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Chapter 63


Terumi Mei landed at the exact location of the Sanbi. The other members of the team landed behind her, including Aoba, Zabuza, Haku, and Kuroda Hozuki. They were then joined by the team from Konoha as the Nara clan head landed along with the other two members.

The aged commander clicked his tongue as he saw the terrain.

“This is not good. We will be fighting the sanbi in its natural habitat,” the leader of Konoha’s team commented.  Kuroda simply smiled with his shark-like teeth as he replied to Konoha’s team captain.

“Ahhh, it seems that you don’t appreciate the hunt. Don’t you know the meal is the tastier when you hunt it down yourself!” Mei smirked at the deadpan response from Konoha’s genius strategist.

“I am afraid I am perfectly happy with a pre-cooked meal. Plus, our mission was only to assist you in the sealing, not in combating and subduing the three tails as well,” he spoke with authority as he looked toward her.

It seemed that he was looking down on them. Now she couldn’t let that stand now, could she? So, she let go of her chakra for a bit and saw the man frown as the air around the whole area thickened.

“It seems to me that you have a bit of a misconception, Nara-san,” she began as she began to walk up to the edge of the lake giving the man a small glance from the edge of her eyes.

“We never actually asked for your help in dealing with the Sanbi,” and then she made the handseals as she gathered chakra from her massive reserves. She stood on the edge of the lake as she gathered up the huge concentration of chakra.

“So, just stand back and watch!”

Perhaps it was time that she put them in their place.

She saw the color vanish from Aoba and Zabuza’s faces as they realized her intention. Both of them started cycling through handseals.

“HURRY UP! BRING UP THE DEFENSES!” and then she simply plunged her hands into the pond as she let go of her gathered chakra.


And both Zabuza and Ao shouted at the same time.





Shikaku Nara felt sweat run down his face as all of them were covered by layers and layers of water. Yet even all this had been unable to stop the intensity of the attack from reaching them.

“Well, it seems you hit a nerve there,” commented Shinso from the side, and Shikaku gulped as he saw the whole lake evaporate in a matter of seconds.

“You seem to forget something, jonin commander,” added the Mizukage’s right-hand man, Ao, the locator.

“This isn’t the first time we are facing the Sanbi,” and Shikaku made the connection immediately, for the Fourth Mizukage was the jinchuriki, a perfect one at that, and they had rebelled against him.

Shikaku saw the watery prison fall down and could immediately feel the change in temperature, and it had risen up substantially. And right in front of them, where there was a perfect lake a second ago, was a huge crater.

No, a huge crater with a huge turtle-like beast glaring right at them as it thrashed its three giant tails around.

“It seems to me that the Sanbi does not like being disturbed,” commented the Mizukage simply as she began to walk down towards the beast itself simply.

“So why don’t we wrap this up quickly, Zabuza, Kuroda!” she commanded, and Shikaku saw the two-man smirk as the two of them cracked their necks.

“Well, it seems I can finally let loose,” commented the wielder of the executioner’s blade.

“HeeHee! This is going to be fun. I have been waiting for this for quite some time,” commented the member of the Hozuki clan as both of them began to cycle through hand seals.

“Get ready for the sealing, kid, cuz we are gonna make short work of this!” he commented as he gave Shinso a stare before jumping away.

“WATER STYLE: WATER DRAGON JUTSU!” Shikaku watched as two huge water dragons materialized and began to head straight for the three tails.

The colossal monster bellowed out a roar as it covered itself with its three rugged-looking tails, but it seemed that the Mizukage had other plans.

“Not so fast!”

“ERTH STYLE: EARTHEN MOUNTAIN!” and three separate mountains rose as they stopped the tails from covering its face.


The huge water dragons connected.

“ROAR!” the tailed beast roared in fury as it began to coil into a ball, making Shikaku think of the Akimichi clan’s techniques. It began to spin at high speed and then began to rush straight toward the Mizukage.

Shikaku was surprised to see no reaction from her and began to make handseals but stopped when the Ao raised a hand in front of him indicating for him to not intervene.

“As I previously said, just watch!” Shikaku watched as the Mizukage gathered up chakra before using another one of her Kekkei Genkai.


And he was surprised as he saw her spew a literal flood of molten Hot Lava. Lava was beginning to cover up the Three tails but was still not stopping its attack.

“WATER STYLE: GREAT WATER WALL!” and then it was assaulted by a huge torrent of water from the other two Kiri Nin.

“They plan to trap it in this rudimentary concrete,” concluded Shinso as he watched all this from his side.

“I must say this is highly impressive,” added Gai, and Shikaku would tend to agree with them. He saw the Sanbi get covered in the cooled-down lava as the Mizukage wiped away Lava from her lips, making Shikaku shake his head.

