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Chapter 29

Shikaku Nara was starting to get a headache. It had been a week since Sunagakure had announced its surrender. Konoha had been able to repel the invading force with help from Jiraiya sama. Yet things had piled up after that.

As the highest-ranking officer in the village. He had been trusted with making all the decisions regarding the village. This was the reason he was sitting in a room with the elders and Jiraiya sama himself to discuss the next course of action.

“We have received reports from the border of movement from Iwa. Their platoons seem to be moving toward our village. This could be a prelude to an invasion. We need to respond to this immediately and emphatically.”

Everyone nodded at that and just as he was about to continue. There was a knock on the door, irritating Shikaku.

“Who is there!” he spoke angrily. But instead of a reply the door opened and revealed the form of an old man with bandages covering half his body, making his irritation rise up further.

“What are you doing here?” Lord Jiraiya spoke up before he could question the same. Because it was rumored that Danzo had retired from his position. Even if there were several conjectures that this was more of a forced retirement rather than a willing one.

“We thought that with the village’s precarious situation, it would be prudent to have an experienced voice as an advisor,” Elder Homura spoke from the side as Lord Danzo walked in and took a seat beside the two aged councilmen.

He was not liking this one bit. But he had a job to do.

“How is the treaty with Suna coming along?” He asked.

“It is being a headache. They are blaming it all on Orochimaru and the Fire Daimyo has gotten involved as well. Even if peace is reached, we will not be able to impose major sanctions and reparations.” The councilman spoke seriously.

“Right now the biggest issue should be the appointment of our next leader. We need someone to lead us through these tough times. Someone with strength and reputation.” Elder Utatane spoke from the side.

Shikaku nodded and looked toward the face of the legendary Sanin. But Lord Jiraiya was still staring at the form of Lord Danzo.

“Jiraiya sama, I believe that your name would be amongst the best in consideration.” He spoke and saw Jiraiya sama look at him finally. But the legendary Sanin just shook his head.

“I don’t think I am right for the job. Who would take me seriously as a Hokage.”

Shikaku was about to retort when someone from the opposite side.

“Then, in that case, I would like to…” but Lord Danzo’s words were cut off as Lord Jiraiya continued speaking.

“But I have a perfect idea of who should take the hat. After all, I am not the only remaining Sanin,” The man said with a large grin. And Shikaku could feel a slight hope as heard those words.

“But we don’t even know where she is. She has not been in the village for so long, would she even be able to lead us at such times,” Elder Danzo retorted yet Shikaku could see the lack of support from the other two elders.

Choosing Lady Tsunade over an injured and aged shinobi like Danzo was an easy choice. Plus, Danzo’s reputation made it difficult to support his nomination.

“I think you are forgetting her second name. She is a Senju. Granddaughter of the Shodaime himself. The greatest healer in the world. Her deeds from the wars are still thought to be miracles. I do not believe there is anyone better than her to lead the village.” Shikaku spoke up.

“And I know where she is,” Lord Jiraiya spoke up. Then he looked straight at Lord Danzo and spoke up in a very grave tone, “And I can assure you she is more than aware of what goes on in the village”

The Elders nodded at that. But then the bandaged elder spoke up once more.

“But I believe there are other matters to discuss. We need support from other villages. And in that case, I have a proposal. I have seen that Kusa has been reluctant to lend us support due to some menial issue regarding a genin. I would like to propose that we bury that hatchet and have them aid us against Iwa,” The words were shocking to Shikaku. He could not believe that the war hawk, was proposing such a move. It was not that the thought had not crossed his mind. But he had quashed it, the very second it had come up.

The girl was a pure-blood Uzumaki perhaps among the last ones, after Kushina. And she also had the Adamantine chains in addition to her healing abilities. But the biggest reason was the kid she was engaged to. The kid had fought against a tailed beast and held it back. Moreover, this would send the wrong message. Just as he was about to retort he felt the chakra in the room thicken slightly. The pressure was coming from Jiraiya sama.

“Are you trying to reverse sensei’s last orders? Have you really any idea what you are saying.” And Shikaku could feel his own chakra brimming in the coils. But he felt the pressure ease up after as Lord Jiraiya spoke up once more.

“Plus, I will be taking the girl with me, maybe she will make convincing Tsunade a bit easier.”

Shikaku took in a small breath and continued.

“And we are no longer keen on the alliance with Kusa as well. They have not been steadfast allies and have dealt in deception. We also are in contact with Kiriagakure and an alliance with them would be a good deterrent.”

Shikaku spoke up and he could see the reluctance in Lord Danzo as all three of the elders nodded. Shikaku leaned back in his chair as the meeting concluded. The elders left the room. Now, it was just him and Lord Jiraiya in the room. He looked towards Lord Jiraiya.

“So, what are your thoughts on the discussion.” He asked. Lord Jiraiya looked towards him and replied.

“I have a slight idea, but it is not the time for it. Not yet.”

Shikaku nodded as he asked the more important question,

“Why did you request to see Suna’s jinchuriki?” he asked. After the battle Lord Jiraiya had requested to see the kid. But he was also accompanied by a certain blonde. Lord Jiraiya just smiled mysteriously,

“Well, honestly more than me Naruto wanted to see the kid,” and he could feel a slight hint of pride in his tone. Then he spoke with a wide smile.

