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Chapter 9

The betrayal of House Greyjoy would be the first test for King Rhaegar Targaryen. He would assemble a third of the Army and more than half of the navy for this campaign. Many consider these numbers to be too much, given the small population of the Iron Islands. However, the might of the iron islands can not be underestimated. Their strength lay in the fact that in order for someone to face them on the sea, their preferred battleground.

As the new King planned his first offensive, his brother Prince Aemon rushed back to the capital from the Stormlands. Tired, injured, and after having suffered heavy losses from the attack of Euron Greyjoy, many would speculate that his voyage to Pentos was a failure.

They couldn’t be more wrong. This voyage would go on to change the fate of the royal family and the world.

On the other side of the continent, cold winds were brewing up, winds the likes of which hadn’t been seen for thousands of years. The news of the King’s death would also reach the North and the lands beyond it. And it is here in the lands outside the domain of his kingdom where his death would cause the greatest disturbance.

The Quiet Wolf will receive the news in the Halls of Castle Black itself on his way back to Winterfell from the lands beyond the Wall. He would then mount his horse and make haste to meet his Lord and brother Brandon Stark.



In the Castle of Lannisport, the army stood assembled and ready for an attack. There was a certain tension in the air. A certain tension as the people grew anxious over the whole war. Rhaegar himself was also quite anxious, for this was his greatest trial. While he did learn many things under his father’s tutelage, learning and doing were different.

He looked out from the balcony as the men marched into formations. One could see a whole armada of ships that had been assembled for the attack on the Iron Islands in the distance as well. However, despite it all, he felt uneasy. Everything up until now seemed rather well-planned and coordinated. Their enemies had spent years planning this, and Rhaegar was sure they would also have predicted this.

So, the question was, what were they planning now? Was he overestimating them? Had he missed something? These thoughts plagued his mind when there was a knock on his door.

“Come in,” he ordered, and his best friend and companion, Arthur, stepped into the room. He seemed more relaxed and had a missive in his hand.

“I have good news. Aemon has made it to Kings Landing safe and sound,” and Rhaegar sighed in relief as a huge burden was removed from his chest. With Aemon safe and back in the capital, he could now focus on the battle at hand.

“That is good. That is very good. Now he can see to the defense of the capital. We can focus on the battle now. Has there been any news about Lady Genna?” he questioned, and Arthur nodded his head; however, his facial expressions made it quite evident that this wasn’t good news.

“We are doing everything we can to locate her, yet there hasn’t been much progress in that regard. However, Qyburn confirmed that she is not on Pyke,” and Rhaegar nodded as he walked back to his desk, picked up the rolled-up map from the side, and unfurled it on the table.

“Well, that is a start,” Rhaegar said as he crossed the island of Pyke on the map. Arthur joined him as he looked over the map. The master of whisperers was doing everything he could to locate Lady Genna, so they could rescue her before mounting a full-on attack. While Lord Tywin had not insisted on stopping an attack, Rhaegar knew he couldn’t attack and put her life in danger like this.

“Blactyde is out of the question as well, as are the Harlaw,” Rhaegar crossed off two more islands. Arthur frowned as he intervened.

“I can understand Blacktyde, but why Harlaw as well? Balon’s wife is from there. They are as involved in this as the rest of them,” and Rhaegar nodded. However, the Crown did not just rely on the master of whispers for its information now. His father had been a bit overly cautious in this regard, and while he did trust Qyburn a lot, the same could not be said of the future. And hence the trading fleet served a secondary purpose as well.

In normal times they were simple traders, buying and selling their wares, making a profit, but in times of war, they would become informants, soldiers, and sometimes even assassins. No one knew of them except the Royal family, and even then, the information was only ever shared with the proverbial heir and the spare.

“Harlaw is the island most involved in the trade. If she were taken there, we would know about it,” he lied to Arthur. He did not like it, but his father had been very strict with his instructions. Arthur’s eyes narrowed, and he probably saw through his excuse, yet he did not call him out for it. He could have guessed that he wasn’t in the position of sharing the source, so they moved on as Arthur suddenly pointed at an isolated island at the edge of the Kingdoms.

“How about this? The Lonely Light, they are far off the kingdom and isolated, a perfect place to keep a hostage,” and Rhaegar frowned as he shook his head.

“Possible, but it takes eight days to sail there even from Great Wyk. A ship should have been sighted,” and Arthur nodded as he countered.

“They could have used a smaller ship,” and Rhaegar thought about it all again, and it made sense, but they needed more help. Right now, he had enough covert resources to target two, maybe three, islands covertly to rescue Lady Genna. He did not want to waste these chances, so all he could do was wait.

“We need more information. Have Quburn focus on Great Wyk and Old Wyk. My suspicion is that she will be on either of these two islands. As soon as it is confirmed, send a team to rescue her,” Arthur nodded.

“And are you sure you want to put Stark in charge of it? He is still pretty young,” however Rhaegar shook his head.

