAMN IT ALL!” Ohashi screamed as he tried to stand up once again in an attempt to jump away. Yet with his shattered he could only take a couple of steps before he stumbled to the ground once more.

He crawled as he huffed and sat against a tree, huffing as he saw the massive suiton justu barreling towards him.

“HaaaHaaa,” he huffed as he pushed chakra into the kunai Minato had given him hoping the man would receive the signal in spite of the massive chakra disturbance.

And the jutsu was barely forty meters from him, yet he didn’t close his eyes. As he forcefully pushed the chakra through his coils and made himself stick to the tree. Yet his eyes widened as the rea in front of him buzzed, and very familiar shinobi blurred right there.

Relief rushed through his body as Minato Namikaze appeared opposite to him, and then Ohashi’s eyes widened as he saw the blue orb of chakra spinning in his hand.

And Ohashi smirked as Minato swung the massive ball of chakra straight into the incoming tidal wave.


And then the last thing Ohashi remembers was a massive blast before his consciousness left him.


Sarutobi sat with his three teammates as they discussed the major happening from both inside and outside the village. Despite their faults and troubles, Sarutobi knew in his heart that he could trust them implicitly for he had fought and bled with all three. He knew that much like him all three held absolute loyalty towards Konoha, despite having different viewpoints and modus operandi than him.

They were almost done with the discussion when his mind raced towards the other matter he wished to discuss with them. So, before they could get up. He decided to ask them about it.

“Ahh, before you go. I wanted to hear your thoughts about a decision of mine,” and all three stopped getting up as Koharu spoke up.

“What is it Sarutobi?” and Sarutobi picked up the file from the table and passed it to her.

“I am considering allotting a genin team to Ohashi Hatake,” and he saw all of them still at his words. Understandable, given the recent demise of Sakumo and the whole stigma that had become associated with the name.

Koharu and Homura frowned as Koharu began to rifle through the file. Yet his eyes were focused on his last teammate. Danzo sat there looking at him and was the first one to reply.

“Hiruzen, I would advise against it.”

And his eyes narrowed as he sipped his tea before he finally spoke up.

“And why would that be, Danzo for every other jounin I have consulted has spoken in favor of the idea. So, tell me dear friend, why do I oppose this.”



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