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Chapter 13


Things were changing in the capital. Her father had seemed more frustrated than usual. The Red Keep itself was getting ready to receive the part from the Vale. However, that wasn’t what had taken Alicent by surprise.

“Marriage?” she asked her younger brother Gwayne as they ate dinner in her room. Gwayne was younger than both her and Leyton, and her father had just called him back from Old Town. Gwayne nodded.

“Indeed, Father gave me a couple of names,” and suddenly, her brother frowned.

“He also mentioned that he was also looking for a match for you,” and his words made Alicent pause as her heart began to beat rapidly in her chest. She had known that such a day would come. She had even come to accept it.

“Ohh, did he mention any names?” she asked Gwayne, who just shrugged.

“Well, there was a page with some names on it. There were names of a couple of houses: Lannister, Bracken, Blackwood, and even Velaryon.”

Alicent quieted down as she processed this news. Marriages were a way of building alliances. And from what she understood these days, the recent actions from the King had pushed the Lords back a bit. Even now, months later, there were grumblings about naming a female as the heir.

“Alicent! Alicent?” she was broken out of her thoughts by Gwayne calling her name. She shook herself and smiled as she looked at Gwayne once more, who had a teasing smile on her face.

“Who is it that has you lost in thoughts like this?” and she shook her head.

“No one. I was just thinking about any suitable girls for you,” but Gwayne was not letting this go. Like a gossipy court lady, he got up and joined her side.

“No. No. No. You are not getting out of this like this. I need that name. And if he is worthy of you, I could even talk to Father about this,” Alicent shook her head as she tried to smile. A familiar face came to her mind. Long silver hair and amethyst eyes. Yet she squashed those thoughts immediately. She couldn’t do this to her.

“It’s no one. However, I must ask you that question. There are rumors of you hanging around with a certain Lady Strong. Mayhaps Father needs to be informed of that,” and Gwayne’s eyes widened as she blurted out his secret. She saw him splutter as he failed to give any suitable retort.

“But..but. How do you know that? We have just met a couple of times and I was extremely careful about not being seen with her?” he finally asked her.

“I just guessed. It’s just that Lady Elise has been bombarding me with questions about my little brother. I must say your choice is quite good,” she told Gwayne, who turned red from embarrassment. Though, after some time, he sighed.

“Though I don’t think it will work out. Father has other ideas in his mind,” he said with a sigh, and Alicent held his hand.

“Don’t say that. I will talk to Father,” and his mood changed in a second.

“You will?” and he nodded, and soon she felt arms wrap around her as Gwayne hugged her. She smiled as she felt the familiar warmth of family wrap around her.

“Thank you for this,” her brother thanked her once again, and she waved it away.

“Don’t worry abo….” But before she could finish, there was a knock on the door, and she looked up to find one of the servants standing there. The maid bowed as Gwayne and her separated.

“My lady, your father is calling for you in his office.”

Alicent nodded at that, readying herself for the topic to be discussed.

“I will be there,” she told the maid, who left her chambers with a bow, and Alicent looked to her side as she glanced at her brother, who gave her an encouraging nod. Ultimately, she would get up and leave to meet her father, hardening her heart as she buried the embers of her impossible love.

Yet the flames lingered on. They always did.



Maegella glanced at Aenys as he examined her once more. Even without him saying a word, she could tell that the news wasn’t good. Despite his best efforts, she had felt herself getting worse over the last week. Efforts were beginning to take a toll on him, evident by the dark circles under his eyes.

Aenys took away his contraption from her chest and tried to lie to her.

“It’s just a bit worse….,” but she cut him off.

“You don’t have to lie to me. We both know that I don’t have much time left, Aenys,” she spoke slowly. Aenys grimaced at that.

“There is still time. I am working on it. I can divert more manpower and resources to I….”

“Yet it would still not work. I have accepted it, Aenys,” she interjected and watched him clench his fists as he closed his eyes. She tapped her bed, and Aenys took the seat reluctantly. She held his hand and smiled at him.

“Viserys wrote to me. Both he and Aemma seemed worried about you,” and she frowned as Aenys scoffed.

“Yes, now he cares. I will write to him. Kings Landing can wait. I cannot leave you here. I have to oversee the search for your cure.” He spoke, but then she added.

“He requested me to visit Kings Landing as well,” and she saw him halt at her words before he turned to face her.

“And you want to accept it? Traveling in your condition could be dangerous. After you have recovered….”

“I want to see my home one last time, Aenys,” she whispered, stopping him. He looked towards her, and she could tell that he wanted to retort, but she cupped her face stopping him.

“I want to meet my niece and have a look at Daella’c child, see the halls I grew up in,” and find you a suitable bride, though she did not say that. Her eyes had gotten wet, and Aenys held her hands as he nodded resignedly.

“I will have them make the preparations. We can leave in a week,” and she smiled at him.

“Thank you,” she thanked him as he got up, but suddenly he stopped at the door of her room.

“You may have given up, but I won’t. No matter what you say, I will continue to make that cure. So, you can go to Westeros, so I beg of you,” his voice was hitched, and she saw him wipe away his tears as he continued.

“Live for me. I will give you anything you say but don’t give up on yourself. Don’t give up on me. Please!”

Maegella swallowed as she nodded at his words before she replied in her raspy voice.

“I will try. I promise,” she finished and watched as he nodded before leaving her room, leaving her alone in her room. She closed her eyes and leaned back on her bed, smiling forlornly as she remembered her crooked nose sister, the same sister she had been fond of following around in her youth.

“It seems that your son is as stubborn as you, Alyssa. I am afraid you will have to wait for me a bit longer.” But it seems like the Gods had other plans.



“She is coming here!” she asked her mother once more. And her mother nodded, a smile on her face.

