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Chapter 10


Kakashi Hatake finished his wiped the sweat from his forehead as he finished his morning katas. Over the last couple of weeks, his routine had become quite regular, with him sparring with Ohashi in the morning, followed by going to the academy and returning home, doing some cleaning and training before sleeping again. It was a rather monotonous life, yet he had gotten used to it.

His brother had also been helping him train, yet that was about to come to a halt. Ohashi had been redeployed and would be leaving for his mission today. It was supposed to be their last spar, yet Ohashi had fought someone else yesterday and had been advised to rest completely. He still came to watch him and corrected his mistakes, yet they did not spar today.

“Well, you are improving rather quickly,” said his half-brother from his side as he simply sat there watching him. Suddenly he threw a notebook at him, which Kakashi caught on instinct. He looked down and found himself looking at a manual, and from how it was worn out, it was a used one.

“That’s my manual, and it has some of my notes from when I was a genin. You might find something interesting in there,” said Ohashi. And Kakashi nodded as he opened it and found it filled with jotted notes about basic techniques and training schedules.

“Thanks,” said Kakashi as he sat down as well.

“So, do you know when you will be returning from your mission,” asked Kakashi, and Ohashi shook his head.

“No, but I don’t expect it to be early. There is a chance I might miss your graduation. I apologize in advance for that,” and Kakashi shook his head. There was no need for him to be there. Already, he had done more than enough for him with their regular spars and guidance.

“That’s okay,” Kakashi replied. Ohashi looked at the time, got up from his place, and stretched out as he spoke out.

“Well, then, this is it. I will be leaving now. Take care, Kakashi, and don’t overexert yourself in your training,” advised Ohashi, and Kakashi nodded as Ohashi began to walk out of the dojo, leaving him all alone.



Tsunade Senju sat in her office, lost in nostalgia, as she stared at the notebook placed in front of her. It had been years since she had gathered the courage to finally take it out. And even now, staring at the familiar handwriting on it made her heart scream in pain.

Property of Dan Kato

She sighed as she picked up the book and began to flip through it. Each of those pages reminded her of their past, his dreams, and her failure to save his life. The notebook was filled with notes, ranging from medical ninjutsu to his special Spirit Transformation technique. Shizune had failed to replicate the technique and had given her back the book when she had first given it to her.

But perhaps, Ohashi could succeed where Shizune had failed. Though his style differed greatly from Dan’s, Ohashi was still young and could probably pick up a thing or two from it.

There was a knock on her door, and as she leaned back, the door opened to reveal the form of the person she had just been thinking of as Ohashi Hatake entered her office in his proper mission attire.

“Good morning Tsunade-sama,” he said, and she returned the greeting as she motioned for him to sit. She looked him over, and he was dressed in a modified uniform that was colored black. He had a backpack strapped to his back. There were several storage scrolls tied to his back as well.

“So, you mentioned that you had looked into iryo ninjutsu before,” she got straight to the point, and he nodded.

“Yes, I have, but it wasn’t my priority at the time, and I haven’t had the time to get into it again,” he replied, and she shook her head in disappointment. On the inside, she cursed Sensei for his nonsensical graduation policy.

“Well, at least you know the basics. That is good. But I believe that with your chakra control, it could be a massive boost for you,” she began, and Ohashi seemed a bit hesitant, not that she blamed him. Iryo ninjutsu was hard. Actually, it was very hard and time-consuming, which was why so few shinobi focused on it.

“And from the fight yesterday, I believe you could seriously boost your taijutsu with it,” she said and saw the gears turning in his head. Opening the eight gates like that was something she had never seen.

“Nonetheless, this belonged to one of your family members, and I want you to have it. It has his notes on his techniques. I believe they might help you progress further,” she said as she slid Kato’s journal forward. Ohashi picked it up, and his eyes widened as he read the name before they looked at her, and the glint in his eyes told her that he was aware of her connection with him.

“Kato Dan,” he began slowly as he looked at her.

“Wasn’t he your….” And she nodded.

