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Chapter 3


Life was mysterious in various ways. Sometimes life would incidentally reveal to you secrets that many yearned to know. Alicent had been fortunate like that. Once, several years ago. She often thought about that day, more so when she sat with her friend underneath the blood-red leaves of the Heart tree in the Godswood. She stared at the open book lying on the side and frowned as she spoke to the princess.

“What are you reading, Rhaeneyra? The book given by Septa Marlow is right here?” she asked as she picked up the significantly heavy copy of Journies of Nymeria and History of Dorne. Rhaeneyra was still busy reading something else. Alicent frowned as she moved her head to get a glimpse. Recognizing the book as the gift Rhaeneyra had received from her exiled Uncle.

“You do know that Septa Marlow will not like the excuse that you were busy reading something else?” and Rhaeneyra finally looked at her, her eyes had the distinct Targaryen purple, met her own, and Alicent was reminded of similar eyes.

Purple and burning. She also remembered the aftermath. The shouting. The anger. And most of all the promise. The promise to an old dying man.

“The septa can rot in the seven hells,” and it was not the first time Alicent had seen this side of the young princess. They had known each other long enough for her to know that Rhaeneyra was nervous about something.

So Alicent placed the book down and her hand brushed over Rhaeneyra’s head lying on her lap.

“All right, tell me what is bothering you and we can discuss it. Because you are only ever this grumpy when you are worrying over something.”

And Alicent was spot on, as the girl in her lap closed the book and placed it by her side. And after a second or so spoke up.

“I am worried about mother. She has not been feeling well and everyone around her is worried about the babe while no one is paying any attention to her. They are all like, ‘this is not good for the child, this is bad for the bae, you can do that, stop that.’ No one is paying attention to what she wants.”

And Alicent felt a pang of sadness as she remembered her own mother. And she could feel the helplessness from her words. It was not like any of them were going to listen to a child.

Even if they were right.

“You should trust the Maesters, they probably know what they are doing?” Alicent tried to assure her friend. But her friend just huffed as she got up, looking up at the book by her side once more.

“If they were so knowledgeable, my father would not have called for Uncle Aenys.”

And hadn’t that been a story for Alicent? The news had been the cause of much discussion in the court. The letter had been delivered quite some time ago. Yet no reply had been received. And many thought that the exiled Prince had refused the call.

“They call him The Healer for his skills. Father called him back specifically for her but I don’t think he will be arriving at this rate.” The princess spoke, giving the book a complicated look.

“You know I don’t even remember much of him, the best I know him is through these books he sends me as gifts on my birthdays,” and Alicent found herself replying.

“Well, he was shorter than Prince Daemon.”—and Rhaeneyra was looking at her, perhaps finally remembering that Alicent was old enough to have seen the mystery prince and remember him—"his hair a bit curlier, but his physique quite lean. That is from what I remember of him.”

Alicent clarified. And now Rhaeneyra was giving her a conspirational look with quite a sinister smile.

“WHAT!” she asked, making Rhaeneyra’s smile wider. She just shook her head and tried to get up from the ground but was stopped by Rhaeneyra, who held her hand.

“Do you think he will come?” Rhaeneyra asked her, and Alicent stopped as she stared straight into Rhaeneyra’s eyes. Her mind took her back to the time she had seen similar eyes filled with fire and vitriol, rage the sort that promised to burn the whole world. The words spoken locked behind her promise to the dying King, who often called her by the name of her exiled daughter. Words she would only understand years later. Words she had never spoken to anyone else.

Promise me, Saera. Promise me.

And Alicent found herself nodding.

“Yes, I believe he will come.” She answered.

“Then why hasn’t he arrived yet? It has been months?” Rhaeneyra complained even though she knew the answer.

“As Prince Daemon told the court, he was in Qarth. And if you were paying any attention to the lessons of Septa Marlow, you would know that it is on the other side of the world. Perhaps, it is the journey that is taking time,” she answered, and Rhaeneyra huffed at the mention of her studies. Making Alicent frown.

“How is it that you hate learning History from Septa Marlow, but can read those huge books from your uncle easily?” she asked the question that had often arisen in her heart.

Rhaeneyra replied in a haughty tone.

“The Septa’s lectures are boring. Plus, these books are quite interesting.”—and Rhaeneyra picked up the book handing it to her—“Read it and tell me how that is anything comparable to this”

And with that, Rhaeneyra got up leaving Alicent alone with a book. She looked at the title.


Alicent found the name quite unique and she opened the book and began reading it. Only stopping when Rhaeneyra come looking for her telling her that it was time for supper. And from what Alicent had read, history seemed quite boring in comparison.



“I am not going. No way!” Magella felt the headache grow as she saw heard her nephew refuse once more.

