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Chapter 66


Darui avoided another attack from the bijuu as he jumped away, his breath was heavy as he struggled to accept the situation he was in.


The attack from the two tails connected and the ground broke down. Well, good thing he had jumped back. He looked up and gulped as he saw towering form of two tails in front of him. But that wasn’t even his major concern.

No, it was the shinobi that had begun this all. A shinobi that had no place of being here. His teammate landed behind him, looking just as if not more haggard than him.

“C, has there been a solution? That particle style, isn’t that the special technique used by the Tsuchikage? So, is it really Iwa attacking us?” he questioned as he tried to take a breather. There was only one shinobi alive who could use Particle style, the Third Tsuchikage, Onoki. And hence the initial assault from that special move led to a single solution.

“No,” C shook his head as he got closer to Darui and began to heal him. Darui was surprised by the answer. If this wasn’t the work of Iwagakure, then who.

“We have scanned the perimeter and there are no attacking forces from Iwa, moreover the shinobi that used that technique wasn’t the Third Tsuchikage but the Second one,” Darui turned towards C incredulously to confirm what he had just heard.

“The Invisible Muu, the man who died like four decades ago,” and C nodded, destroying Darui’s worldview. What the hell was going on?

“But how? Did he fake his death or something?” Darui questioned as he heard a huge boom from the other side of the village. Turning his head, he was greeted by another harrowing sight of two-tailed beasts.

The eight tails, Bee-sama, and what seemed to be the seven tails duking it out at the border of the village. The initial attack had been a surprise. A tailed beast bomb headed straight for the village would have destroyed everything if not for Bee-sama’s quick response.

But the situation after that had been a complete disaster. Then the attack on Yugito had happened, somehow releasing the two tails. One village facing two tailed beasts at a single time. This was an extremely well-planned attack.

“We aren’t certain about the method, though Raikage-sama has been able to neutralize him. And Darui finally felt some semblance of hope as he heard those words.

“ROARRR!” his head snapped as he saw the two tails snarl, surrounded by Kumo shinobi with hundreds lying dead or bloodied around it. He saw it bring up its tail as he felt chakra begin to thicken as it began to gather chakra, for a very familiar move.

“A Tailed Beast Bomb! Right in the middle of the village. We need to stop this! This will destroy all of Kumo!” Darui shouted to all the surrounding Kumon in who nodded as he got up.

“But how! Raikage-sama is still not here, and without him, how can we stop this!” C questioned; Pale faced as he looked and Darui as Darui’s mind raced. He could feel everyone’s gazes fixed on him as they looked to him for a solution.

He looked at the growing chakra condensation in the two tails’ mouth as he finally had an inkling of a plan. So, he finally gave the orders.

“ALRIGHT EVERYONE! I WANT YOU TO FLOOD THE AREA AROUND TWO-TAILS WITH YOUR WATER JUTSUS!” he screamed, and immediately he saw them beginning to make handseals.

“SUITON: WATER WAVE!” he heard the shouts along with names of other water-natured techniques getting called out.

“What are you planning to do, Darui?” C spoke up as he saw him begin making handseals as well. Darui did not look away from the tailed beast as he finished the first set of seals.

“LIGHTNING STYLE: LIGHTNING CLONES!” he shouted, and he felt his reserves drop significantly as three clones appeared, jumping away immediately as per his orders.

“Well, I believe it’s time she gets a little shock to her system!” he muttered as began making the second set of handseals.


“YES SIR!” the reply came as they began making handseals. Though, C recognized the handseals.

“Are you an idiot! This will emty your reserves, even the Third Raikage did not like to use that technique because of its chakra cost!” C screamed but Darui couldn’t think of any other solution.

Seeing no response of him he notices C approach him, his hands beginning to glow green once more and Darui felt a momentary relief as he felt his body reinvigorate.

“Don’t die, you freakin idiot!” C muttered silently, but Darui was in no position to make such promises.


And there were shouts of various Raiton jutsus. But then came the loudest shout together from four corners at the same exact time.


“ARGGHHHHHHHH!” and before blacking out, the last thing Darui heard was the bijuu’s howling scream followed by a huge blast!





C closed his eyes to avoid all the debris and dust that had been strewn up because of the blast. The attack had caused the tailed beast’s attack to go awry, and even now he could hear it scream.

“ROAR!!!” but the danger had not abated. They still had to contain the tailed beast.

“Where is Samui-sama? She was supposed to bring the sealing pot?” he could hear the questions. And yet there was no answer. Where was she, and where was Raikage-sama?

C looked at the unconscious form of Darui and felt his pulse. Darui had drained himself out of a significant portion of his reserves to give them a chance. With the previous attack. The two-tails would have taken substantial damage, buying them a little bit of time.

“DON’T LET IT GET A BREAK! CONTINUE ATTACKING! DON’T WASTE THIS OPPORTUNITY!” C heard a shout from a very respected voice. He turned his head and saw Dodai-sama standing there wearing full armor. The retired attendant of the Third and Second Raikage occupied a legendary status amongst the Kumogakure forces due to his skills and service.

C’s heart eased as he saw him land beside him, looking at the unconscious form of Darui.

“Is he fine?” he questioned him, and C hurriedly nodded.

“Yes, it’s a bit severe, but he will make it with proper rest,” and the man nodded, his sole eye now looking ahead as he stared at the struggling form of two-tails.

“Take him away and leave this to us, Ay-sama will be here any second now with the Sealing pot to contain the two tails!” he ordered, and C nodded as he picked up Darui and just as he was about to run away when he finally heard a much awaited shouting voice.