“Yes, if I send you or Ser Barristan, people will notice your absence. Benjen is less famous, so it will be easier for him to move. And he is better at climbing and hiding than you and Ser Barristan. He will lead the rescue operation,” Rhaegar confirmed.

Benjen Stark was one of the first northerners to become Kingsguard, a third son. His talent with the sword was not as impressive as Arthur or Barristan, but he did have his own special set of skills. He had been another one of his father’s surprising appointments. A Northern serving in the Kingsguard, Rhaegar did not recall that happening ever before. Arthur nodded.

“Well, you are not wrong. Stark is quite good at climbing walls and hiding,” he agreed and then looked at the widow at the setting Sun.

“The Lords will be assembling soon. They will want to hear a plan of action,” and Rhaegar nodded. As he scanned the map once more.

“Seaguard is under siege by one of the Greyjoy’s right,” and Arthur nodded.

“Yes, it’s Baelon’s eldest son, Rodrik,” and Rhaegar chewed his lip as he thought of a solution.

“It will have to, Pyke. We will have to cut off the head of the snake,” Rhaegar concluded after a long think as he pointed at the castle in question. Arthur frowned.

“It will not be easy. It will be heavily defended, and even if we can mount a siege, they will have stockpiles,” and Rhaegar shook his head.

“We cannot do a siege. We need to be quick. We will have to take it by force,” he then finally settled onto a plan of action.

“And I think I know just how we can do this,” and he started to discuss his plan with Arthur.



The shock from the death of her father was yet to fade off. He had always been there like a pillar of strength for her and her brothers that she could still not get over his death. Yet he was dead. Assassinated by their enemies across the narrow seas, and now her brother was gone as well. To put down the rebellion from the problematic House Greyjoy.

The city was still under curfew, and five thousand men of the Royal Army walked through the streets to maintain order. Work on the destroyed port was being done day and night to make it operational again as the King Landing prepared itself for the upcoming conflict. More levies were being raised, and grain was getting rationed as they prepared for a war.

Daenys watched as a grand column of carts and men headed straight for them. Guards from House Baratheon and the Royal Army flanked it on the sides, and the people parted ways to give way to the incoming Prince. Besides her, she noticed her mother looked relieved as her other brother returned home from his voyage.

Aemon was at the head of the procession, with Dour face, Stannis Baratheon, on one side, and a younger and more cheerful Ormund Baratheon on the other. Ormund was Robert Baratheon’s son and Stannis’s nephew, yet both shared little between them except the color of their hair, with Ormund taking after his father more than his uncle.

Her brother saw them and pulled the reins of his horse, and it galloped through the cobbled streets, leaving his companions behind and stopping right in front of them. He had grown thin, and his face had a rather gaunt look, but as soon as their eyes met, a small smile appeared as both rushed toward each other.

“It is so good to see you, Daenys,” said her brother as she felt his arms wrap around her. They then separated, and daenys wiped away the wetness from her eyes as Aemon gave their mother a hug. By this time, Stannis and Ormund had reached them as well. Orumund stepped forward and kneeled down.

“House Baratheon sends its condolences to the Royal family on their loss. We are at your call in these difficult times,” he spoke ceremonially as their mother nodded and ordered him to rise up.

“You look just like your father, Ormund. How is Robert?” she questioned him as they began to move towards the castle.

“Father is well and was preparing levies to support Governor Oberyn in the Stepstones. He was quite distraught by the death of King Aerys. He often called him a second father to himself, your grace,” he said, and her mother’s smile thinned at the mention of their father.

“Lady Cersei just gave birth to a daughter and decided to name her Joane after her mother, Lady Joanna. I believe you were friends with Lady Lannister,” added Aemon from the side, and her mother nodded a small smile.

“Indeed. I and Joanna were dear friends in our youth. She would be proud of Cersei today if she were alive. Perhaps when the war is over, she could bring her to court,” her mother said to Ormund, who nodded.

“It would be an honor, your grace,” he replied before he looked around, probably searching for his friend. Yet when he found no trace of her, he spoke up hesitantly.

“May I ask where are Lady Elia and the young Princess Rhaenys,” Daenys smirked as Aemon and she looked straight at each other? It seems little Ormund hadn’t learned his lesson.

Ormund and Rhaenys had grown up together for a number of years and were quite close with each other. And even though Ormund towered over her niece in size, she usually led him around in their little adventures.

Their mother smiled as well at their antics before she answered.

“She is with her mother. The Queen is with the child again, and in these difficult times, we thought it best not to spread the news. So, Rhaenys is with her mother right now. You can see her after you rest for some time. I am sure the long journey has left you rather tired,” her mother replied.

“Ohh, it wasn’t that tiring. I was in the carriage, so I am quite fresh, your grace,” Ormund answered with a cheer, and at that point, Aemon and her broke out into a laugh, and so did their mother. Ormund finally realized what he had done and turned red in embarrassment as he corrected himself.

“As you say, your grace.” He said.



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