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Chapter 18

Jiraiya-The Toad Sage

Jiraiya watched as ten people reached the tower and completed the second phase of the exam. Three teams from Konoha and a single red-haired kunoichi. A pang of regret shot through him as he looked at her red hair. They were awfully familiar to him and reminded him of a certain hyperactive kunoichi. He looked at his sensei”.

“Are you sure she is an Uzumaki?” he questioned his sensei. Their alliance with the Uzushio had been a point of embarrassment for them. They had failed to assist their sister village and the ensuing slaughter was said to be heart-wrenching. It is said that the ocean surrounding Uzushio remained dyed red due to the bloodshed that day.

His sensei nodded, “Yes. Though Kusa failed to mention that in her file. I only noticed when Shinso Kun brought her to the hospital. For the file, she gave her full name. Karin Uzumaki.” Sensei picked up a file and handed it to him.

Jiraiya looked through the file, revulsion rose in his heart as he read through her examination report. “Bite marks!” He questioned his sensei.

“Yes, she has a unique Kekkei Genkai. Inherited from her mother. It allows her to heal people by letting them bite her.” Sensei finished in a grave tone. Jiraiya nodded at that, and his eyes focused on the brown-haired genin carrying the girl.

“You do know about the connections of her teammates, right? As soon as she returns to Kusa her fate is sealed.” He added. And he could tell that various plans were forming in The Professor’s mind.

“I believe it would not come to that,” Sensei said staring at the same genin. Well, they would deal with that. Jiraiya closed the file. And picked up another file from the table, titled ‘Shinso Ken,’ and began reading it. He was extremely impressed as he read the various reports.

“You found a scary ringer this year. That kid’s ruthless.” He said to his sensei.

“Shinso Kun has been quite a find,” Sensei said with pride in his voice. Then suddenly the temperature of the room dropped as an ANBU appeared in front of the desk.

“Report,” ordered the Hokage.

“Yes, the ANBU squad failed to capture the missing-nin Orochimaru. Jounin Mitarashi Anko was critically injured and had to be taken to the hospital.” The Hokage did not like the news and got up from his seat and turned towards the window looking out into the village. And after a while spoke in a cold voice, “Dismissed.”

The ANBU vanished. Jiraiya still sat on his chair reading the file on the kid that quite resembled his past student. At least in their love interest, he thought perversely. His sensei just smoked for a while.

“Jiraiya I want you to go to the tower and take a look at Naruto’s seal. Have Shinso assist you and after that go to the hospital to redo the sealing on Anko’s seal.” Sensei commanded and Jiraiya nodded.

He was a little elated at that. He could finally see his godson after all these years. He was also a little nervous as he made his way out of the office, he jumped across the building making his way to the central tower on ground forty-four.



Kakashi Hatake watched as the medics surrounded members of his team. According to the initial reports both Naruto and Sakura were fine. And would wake up within twelve hours. Sasuke on the other hand had lost a lot of blood and was suffering from near-chakra exhaustion. ‘Near’ is the most significant word. He was expected to make a complete recovery. Though he had to be careful, he would also be fine within a week.

He watched Kurenai scrutinize her team. Or at least a part of her team. Because the brown-haired kid was sitting with the kunoichi from Kusa, as the medics assessed the wound on her thigh. He looked up and saw Asuma staring at the scene as well. Their eyes met and both shook their head at that. A knowing smirk spread across their faces, yet hidden by the mask in his case.

Asuma’s team was also completely fine. They had not faced a single team and had gotten their second scroll through the deal they made with the ace from team eight. Shinso Ken had gathered five scrolls. He had the highest kill count in this phase of the exam. Thirteen kills within the span of barely two days. He had slaughtered them single-handedly. The boy looked at him and their eyes met, Kakashi nodded at the boy. The boy simply nodded back at him, before talking to the medic in front of him.

Asuma made his way toward him, “That is one scary kid!” He suggested.

Kakashi nodded, “Yeah, but he handled this exam by himself.” And before he could say more. There was a puff of smoke. And Lord Jiraiya appeared through the spoke. A wide smile on his face. Asuma’s eyes widened, “Lord Jiraiya, I did not know you were in the village?”

Lord Jiraiya just waved him off, “I just returned recently. I just wanted to take a look at the future of our village and congratulate them on their perseverance.”

From the look on Asuma’s face, he did not believe his words. But this was just like Lord Jiraiya. Lord Jiraiya made round through the genin who was looking at him with awe and reverence. He then approached the unconscious body of Naruto.

“Hey, you kid wonder!”—he pointed at Kurenai’s little genius—“why don’t you come here for a little bit?” Lord Jiraiya beckoned Shinso to join him. The kid in question frowned lightly and got up obeying the command of the aged legend.



“So, I heard you dabble in sealing?” Lord Jiraiya said lightly.

“Yes, Lord Jiraiya,” I replied.