“Yes, Aenys has written that she leaves in a few days. So, she would be here in a week or so if the weather is right.” Her mother replied, and Rhaenyra was excited as she heard that. Grand Aunt Maegella was coming here. Her mother and uncle Aenys had told her a bit about her, and she was quite excited to meet her.

“Though it seems Aenys will not be returning with her. He seems to be busy with something. He is writing that he will make the journey sometime later,” her mother added with a frown. Rhaneyra herself was surprised by this. Her uncle had already been in Bravos for about two months and now he was taking even more time.

“Does he mention any specifics?” she questioned, and her mother shook her head.

“No, he doesn’t. Perhaps we could ask Aunt Maegella. She would probably know more,” her mother said as she folded the letter and looked toward her again.

“I heard a rumor that your father had you select a new member of the Kingsguard today,” and Rhaenyra’s mood immediately soured at that as she remembered her father’s behavior in the meeting today. Even as the heir, he seemed dismissive of her.

Moreover, she wasn’t deaf to the rumors. Already people were clamoring for how the Queen was ready to birth another son. However, she knew that it wasn’t possible.

“Yes, he did, but I don’t think Father is happy with me being the heir. Earlier during the meeting, he ignored my suggestion and then just asked me to leave,” she told her mother, who was now focused on her.

“What did you suggest?” her mother asked, and Rhaenyra got up from the bed and began pacing inside her mother’s room.

“You do know that there is a pirate terrorizing our ships in the Stepstones, right,” and she continued when her mother nodded.

“Lord Corlys has just lost a bunch of his ships to him. He wanted to make a show of force, and I agreed with him and argued that we should send dragons to scare him. He just ignored me in front of everyone and made me leave,” she finished. Her mother just sighed at this.

“I don’t know why he decided against it. However, I will talk to him about it. Though tell me of this new white cloak you chose,” her mother asked her, and she smiled as she thought of the newest addition to the Kingsguard order.

“Ohh. He is from the Stormlands. He has even fought in the Dornish marches. He is highly skilled. He even beat the Lord Commander. He is right outside. Let me call him!” she told her mother, who gave her a smile as she turned towards the door.

“Ser Criston! Come inside!” she shouted as her mother frowned at her behavior ad chastised her lightly.

“That is so not right, little lady,” her mother said as she twisted her ear, making her squirm as the door to her chambers opened to reveal the person she had chosen.

He was now already wearing the signature white armor of Kingsguard, and the classic helmet covered his face. She was sure she saw him smile underneath his helmet as he saw her mother punishing her. Though her mother immediately withdrew her hand as she turned to face him.

“Can you please take off your helm,” her mother requested, and he nodded before he took it off, revealing curly black hair and a clean-shaven face. Her mother seemed a bit surprised.

“You are younger than I imagined. May I have your name Ser?” her mother asked him.

“Criston, my queen. Ser Criston Cole.”

“Cole from the Stormlands. Rhaenyra here tells me that you bested Ser Harrold. A feat not many can boast.”

Ser Criston bowed at this, and she noticed his glances at her before he replied.

“The princess honors me with her praise, my Queen. I shall endeavor to live up to it.”

And for some reason, Rhaenyra felt a bit satisfied as she saw his gaze continue to linger on her.




The whole throne room had been renovated for the party’s arrival from the Vale. The walls were polished, the ground cleaned, and the new banners all glistened in the rays of the Sun coming from the arching windows as his court stood assembled for the arrival of their esteemed guests.

Aemma had also wanted to be here, yet he had denied her request asking to rest in her chambers. He looked down and saw Rhaenyra standing there beside Alicent. She looked up at him, and he gave her an encouraging smile before his eyes landed on his gloved hand.

The rot had spread viciously, and in the end, Mellos had decided to cut off the finger, hoping to prevent the rot from spreading to the rest of his hand. Despite his correspondence with the Citadel, they still failed to identify his disease.

Viserys could only hope that Aenys had an idea about this. With their aunt reaching their shores any day now, he would also be returning soon. He stopped as his thoughts went to his other brother as he noticed the absence of the Daemon. Though with the incoming party, it was good that Daemon wasn’t here.

Suddenly trumpets were blown. And Viserys looked up as the herald began to shout.

“PRESENTING DEFENDER OF THE VALE! WARDEN OF THE EAST AND THE LADY OF THE EYRIE!” began the herald as the throne room opened. The whole throne room was quiet as the retinue stood outside the premises.


There was mild applause as the lady of the eyrie stepped forward with her retinue. And Viserys was surprised as he saw the Maiden of the Vale. The last time he had seen her, she had been only three, yet now she was a woman grown. Her luscious dark brown hair was tied in an elaborate braid and flowed behind her. She had high and prominent cheekbones, and her bright blue eyes seemed to suck one into them. Her blue gown matched her eyes, and Viserys finally caught a look at the women by her sides.

On one side, she was flanked by the lady of Runestone and the wife of his brother Daemon, the Lady Rhea of house Royce daughter to Lord Yorbert Royce, the man who walked right to their side and cut an imposing figure in his Bronze armor. She had raven black hair, was taller than Lady Arryn, and wore an iconic bronze gown. And to the other side, there was someone else he had never seen though he had heard quite a bit about.

That iconic red hair, green gown, and ravishing smile meant she was the lady in waiting for the Lady of the Eyrie, Lady Jessamyn Redfort.

There was buzzing in the court, as the the Lady of the Eyrie stepped forward and kneeled in front of him. Followed by the rest of her retinue. He stood up from the throne, and the buzzing died down.

“Rise! I, King Viserys Targaryen, welcome you all to my castle,” he spoke, and applause broke out in the throne room as the retinue from the Vale stood up.

How could Viserys predict the disaster that would unfold sometime later?


What’s Daemon going to do to fuck it all up!