“But Aenys, he wrote to you himself. Daemon even came to deliver it himself, yet you were not here. You should not be so petty,” and Aenys turned to face her. His face flushed. Eyes filled with rage and defiance. As he spoke in a mocking tone.

“Petty! I am being petty! He has been king for years, yet he only sends the letter now. Years later!” and Aenys picked up the letter waving it in the air.

“And do you think I am an idiot? I can tell quite well why Viserys is calling for me, and why Daemon came here himself to deliver it.”

“Daemon has been trying to persuade Vis…” But her words were cut off by a scoff from Aenys as he spoke up.

“To get a counterweight against Otto Hightower,” making Magella stop mid-sentence. What could she even say to that? She knew he was right.

She closed her eyes as she thought about Aenys. She could feel her own will leaving her. And she had one more chance to get him to return. And so she spoke up once more in a small voice.

“Aenys, you do not have to worry about your secret. No one else knows.”

And Aenys’ head whipped toward her as soon as the words had left her mouth. His face was white as a sheet, and his eyes were wide. As he tried to speak something, Magella nodded her head, simply answering him before the words had left her mouth. Aenys was quiet for a long time before he spoke up once more.

“Since when? Since when have you known?” he asked with an even tone. Magella was no longer looking at him. Her eyes stared at the scenery outside. The Titan of Bravos appeared as a small silhouette to her in the distance.

“When Grandfather called me and sent me to check up on you? He had made Alicent swear not to speak of it. The Kingsguard outside made similar vows. But they had probably not heard any of it at all. He only told me because, by that time, he had already done the deed, understanding the implication behind them later.”

She answered. And it was like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She turned to glance at his nephew, who was now sitting on a chair. Hand held in his hands.

“Yet you never asked anything? Never said anything? So why now?” he questioned in a small voice.

Magella was quiet for a moment as she carefully thought out her words. Her hand went up to touch the scarred skin on her neck.

“When you sneaked in to help me despite my greyscale with that stupid acolyte,”—and a laugh escaped from his lips— “And I woke up days later. Weak and in extreme pain, yet feeling alive once more. I suspected something similar. Yet I stayed quiet, for you never said a word. And hence it was only when grandfather confirmed it. I knew that you had a mistake. So, I advised him to make everyone who had heard anything swear to keep quiet.”

And now Aenys was looking at her with a complicated expression.

“So, he did it, but then just as I was about to convince him to end the exile. News of your adventure from Dragonstone arrived in King’s Landing, and he refused to listen to any of my pleas. So, I took a boat and arrived to look after you. For I knew that you needed someone else. For a Targaryen alone in a word is a terrible thing. More so with the gift you possess”

And there was a slight smile on his face, as she repeated those words. And Aenys took a deep breath as he got up and walked to the window, standing by her side. He then spoke up once more.

“Have you ever wanted to know anything? Ask me. I will tell you.” He offered, and Magella understood the trust those words had come with. She just shook her head at him.

“Nothing. There is nothing to ask.” She replied as she tried to wrestle the curls out of his silvery locks. Aenys just turned and began to walk out when she spoke up once more.

“And Aenys, thank you for saving my life all those years ago,” and he began walking once more. Magella turned to look out the window once more. She tried to remember the date of the tourney, and as she recalled it, she felt a little relieved.

There was still time. He would make it.

And on that night, thousands in Bravos saw a sight that would become a thing of the legends in a couple of centuries. A great winged beast rose from the area around the Purple Harbour and took to the skies. Its coloring makes it appear majestic through the darkness of the night.



Viserys frowned as he listened to the report from Corlys about the Triarchy and their invasion of the Stepstones. The Sea Snake was a man of ambition. Unsatiated and continuous ambition. The man held been blessed with much. A tremendous wealth. A royal match. Influence at court. A son to carry his name.

Yet it seems that it was never enough.

“We cannot allow them any more latitude in the stepstones. If they have free reign in that region, the crown would have their trade routes cut off,” and Otto spoke from the side.

“Your trades Lord Corlys, mainly the crown operated few ships on that route,” the man had seen where Corlys was leading them and had intervened to stop his momentum.

Viserys was getting agitated by the continuous bickering. His mind went over what Aemma had told him the other day. The last chance for her. For a son. And Viserys could not get her words out of his mind.

“Is there any news about my brother?” he asked, and everyone quieted down. Lord Strong spoke up after a moment or so.

“Your grace, we have not received any correspondence yet. But it is expected, as he was in Qarth when Prince Daemon visited. I don’t believe that he will be able to make it in time.”

And Viserys looked toward the Maester.

“And is there any change that I need to know of? How is everything?” he asked and the aged Maester Melos replied.

“Everything seems fine, your grace. Our prediction will hold.”

And Viserys nodded at those words.

“How are the preparations for the Tourney coming along?” he asked the Master of the Coin.

“The preparations have been completed, your grace.”