“He was,” she did not let him finish the words. Even now, years later, the word fiancée made her recall all her painful memories.  His face morphed through a plethora of complex emotions before he nodded slowly as he placed the book in his pocket.

“Thank you for this, Tsuande-sama. I will be sure to look into it,” he said, and she nodded as he stood up, getting ready to leave.

“Be safe out there, kid,” she spoke just as he was about to step out of the room, and Ohashi stopped with a final nod.

“I will try,” said Ohashi before he closed the door behind him, leaving her all alone. Tsunade leaned back in her chair as she closed her eyes, thinking about the man whose legacy she had just entrusted Ohashi with.

“I hope you wish him well, Dan,” she whispered as she sat there dusting off old memories in search of a better future.



Minato watched Ohashi skimming through a book as their squad journeyed toward the southern border. They were equipped with two long-range sensors, and it was now the Hyuga’s turn to serve as a sensor as Ohashi rested. He could still see some hints of fatigue in the young Hatake, so he decided to move up as he tried to talk to him.

“Ohashi,” he said as he jumped near him as the squad continued to move. Ohashi closed the book as he turned to look at him.

“What is it, Minato-san?” questioned Ohashi as they jumped through the forest side by side. Minato looked at the young Hatake and asked with a smile.

“Are you fine?” he questioned, and the young jounin nodded.

“I am. You don’t have to worry about me,” said Ohashi as he put the book in his backpack and continued.

“So, you will be with us only for a week after we reach our destination?” questioned Ohashi, and Minato nodded. The mission details made it so he would stay with the squad for a week once they reached the southern border.

“Yes, and then you will be the leader from that point onwards. I have to return to the village after I complete an errand to the Amegakure,” and Ohashi nodded before a smirk appeared on his face as he looked towards him and spoke in a hushed tone.

“To meet your new apprentice,” and Minato was surprised that Ohashi knew that. There had been no official announcement about his placement as a sensei. His surprise must have been apparent, as Ohashi added.

“Kushina-san told my sensei when she came to visit, and Mikoto-sensei shared it with me,” and Minato sighed at Kushina’s antics. Well, now it was out of the bag.

“Yes, and I believe you also know who that student is,” and Ohashi nodded. He had a proud grin on his face as he spoke of his brother.

“It’s Kakashi, well he is lucky to have you as a sensei,” and Minato felt a bit of pride at having the confidence of Ohashi though this also presented a good opportunity to know a bit more about his prospective student.

“So, how is he?” he began as Ohashi nodded his head indecisively.

“Well, he seems fine, if not a bit quieter, but that’s expected. As for his skillset, let’s just say he is his father’s son,” and Minato nodded as he remembered the kid’s file. It was anything but extremely impressive. Though given the pedigree, one could say it was expected.

“He is already working on his lightning nature chakra training. In the end, he had to pause it since I don’t know Raiton yet,” said Ohashi in an equally impressed and bamboozled voice, and Minato was also impressed. He hadn’t started working with nature transformation until age eight, and Kakashi was six.

“Well, I could teach him that. I mastered Raiton nature transformation some time ago,” and he had, despite it not being his main chakra affinity, learning it had helped him with his Hiraishin a lot.

“Yeah, that’s why I had him pause ration training. I didn’t want to cause an accident or something,” said Ohashi, and that was mature of the kid. Suddenly Ohashi frowned as he turned to face him.

“Have you mastered Katon?” questioned the young Hatake, and Minato nodded, already knowing where the conversation was going.

“Then could you help me with it? Katon is giving me the most trouble,” said Ohashi and Minato smiled.

“With suiton as your natural affinity, that is reasonable, tell how far along are you and I will see what I can do,” said Minato and just as Ohashi was about to speak up, they were interrupted by the sound of a crow.


Minato looked up, and his eyes narrowed as he saw a crow circling over their squad. The unit came to a halt as they recognized the signal.

“It’s a messenger crow,” said the Hyuga, their other sensor, as the crow rushed down towards them, settling on the shoulder of their Hyuga. And Minato noticed a scroll tied to its feet. He jumped near the sensor and began to untie the scroll slowly.


