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Chapter 11


Minato scanned his surroundings and saw the littered bodies of leaf shinobi around him. Behind him, he saw barely over a dozen leaf shinobi huddled together, most of them barely cut and bruised but alive nonetheless.

Such savagery, he thought as he looked at the bodies littered around before his eyes finally landed on the one responsible for all this carnage.

Ohashi stood there, blocking the attack from Juzo Biwa, one of Kiri’s seven ninja swordsmen of the mist, yet the man wasn’t alone. And Minato stiffened as two shadowy silhouettes walked out of the mist, each with their signature sword in hand.

“White Fang?” questioned Biwa Juzo as he pushed down his sword, yet Ohashi did not budge as he ground his feet and held his place.

“NO! Have you already forgotten the report,” cut in one of the shadowy figures, and Minato recognized the considerable sword strapped to his back? It was the Hiramekarei, which meant that the person wielding it could be the infamous Mangetsu Hozuki, the young kenjutsu prodigy from Kiri.

“He isn’t the White Fang. That old geezer died a month ago,” and Minato’s eyes narrowed. He knew that the news of Sakumo’s death would spread, but he was surprised that it was already out there.

“Huh, then who are you?” said Juzo as he stared at Ohashi with a narrow gaze.

“He is a fucking imposter, he is. A fucking faker!’” snarled Mangetsu with heat in his voice as he glared at Ohashi, and Minato seemed a bit surprised at being ignored, but it seemed Ohashi and Kiri’s rising prodigy had a bit of history.

“Oh, hello there, Mangetsu. What a shame that you are still alive,” japed Ohashi, and it seemed his guess from earlier was right as the young Hozuki’s eyes flared in rage.

Minato quietly took advantage of the opportunity, reached into his pocket, and threw his special kunai at the Kiri nin. And instantly, he was behind Juzo Biwa, his kunai aimed at his neck.

“Not so fast, blondie!” came a snarl.

But his senses prickled, and he vanished from the spot, appeared on a tree nearby, and watched as a storm of lightning arched right behind Biwa, exactly where he had been.

Juzo Biwa and Ohashi disengaged, and the Kiri shinobi landed with his group. Minato decided to join Ohashi as well.

“It seems our intel was wrong. Konoha decided to find someone to send in the big guns with their newest rising jounin,” and Minato’s mind raced at those words. This meant only one thing.

A breach. No, a massive breach of intelligence. It seems that the Kiri nin were aware of Ohashi’s arrival yet weren’t aware of his arrival.

The wielder of the infamous Kiba Blades, Ameyuri Ringo, stood there and pointed her blades at him.

“But it’s good. I have always wanted to see all this commotion about this yellow flash business,” said the lightning mistress with a huge smile.

“Tell me the details, Shino Yuhi,” Minato ordered the injured jounin who stood behind him, and the man nodded shakily.

“Yes,” said the man as he began. “ we were doing regular patrol when the visibility suddenly dropped to zero at 0800, and then the whole force ambushed,” and the jounin stiffened at that. However, he continued after gritting his teeth.

“Our opponents were three members of the seven Ninja swordsmen of the mist, and they cut through unit after unit. We tried to regroup and retaliate, yet all our efforts were rebuffed. The only members alive are the dozen or so shinobi behind me,” finished the man, and the veteran jounin seemed deeply traumatized by the whole ordeal.

And Minato could understand why. The man was in command of the whole force, and most of his men had just been butchered. It was enough to shake any man.

“Thanks for the report, Jounin Yuhi. The reinforcements are en route and have medics with them. Take your injured men and rendezvous with them. Leave the three of them to us,” and before the man could protest, Minato got into his stance as he finished in his hardened tone.

“That’s an order,” the man gulped, and Minato noticed how the three kiri nin shifted at the change in his demeanor. The veteran genjutsu master behind him nodded and sheathed his sword.

“Yes, sir,” and with that, the man rushed towards the remaining men of his force and began to convey the orders. He finally looked up and found himself looking straight into Juzo Biwa’s eyes.

“Huh, I don’t like that look in your eyes,” muttered the man as he crouched down. Minato saw Ohashi getting ready for his stance.

“I will take Mangestu. Can you handle Ameyuri and Juzo?” questioned the young Hatake, and Minato nodded at the plan. With both of them beings sensors, they could provide support to the other if needed.