And Viserys was glad to hear those words. This tourney was supposed to be massive. It was, after all for the celebration of the price. His son.



Rhaeneyra Targaryen watched as knights from various regions of the realm gathered for the Heir’s tourney. So many sigils, so many banners. The whole city was filled with them. It was only the first day. Her mother’s labor had yet to even begin. Yet the celebrations for the child in her womb had already begun.

She looked to the side and found her father seated with Otto Hightower, Alicent’s father. The man was competent, if not likable with his hollow eyes and haughty attitude. She pushed herself a bit to get a look at the sky.

“What are you doing?” Alicent asked from the side. Dressed in a pure white gown, that accentuated her curves. Her brown hair was tied in an intricate braid that gave her a very dashing look. Rhaeneyra had spotted several knights sneaking a look at her.

“Nothing,” she lied as she slid back. Disappointed at the lack of any incoming dragon. Alicent caught her lie but did not push as her father stood up and began his speech.

“Today, I am quite delighted to welcome you all to this tournament. My heart feels elated as I look at all such fine names on the lists. I hope that each of you makes a great showing.”

And with that,t the herald blew his horn. A, all those with their names on the lists began to gather up.

The Herald spoke up.


And the ground shook with the cheer from the small folks. Their voices thundering and roaring as knights began to line up around the arena. Each of them was dressed in shining armor. Ready to fight for glory.

She leaned in closer to Alicent.

“Is your brother participating in the melee,” she asked her friend and Alicent shook her head at that.

“No, he is only taking part in the joust.” And Rhaeneyra leaned back just as the herald blew his horn once more.

“AND NOW WE HAVE THE BIGGEST NAME IN THE TOURNAMENT ENTERING. PRINCE DAEMON!” and the cheer was thunderous as her uncle, or at least which one was present entered the ring with his black steed. His black armor did not glisten unlike the rest of the knights. His decorated helmet covering his face. The Valyrian steel sword, Dark Sister tied to his side.

He walked to the center of the arena with much cheer from the crowd. Bowing before her father before he joined the rest of the knights. The knights around him moved away from him. Perhaps fearing being taken out at the start. For there was no better swordsman than the Rogue Prince in the whole of the seven Kingdoms.

And just as everyone was ready and the herald was about to begin the melee with his horn. Everyone stopped as they heard the echoes of a huge bellow, and Rhaeneyra immediately got up from her seat to move to the edge of the platform.

“Rhaeneyra!” Alicent followed her. But they were not the only ones who had moved, she could spot the Kingsguard taking their places in front of their father. The various gathered knights were also looking at the sky, trying to find the source of the sound. Yet Rhaeneyra would find it first.

“There!” she shouted, pointing her finger straight at the slight mass she had spotted. The spot was growing bigger with each passing dragon. And now Rhaeneyra could make it out a bit. A dragon was descending from the skies. The knights began to panic slightly. Her own father moved ahead to get a glimpse.

It was very close to the ground, yet Rhaeneyra had yet to see it flapping its wings. And just when Rhaeneyra had thought that it would crash into the ground. The dragon opened its wings as it slowed down its descent, and began to circle the arena. Her eyes finally catching the glimpse of the dragon.

Beautiful was her first thought. Its size larger than Syrax, yet its scales, pearly white somewhat similar to those of Silverwing. Its wings did not have a single blemish on them as the pure white wings kept the dragon in the sky as it circled the arena.

Now Rhaeneyra could finally spot the person seated on its back. The Dragon began its descent and reached for the arena. Showering the people with dust as it landed. Rhaeneyra was so captured by its beauty that she missed a man getting off its back and making his way to their stand.

The Kingsguard were standing in front of her father. On the ground, the other knights had left the arena except for Prince Daemon who stood with his helmet removed from his head. The dragon rider walked up to them, stopping in front of Daemon as he took off his helmet.

Silver hair came out. A bit of curl to them, but not much. The person had a clean-shaven face. With not a speck of hair on his chin. Though from the grime and weariness on his face one could make out that he had been in a hurry.

Rhaeneyra saw a genuine smile appear on her uncle Daemon’s face. And she frowned as the man began to look for something in his pockets. Taking out a letter after some searching. He held it up and shouted.

“I got your letter!” and with that, she saw her father descend to the tourney ground. The whole arena was quiet as the King walked up to his brother. Her father walked up to him. And now both of them were standing face to face. And with a small smile hugged the dragon rider.

They separated, and then Uncle Daemon came and joined in as well. Then her father shouted out.

“Today, we have been blessed as well. We celebrate for the return of my brother Prince Aenys has returned to be among us once more,” and the crowd broke into a deafening roar as they cheered wildly for the newly returned prince.


So, how is it, please tell me your thoughts.



Was that a Harry Potter Easter egg in there 😂😂 I'm guess the SI plagiarized JKR with Rhaegal Targaryen book