“Well, one can see why she is the Mizukage. Two Kekkei Genkai’s, that is perhaps even rarer than a Kekkei Touta.” He commented that it seems they had celebrated a bit too early.



The rudimentary prison suddenly broke down, and Shikaku covered his eyes to block all the dust.

“Well, it seems that it’s not done quite yet!” he said as he looked towards Ao, who simply stood at his place confidently.

“It matters little! With Mei-sama, it is only a matter of time now before the tailed beast falls,” and the man had complete faith in the Mizukage. Shikaku could now see how they had survived the rebellion. It seems he had underestimated the newly minted fifth Mizukage.

To have the ability to inspire such confidence and devotion. She must be quite an exemplary shinobi. He smirked as he gave both Gai and Shinso a look who understood his intentions.

“Well, now we can’t just leave our allies alone, now can we,” he said as Gai began to push chakra through his coils, and Shinso took out the scroll from his back.

“So, please let Konoha, as Kiri’s new ally, help them with their little problem,” and he began to mold his own chakra.

“NINPO: ASA KUJAKU!” screamed Gai as his body vanished in thin air.

“LIGHTNING STYLE: LIGHTNING PRISON!” and three of Shinso’s swords landed around the Sanbi to construct a huge cage of lightning.

Well, now he couldn’t let them all outshine him now, could he? Plus, now it was a matter of prestige. And it had been years since Shikaku had let go. So, he decided to use one of his special ninjutsu!


And he felt his reserves drop by a substantial amount as huge gates erupted from the Sanbi’s shadows and fell on it as it tried to thrash around but was unsuccessful.

The technique had been developed by his ancestors after observing the Shodaime’s diety gates, a technique used by him to subdue the tailed beasts. The Nara clan had then created this in response to that, but the technique had been deemed impossible to master because of its difficulty.

Though not any longer, after the debacle during the Betrayal of Oto and Suna, he had decided to try again. And this time, he had succeeded.

The Mizukage turned to look at him with a smirk as she snarked.

“Well, it seems you aren’t satisfied by a pre-cooked meal either it seems,” Shikaku just scoffed.

“Nah! I like it just fine, and it’s just that I believe that we might be late for our lunch if we don’t wrap this up quickly!”

The Mizukage scoffed though Shikaku could feel the struggle of the Sanbi as it tried to escape from its bindings.

She then began to cycle through a series of handseals.

“Don’t worry. I will make sure we make it in time!”

“WATER STYLE: EXPLODING WATER WAVE!” but she did not stop as Sanbi was covered up in a huge sphere of water, and she began to cycle through another set of handseals.




Shinso watched the colossal concrete-covered uncoscious form of the Sanbi. The battle had been without any major hiccup and had been settled soon after they had entered the foray.

“Well, so are you ready for the sealing?” questioned Zabuza, and Shinso nodded as he looked at the sealing pot placed in front of me.

“Yes, as per the procedure, I will first seal Sanbi into this pot, and then, with the proper procedure, it will be sealed into the jichuriki,” Zabuza narrowed his eyes as he stared at the sealing pot. A tool that had been possessed by Kiri and was quite useful for containing a tailed beast.

“Why don’t you seal it into the jichuriki right now?” he questioned, and Shinso shook his head as he began to explain.

“While it is possible that way, there is a greater risk of the Tailed Beast escaping. The seal is always fragile in the beginning, and if the tailed beast gets agitated, it could try and break free. The sealing pot allows me to contain it and put it in a kind of a comatose state, making the sealing afterward much safer and easier,” the man just stared at me like everything he had just spoken was gibberish as he waved away his hand.

“Well, as long as you know what you are doing, just be quick about it,” and Shinso nodded as he sat down, placing his hand on the Sanbi.

“Yeah, I will be do…” but he frowned as he felt a foreign chakra approach them at very high speed. Shinso frowned and opened his eyes, and he wasn’t the only one who had sensed it.

And then a hunter nin landed in front of the Mizukage.

“MIZUKAGE-SAMA, THE VILLAGE. THE VILLAGE IS UNDER ATTACK!” but Shinso’s focus was not on the hunter nin or his words.

No, it was the new huge chakra signature that was rushing straight at the Mizukage. Shinso’s lightning-molded chakra raced through his cerebral circuitry as his senses slowed down.

He watched wide-eyed as a blurry figure rushed towards the Mizukage at unbelievable speed.


But the speed was simply too much, and their response was a bit delayed. And Shinso watched a lightning-coated figurehead straight toward Terumi Mei.

A figure that had no purpose being there.

‘What the hell was he doing here? He was supposed to be long dead?’


Guess the attacker. Kiri is also getting attacked. And now things are about to get interesting.


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