He saw Juzo Biwa cycle through a characteristic set of handseals and felt the Mist thicken, but they were truly helpless either as Minato and Ohashi began to cycle through the same set of handseals.


“FUTON: MONSTEROUS GALE!” they shouted as they spewed the equivalent of a tornado from their mouths and watched as a storm began to brew in front of them, a massive storm that began to tear out trees and even cracked the very ground they were standing on.

But it was also clearing out the mist that had begun to gather unnaturally, and Minato watched as the three Kiri nin stood there, shocked at the spectacle in front of them, as they cut the uprooted trees headed at them.

“What the hell is this!” screamed the young Hozuki as he looked at the storm in front of him with sheer horror in his eyes. On the other hand, Ameyuri Ringo had a huge grin on her face as her swords crackled with lightning.

“OHO! This is going to be so much more fun than cutting through all that fodder,” Minato took out his kunai and swung them at the storm, and they were sucked up and began to circle in the storm like everything else. He began to cut off his chakra supply to the jutsu, and just as the storm eased up a bit. Both he and Ohashi vanished from the side.

He appeared in front of the young Hozuki, and before the Hiramekarei wielder could react, Minato had kicked him in the gut sending him barreling away. Minato ducked as he avoided the massive swing from Biwa Juzo and vanished once more to appear right below the man, kunai in hand.

He saw the wielder of the Kubikiribōchō’s eyes widen as Minato tried to plunge the kunai straight into his chest, yet he was interrupted once more. By none other than the lightning mistress, Ameyuri Ringo herself, as she swung her swords, trying to cleave his head off.

Minato abandoned the attack, ducked down, and swiped Juzo off his feat before he parried away the Kiba blades and cycled through a set of handseals instantly.


And highly compressed air bullets were shot out his mouth straight at Ameyuri, who could only bring forward her sword to block his attack. But not all of them, and he heard her grunt in pain as one of his bullets passed right through her shoulder.

“AGHH!” she grunted, but this had given Juzo biwa enough time to attack him again, but by then, Minato had long vanished from his location and appeared a couple of yards away from the two Kiri nin, his eyes sharp and focused and his signature kunai in hand.

“Are you still excited, Ameyuri Ringo!” he challenged as he saw the Kiba blade wielder glare at him as she cradled her injured arm while lightning arched around her body.

“I am gonna enjoy tearing you to pieces!” you bastard.



Mangetsu grunted in pain as he was sent crashing back into the forest by the Yellow flash. He somersaulted in the air, landed on a branch, and was about to spring back when suddenly, the major reason for his annoyance appeared right in front of him once again.

“You faker!” he snarled as he was forced to jump back to avoid the Hatake’s attack.

Mangetsu Hozuki had met Ohashi Hatake over half a decade ago in the chunin exams in Iwa. Mangetsu was at that time training to become a member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, and for that, he needed the rank of chunin.

And that fucking faker had stopped him from achieving that.

“How many times do I have to tell you, Mangetsu? I did not steal from you. Our techniques are different!” Mangetsu gritted his teeth as he took out his sword and pushed chakra to his feet, heading straight at the lier.

“Shut up, you liar! I am going to tear you to pieces for insulting the Kekkei Genkai of the Hozuki clan,” snarled Mangetsu, and his temper flared as he saw the white-haired bastard’s lips turn up in a smile at his words.

Mangetsu pushed chakra into Hiramekarei, separating it into its two parts as he swung at the bloodline thief.

“AHHHH!” he screamed, yet the blades simply passed through the kid as Hatake’s body dissolved into water, just like the Kekkei Genkai of their clan.

And it was only his instincts that forced him to duck when suddenly a tanto passed from where his head had been earlier. He looked up and found Hatake right there, smiling down at him.

“See, I don’t even see a single resemblance between our techniques,” the bastard teased her before he began to circle through a set of handseals. Yet Mangetsu hadn’t gotten to his place with sheer luck.

“SUITON: WATER DRAGON BULLET!” screamed Hatake as he spewed a water dragon straight at him.

He twisted his body in an inhumane way to an almost one-eighty-degree turn. He felt his backbone twist, but the special nature of the Hozuki clan Kekkei Genkai made it so that it didn’t even hurt.