“He just wanted to see a kid so similar to him. I believe that it was good for the kid from Suna to meet Naruto.”

Shikaku nodded at that then he asked in a grave tone.

“What about the mysterious man that turned up and stole Lord third’s dead body? We were able to censor the news but do you have any lead on that.”

“No. But I will. I will be leaving to meet Tsunade today, with Naruto and that Kusa girl. When I return I will probably have some new information.”

Shikaku processed his words and stood up from the chair. Then he walked towards the window. The village was filled with activity and he could see the rebuilding efforts taking place at breakneck speed.

“I have dispatched an ANBU squad to meet the shinobi from Iwa. But I believe that we need to do something more.”

Lord Jiraiya nodded and started walking towards the door.

“Don’t worry, I will make sure that they get a deserving surprise.”



Karin Uzumaki walked to a specific room in the hospital with heavy steps. The staff from the hospital were now very familiar with her presence. She entered a specific room. The commotion had died down a lot. With most of the patients getting discharged, and the retreat of the invading forces the hospital was no longer overrun.

She opened the windows to let in some fresh air. And then she sat on a chair right by the bed. The person lying on the bed was motionless, his chest moving minimally. The only sign of life was the constant beeping from the machines hooked up to him.

She held his hand and cursed the cruelty of the world once more. She had woken up three days ago to find out that Shinso had not woken up. Due to the severe depletion of his chakra which had basically run out, he should have died. Yet she had supplied him with her chakra.

But as his body lacked chakra of its own, her chakra had kept him alive yet was acting as poison for his chakra. The med nin had said that they were working on several theories to treat him but they were still in the planning phase.

She heard the door getting opened once more and looked up to find the form of a middle-aged lady entering the room. It was Nisa san, the matron of Shinso kun’s orphanage. Nisa san looked at her already present form and spoke up worryingly.

“You do know he would not want you to worry so much. You should take care of yourself. He would not be happy seeing you like this,” she said as she took a seat beside her. Karin did not reply immediately. She just looked down and said in a hushed tone.

“I do not know what to do. Everything has been just so sudden. I can not do this without him,” she said as she felt her eyes tearing up.

Nisa san hugged her lightly, “You will not have to. His injuries are healing. And the med nin are trying to work out a plan. Konoha boasts the best medical shinobi. He will be back with us in no time.”

Karin nodded despite the doubts and fears in her heart. She had felt his chakra getting extinguished momentarily during those moments. She had felt him accept the abyss for an instant. That moment haunted her dreams.

Suddenly she heard a knock on the door. She let go of Nisa san and wiped her eyes.

“Come in,” perhaps the med nin was here early. But the person who came in was not a hospital staff. It was a huge man, wearing a red colored jacket over a grey garment. His white mane was quite iconic just like the huge scroll strapped to his back. Her eyes widened as she recognized the man. She knew of him even before she had become Karin Uzumaki, but Shinso had told her about him during the second phase as well.

“Greetings, Lord Jiraiya,” both she and Nisa san spoke up. The man just smiled widely and replied in a cheery voice.

“Oho, finally someone who shows me the appropriate respect. Perhaps the brat will learn something from you,” he said lightly. Then she saw him turn towards Shinso’s stationary form and his smile dropped slightly.

“I hope the kid makes a full recovery. Honestly, without him, the damage would have been quite extensive. And thus, this brings me to the reason I am here,” he said as he turned toward her once more.

“I have heard from the medical staff about his condition. He needs some quite advanced treatment so, I wanted to ask you to accompany me on a mission to recruit the best healer in the world,” he spoke grandly, making Karin’s eyes go wild. But to her surprise, he continued as he finished in a very animated voice.

“How would you like to meet the Slug Princess of Konoha!”

And before she knew it, she was nodding her head. If it were to save Shinso, she would do anything. And anyone who had heard the legends of the Slug Princess would be aware that she was the best chance he had.



Orochimaru could feel his consciousness return to him. His eyes opened and his well-trained awareness and instincts screamed as he found himself in an unknown location. Perhaps it was only the years of experience that kept him calm.

He tried to move his body, yet he could not. His body failed to respond to his instructions. He closed his eyes and tried to circulate his chakra but found o response. His reserves had been reduced to a mere shadow of their original volume.

He cursed his old sensei for doing this to him. That old fool had hampered him this much.

“Ahhh, so you are finally awake” an eerily familiar voice startled him slightly. Orochimaru tried to look at the person speaking yet his body did not move.

“All your effort will be futile. That sealing jutsu of your sensei has left you barely alive. Honestly, I am quite surprised that you even survived it at all. But no matter. It actually saves me quite the trouble,” Orochimaru could hear the person walking towards him. With all his effort he preened his neck to look at the incoming person, his eyes widened as he saw the masked man approach him.

“YOU!” his voice came out.

“Yes, me. It was quite a handy technique that you used to combat your sensei. Bringing back the dead. Now, that is quite impressive.”

The masked man was now right above him. A single lone Sharingan shone through the hole. The man then spoke up ominously as the Sharingan spun.

“Now, why don’t you tell me everything about it.”


Ok people. The fifth Hokage is about to e chosen. I ran a poll on it asking for your opinion. And the majority of you wanted Tsunade to be the fifth.

For the first time in a very long time. It is now Orochimaru on the table.



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