“RAITON! GUILLOTINE DROPPP!” and with the crackle of lightning, he was very familiar with that voice.


“ARGHHHH!” the two tails screamed as there was the sound of an explosion. The shinobi who could bring a bijuu to heel single-handedly, Ay-sama, the Fourth Raikage, was here.

“Ay-sama,” he muttered as he turned around and saw the man attacking the two tails. Lightning covered his whole body, and his lightning cloak activated to its full potential. He jumped up and gave his final order.

“SAMUI! GET THE SEALING POT READY! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!” he shouted as he gathered the chakra for another attack.


“LIGHTNING STYLE: LIGER BOMBB!” Lord Raikage shouted as he landed a fierce attack on the two tails making the bijuu scream.



Shinso ducked as he dodged another attack from the reanimated form of Third Raikage. With Sage mode, it was as if his senses had gone into overdrive, even more so from his usual lightning-natured brain alteration technique.

He could feel the Third Raikage gather up more chakra for an attack, but Shinso was a step ahead of him.

“SENPO: SHIDEN ISSEN!” he shouted as lightning bolts arched across his sword, riveting as he aimed a strike straight at the Raikage’s head. The reanimated corpse dodge but it was too slow to counter Shinso’s next move, for he changed the direction of the strike at the last second aiming it straight at the Third Raikage’s shoulder.


There was some resistance as lightning tried to wave off lightning. His special cloak stood up to my attack, but he could feel the cloak break. Slowly, but still, Shinso knew that he could get through.

But not like this, for the Third Raikgae simply attacked, making him jump back, abandoning the attack.



The attack hit the ground, and dust and debris rose up, covering up the whole area. But Shinso could still feel the upcoming attack through his enhanced senses.

“LIGHTNING STRAIGHT!” and a blur raced for Shinso out of the debris, aiming a punch straight at his head, the power in it enough to topple buildings.

Shinso breathed out as he adjusted his position for his next move.

“SENPO: KACHIWARI!” and he felt the world slow down, the attack from the Third Raikage slowed down, and Shinso simply moved as per usual and dodged the attack, then aimed his sword straight at the Third Raikage’s chest before releasing a burst of built up chakra.

“SENPO: RAIKIMARU!” and there was a huge build of chakra but in the end, he could feel that despite the resistance, his sword was able to finally pierce the man’s armor.




Haku covered his eyes as the area was once more rocked by a huge explosion. The Third Raikage had rushed towards Shinso in a blur only for him to respond with his own move.

Haku’s face was ashen white as his heart thrummed in his chest, the powers colliding in front of him, making him feel inadequate. Sheerly inadequate.

Shinso had remained behind to combat the Third Raikage sending the rest of the squad to go back to Kiri. There had been some protest by Mizukage-sama, but then the Nara clan head had spoken up in favor of the kid, saying that Shinso would handle it and they should listen to him.

And now Haku understood why?

Sage Mode. A technique spoken of only in reverie and legends, something mastered by so few shinobi that they could be counted on a single hand.

Hashirama Senju, the God of Shinobi. Jiraiya of the Sanin. And now Shinso Ken, the Raijin no Ken.

She saw the dust begin to clear up as she spotted the form of the Third Raikage standing still, his lightning coat still covering his body, but her eyes widened as she saw the sword protruding out of his back. A purplish sword that was held by Shinso-kun, who had dodged the oncoming attack by a razer thing margin.

“You got him!” Haku found himself screaming, but her elation was short-lived as the Third Raikage’s lightning cloak began to glisten up, and the man began to pull back a fist for an attack.

“LOOK OUT!” Haku screamed.

“AHHHHHHH!” the Third Raikage swung his massive lightning-coated fist at Shinso-kun, who jumped back hastily at the last second to avoid the attack, failing to pull back his sword.


The attack hit the ground once more, creating another crater as Shinso kun landed in front of him, weaponless, though no less composed.

“May I help?” Haku questioned, and he simply shook his head.

“No! This has gone on for long enough. It is time to end this,” he said as he summoned another sword from a scroll with a puff.

The Third Raikage stepped out of the crater, and he gripped the impaled sword. Haku watched wide-eyed as the man simply crushed it with his bare fists.

“Tch! That is gonna be costly!” he heard Shinso-kun mutter as he plunged the sole sword in his hand into the ground and began to make a series of hand seals.

Haku was suddenly assaulted by a huge storm of chakra as lightning began to coalesce around the sword in front of him. Purple lightning arched around Shinso-kun.

But it seems that he was not the only one who had had enough. He felt the Third Raikage build up the chakra as well and watched as the man’s chakra cloak changed colors.

From blue, it went to black. Pitch-black lightning began to radiate from the giant man. Haku had never seen such lightning. Not that he had ever seen Purple colored lightning either.

But he felt two of them gather large amounts of chakra, volumes she had only ever felt from Mizukage-sama.

The Third Raikahge was the first to make his move, as he moved in a blur. Black lightning whizzed as a blur, and Haku heard the shout.


But then, finally, he also felt Shinso-kun’s much-subdued murmur. His voice was barely audible under all the crackle of the lightning storms. But even then, Haku heard it nice and clear.

“RAITON: AMATSU RAIKOU!” (Heavenly Lightning)


And Haku had to cover his eyes as the whole area blew up, but even in the huge explosion, he was able to hear the sound of sword slashes. More than perhaps a hundred slashes within a span of seconds.


So, please tell me what you think!



Awesome 😎👍