And just as he finished, the crow cawed as it took flight once more, leaving him there as he unfurled the scroll. He skimmed over its contents, and his eyes widened with each word he read.

“It’s from the Southern border,” and he saw the whole unit perk up at his squad perk up at his words.

“They are under attack,” and the tension in the air was palpable when he said those words. He saw everyone’s eyes focus on him as they waited for further instructions.

“We make haste towards the border. I want everyone ready for combat,” he ordered, and the men nodded.

“Yes, sir,” they chorused as they got into formation. Ohashi joined him on the side as the vice commander, his eyes narrowed.

“What are the enemy numbers?” questioned Ohashi as they began to blur through the woods.

“It’s a small force, they aren’t sure, but they suspect it’s not more than twenty,” and he saw Ohashi frown at his words.

“Twenty? Shouldn’t the border forces be able to deal with such numbers?” said Ohashi as he seemed surprised by the numbers as he should be. The force present at the border should have been able to deal with such a force. Unless they were special, and in this case, they were.

“Normally, that would be the case. But the force is being led by three members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist,” replied Minato, and he saw Ohashi frown at his words as the young jounin vocalized his inner thoughts.




Shinku Yuhi was pushed back once more as he tried to block another attack, yet when he felt a sudden pain in his left leg, he knew he had failed.

“AGHH!” he grunted in pain as he swung his sword again, yet it was futile as it hit nothing but the thick mist that had spread everywhere. He looked down and found a cut on his leg, though thankfully, it was shallow.

“Do you even know how to use that thing?” came the crackling voice of his enemy, and Shinko Yuhi could openly admit that compared to the monster he was currently facing, he was indeed mediocre at using a sword.

Mangetsu Hozuki was amongst the youngest members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist yet was more skilled than any other kenjutsu user he had ever faced.

“Everyone remain alert and group together. Sensors in the center and everyone else protect them,” he ordered his unit, and the dozen or so chunin huddled into groups though he knew that it was futile.

The Silent Mist Killing Art used by the Kirigakure’s special squad made it impossible to sense anything.

Suddenly his senses screamed at him, and Shinku ducked as a sword passed and cut through exactly where his head had been seconds ago. He jumped back as sweat dripped from his head, as he remained alert.

“Stop playing with him, Mangetsu. My patience is running thin,” came the crackling voice of another shinobi, this one sharper and cut through the air.

“Don’t tell me what to do, Ameyuri,” came the retort, and hearing them argue over taking his life like that made him grit his teeth, yet he couldn’t do anything rash. All he could do was stall, wait, and pray.

“Tch, you brats are idiots wasting so much time in your petty games. I will have to take care of it myself,” came the voice of the last member of the Kiri special squad that was leading the attack.

And for the first time, a silhouette appeared in front of him, a huge sword raised in the air. And Shinku Yuhi immediately put up his sword as Juzo Biwa brought down the famed Kubikiribōchō aiming to cleave him into two.


There was the sound of metal clashing though Shinku’s eyes widened as he saw his sword crack, and before he could react, his blade shattered, and he watched as the blade descended straight at him.



Yet the pain he was expecting never came, and the sound of metal clashing again reached his ears. He slowly opened his eyes and found a shadow covering him, and his eyes widened as he saw that mane of characteristic white hair.

The White Fang, he thought, yet the shinobi in front of him was shorter than Sakumo Hatake. And Sakumo Hatake’s recent demise meant that there was only one shinobi with those hairs in the force.

Metal screeched against each other as the young jounin blocked the attack before he finally noticed the special kunai stuck on the floor.

“Well, it seems you win this round, Ohashi,” came the sound as another shinobi blurred in front of him, and relief ran through Shinku’s body as he saw those characteristic blonde hair and blue eyes.

They were all saved, for Konoha’s Yellow Flash was here!



Francisco Jimenez

Well you could always try to get a piece of kubikiribocho sword