“SUITON: AQUA MIRROR!” he screamed as a water mirror appeared in front of him, surprising the white-haired bastard. His attack hit the mirror and then was reflected back at him.

“AGHHH!” Hatake grunted in pain as he hit a tree with massive force and vomited blood before his body began to fall down. Mangetsu raced towards him, aiming to end his miserable life.

When suddenly, he felt someone grip his feet. He looked down and found a pair of hands gripping his feet.

“DOTON: HIDING LIKE A MOLE TECHNIQUE!” Mangetsu grunted as his body was suddenly pushed into the ground, and he felt the ground close up on him, making him immobile.

Ohashi jumped out of the ground in front of him, blood dripping from his head and mouth. Mangetsu tried to wiggle out of the ground yet failed.

Hatake walked up to him and spoke to him in an uncharacteristically serious tone.

“You said that you had intel about me coming in as backup,” snarled Hatake as he kneeled to his level.

“Tell me who the leak was,” and Magetsu scoffed as he spat at his face.

“Like I will ever tell you anything, you imposter cunt!” snarled Mangetsu, and he saw Hatake’s face harden as his lips tightened as he swung his sword straight at his head.

Yet at that moment, Magetsu could wriggle free, so he brought up Hiramekarei to parry away the strike as he jumped back to get a sure footing.

Hatake jumped out of the dust and landed on a tree in front of him, huffing like him. Though suddenly, he noticed Hatake’s face shift as he glanced back, and Mangetsu frowned at his behavior.

Though the reason would soon reveal itself. As, an orange blur suddenly appeared right where Hatake stood and began to attack the white-haired bastard.

Mangetsu recognized the shinobi, and his annoyance rose as she saw Terumi interfering in his fight.

“You could at least say hello before attacking me, Terumi. After all, we were comrades for a time,” snarled Hatake as he landed a kick at Terumi, pushing her towards him.

Terumi Mei landed by his side, and stood straight as they both stared and got ready to face the white-haired bastard.

“Why are you here, Terumi?” he questioned. And he saw her look at him with an annoyed face.

“Are you really asking me that? It was your job to send back a report after every thirty minutes. What the hell were you doing, Mangetsu?” snarled Mei. And Magetsu shrieked at this. Ao was going to be angry at him for his mistake. But it wasn’t his fault. He had just gotten lost in the excitement of killing all those tree-huggers!

“Shut up! I just forgot about it. Plus, the reports can go to hell. We need to kill that fucking imposter! I will not allow him to insult the Great Hozuki lineage like this,” he screamed at her, and Terumi also got ready.

As they both got ready, Hatake sighed as he sheathed his tanto and looked straight at Mei.

“Hello there, it seems fate that we meet again,” said Hatake.

“Shut up, Hatake!” snarled Mei from his side, and he saw the white-haired bastard look at them both before suddenly he felt a huge buildup of chakra from the bastard.

“I think I might have to get a bit more serious!” said Hatake as Mangetsu felt shivers run down his spine as chakra pulsed from the white-haired bastard in massive waves. Mangetsu’s grip tightened on his sword, and suddenly Hatake vanished from his position, and it was only his experience that made him raise Hiramekarei in time to avoid a decapitating strike aimed straight at his heart.

“Ahh, you were able to block that. Let’s see how long you can pull this off,” whispered the white-haired bastard before he vanished once more Mangetsu could barely avoid another strike as he skidded to the right, but this time the blade left a cut on his face.

“Magetsu! JUMP BACK!” screamed Terumi at Mangetsu jumped back as he recognized the set of handseals.

“YOTON: LAVA FLOOD!” screamed Mei before she flooded the whole area with sizzling hot Lava, and the heat lit the forest around them on fire.

Mangetsu saw Hatake land on a tree, and he smirked as he pushed chakra into his legs, his grip around his sword tightening. He vanished into a blur and saw the surprise on Hatake’s face as he appeared right in front of his face.

“Hiramekarei, Release!” and all the chakra he had built up was released as Hiramekarei lit up with chakra. Mangetsu smirked as Hatake failed to jump away as the tree began to fall due to the fire burning through its base, and he swung his sword.

“This is the end for you, you imposter!”




Right now i an juggling between Mei and konan. Though anything could happen in the future


The batman era of Boom, krash, pow. feels very jarring to myself as the reader, it wants to pull me out of the story, and all caps on the jitsus bother me as well