“No need to be so tense kid, I just thought it a good opportunity to show you something interesting. It’s difficult to find people who dabble in sealing these days.” He said while giving my back a light slap. I just nodded at him. He then pushed up Naruto’s shirt showing his belly.

Lord Jiraiya then pushed some chakra into his hand and held it over his belly and sealing formulae appeared. Formulae as in plural. The original Four symbol seals appeared as a simple spiral. And surrounding it were five simple Commas rotating lightly.

“So, tell me what is wrong here?” Lord Jiraiya questioned me. What was the purpose of this? Nonetheless, I moved forward my hand laced with chakra and began examining the seals. After some time I took back my hand.

“Two seals were placed above one another. Their different numeral configuration is impeding the circulation of chakra.” I finished looking straight at Lord Jiraiya. Lord Jiraiya raised his eye at that, indicating for me to continue.

“We have to remove one of the seals, probably the newly applied five elemental seal, as the other seal seems very old and Naruto Kun was able to use his chakra previously.” Lord Jiraiya nodded at that. “Do you think you can remove it?” He questioned me. I just shook my head at that.

“No, Lord Jiraiya. My mastery of the art is not high enough, and my specialization is in spatial seals.” Lord Jiraiya stared at me for some time before smiling.

“Then watch, maybe you will pick up a thing or two.” I nodded at that and watched as he made a series of hand seals and began gathering chakra in his fingertips.

“Unseal,” he said as his fingers struck the seal formula and they disintegrated after that. He then looked at me and asked while grinning, “Impressive, right.”

“Yes, Lord Jiraiya. Thank you for the opportunity.” And I bowed lightly. But suddenly the atmosphere around us grew thick. It was laced with chakra. I found it hard to believe. My instinct was screaming at me to unsheathe my sword. Yet I stopped myself from doing so.

“You did not question about the initial seal? Are you aware of what is its purpose?” Lord Jiraiya asked me in a profoundly serious tone. And I could tell why this man was feared throughout the elemental nations. I nodded lightly, sweat trickling down my face. He then nodded his head and the pressure eased around us and I could breathe easily once more.

“The nature of that seal is an S-rank secret. So, you should keep it to yourself. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand Lord Jiraiya,” I replied. He nodded at that and then slapped my back once more.

“Go talk to your sensei, she seems quite anxious.” He then vanished in the same puff of smoke he had appeared in.



The pain registered first to Sakura. She could feel her headache as if it was about to burst. She tried to remember how she had lost consciousness, and after a while, she remembered the battle. She tried to get up, eyes wide as she tried to make sense of her surroundings, yet she found no tree in her vicinity. It was a simple room, with a small bed. Her hand instinctively reached into her pocket, towards her weapon but only felt air. She looked down and found herself dressed in a simple hospital gown.

‘She made it,’ her brain reasoned, and she felt the tension leave her body. The door to the room opened and after a knock, someone entered. She felt a huge sigh escape her as her sensei walked into the room. His posture relaxed as well when his lone eye found her awake form.

“So, you are finally awake as well. What a relief,” he said. And she could also feel her eyes moisten, with the realization finally settling in that, ‘she had survived.’

“Congratulations, team seven has passed the second phase of the chunin exams.” Her silver hair sensei informed her. Perhaps it was pride she noticed in his voice. She remembered her teammates and asked about them.

“Where are Sasuke and Naruto?” she questioned.

“They are both fine. Naruto woke up before you and went out to explore the tower while Sasuke is resting in the other room?” he supplied as he settled down into the chair in the room.

She nodded her head at that, her head still ached yet the remains of their battle came back, reminding her of their hopeless situation. She looked towards her sensei once more and asked about the genin they had faced.

“Wh- ”, she swallowed before continuing, “How?” she asked him about the conclusion of the helpless battle. Sensei stared at her for some time before his voice came out light and assured.

“It was not much. Some time after you lost consciousness, help arrived. Team eight made it to the location and your opponent fled. After that, they carried you all to a cave. Both you and Naruto were unconscious, and Sasuke’s leg was injured.” Her sensei narrated to her.

“They had spare scrolls and after some brokering with team ten. All three teams made it to the tower within hours. Forty-eight hours have passed since the beginning of phase two. There are five days still left in the exam?”

Relief permeated through her as she listened to his words. They had made it. Not just one or two teams, but all three rookie teams had made it. Minutes passed as both she and Kakashi sensei simply sat in the room, silently.

“Well, that is everything important. I will have them bring you some food.” He said as he got up from his seat. And as he was about to leave the room, he stopped and said in a light voice.

“I am proud of all three of you.” And he moved out of the room. Sakura just sat there, hunched slightly in her bed. Tears filled with joy and relief ran down her cheeks.

They had made it. They had survived.’


Too many fight scenes now I will not be writing much about the preliminary fight scenes. I will just try and touch up on the matchings and there will be a short description. But yeah. This is it. Chunin exams are halfway done.


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