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Hello everyone!

Drkest here. First of all, we just crossed a hundred active patrons and for me that is a huge milestone. For this each and everyone, of you have my utmost gratitude.

When I began this, I was in a pretty bad spot in life and stuck in a a lot of problems and there seemed to be no light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. In that dark times I took a plunge and began this new journey as a way to channel and manage my emotions as a coping mechanism to manage my stress.

With your support and patronage, I was able to claw my way back to the glimmer of hope, only because some people on the internet found my mediocre writings entertaining enough to skim over. 

Right now, I am busy with exams, but the uploads will continue unless there is a major issue. I don't know what reward or gift i could give all of you, but here is a small annoncement.

We will have a new story by april, with increased upload frequency of chapters (can't pull it off right now, due to exams).

Thank you, to each and everyone of you that is here and to all those that ever gave me their support.

May you all be blessed!

Drkest out!


ciaran mullen

Loving the stories and your work is far from mediocre. Always try to think positively. Don't focus on the negative. Negative thoughts never helped anyone. 🤗


If ya gotta focus on your exams do so bud. Great read and honestly just plain fun to read.