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Chapter 9


It had been quite a few years since Dorea had last stepped foot in her own home, the Halls of Grimmauld place had not changed at all from her own youth, and the ancient seat of House Black still yet oozed the eerie ancient and archaic feel it had all those years ago.

It was much different from her own home, which, while not filled with colors, had a more intimate feeling.

“So, what do you think?” Arcturus asked, and her cousin looked much worse for the wear, time his age seemed to have finally caught up with him, and though he put on a strong front she was a med witch and could see his deteriorating health from across the table.

“I am afraid my answer is still the same,” she answered as she put down her cup. She saw Arcturus’s lips thin as he continued.

“Do you have no care about the future of this family?” he asked heatedly and she raised a brow.

“The Potters are my family now,” she added, the actions of her own kin when she had chosen Charlus over their interests still fresh in her mind.

“And as far as I know, the future of the Blacks is quite secure, after all Orion is blessed with two sons isn’t he,” she added and saw Arcturus shook his head.

“You and I both know the situation of Orion’s family. Sirius is far too estranged from his own kin, and the rest of the family would eat that little boy alive. Already Cygnus and Walburga have put us in dangerous waters,” he added as he looked her in the eye.

“Never has House Black been so vulnerable, and I will not have this House be destroyed by the whims of two lickspittles,” he roared.

“I am afraid I can not help you with that. I will not force Alden into marriage. He will marry whomever he may wish to,” she added.

“And if you were so concerned about the future of your House, why did you let those matches happen in the first place? Even now, from what I know, Andromeda is set to marry the second Lestrange boy, isn’t she? Why haven’t you stopped that?” she asked.

“What can I do? They are Cygnus’s daughters, and he brokered those matches himself without my input,” he defended himself.

“Or is it just that you wish to play both sides,” she cut in sharply and saw his fists ball up, for all his sensibilities Arcturus Black was a highly cautious man, one who would always protect himself from the downside.

“I am acutely aware of the company kept by the Lestranges and the Malfoys and how concern is emerging over the actions and behavior of these people; the escalating polarization has many people worried,” the chief of which was her own son. For four years now, she had spent breakfasts and dinners listening and intervening in between Charlus and Alden over this very debate.

“You seem to know quite a bit about this matter?” he asked, and she shrugged.

“I am surprised that you know so little,” she retorted, and he scoffed.

“I know enough. I have seen enough of these so-called Dark Lords over the years...”

“Yet still, something must have troubled you enough that you are seeking my help,” she cut in sharply.

And he seemed to hesitate for a bit before he finally opened his mouth.

“There are some things that concern me. This new Dark Lord of theirs is much more unhinged than I thought. I believe if he were allowed to have his way, he could rip our very society apart, and I would like it so that the wealth, influence, and knowledge of the Black family remain out of that man’s reach,” he added, being truthful, which was a surprise.

“Does this change your mind?” he asked, and before she could answer, the floo flared up behind her once more. She turned towards it and saw an all-too-familiar face walk out of the greenish flames.

“You...” Walburga Black, Orion’s wife, walked into the dining Hall, clad in fine silks and jewelry with an ostentatious hat atop her head, seemingly aghast open seeing her.

“Hi, Walburga,” she greeted the portly woman whose lips thinned as she shrieked.


“THAT IS ENOUGH WALBURGA!” Arcturus roared before she could finish her words, and she saw her stop as she turned towards Arcturus.

“I knew it! I knew it. This was all her plan all along! Using her son to curry her way back into this family! I WILL!”

“SHUT UP WALBURGA!” Arcturus roared.

“I WAS THE ONE WHO SUMMONED YOU HERE. SHE IS MORE OF A BLACK THAN YOU WILL EVER BE!” he roared, and a part of her wished that someone had done so for her all those years ago as well, but regardless, she stood up as Walburga became quiet at those words.

“I believe we must end this here,” she began as she stood up and began to walk towards the floo as Walburga continued to glare at her, and just as she was a step away from the floo, Arcturus’s voice rang from behind.

“Think about what I said, Dorea. Do not turn your back on your own blood,” he said, and with a final nod, she picked up a handful of black powder and threw it down.

“St. Mungo’s!”



Charlus Potter stared at the file infront of him and couldn't believe his eyes. Despite the popular belief he did not interfere much with affairs of the DMLE. He was an instructor in the Auror academy, yet he occupied that pose because of his own desire rather than any need, for he had enough wealth to live off of.

“You cannot be serious,” he spoke out sharply as he stared the Head of the DMLE in the face while throwing the folder on the table.

“This is nearly twice of not thrive the number of cases reported on the paper,” he asked the Head of the DMLE, Edgar Bones, who looked a bit ashamed at his rebuke.

“Not everything is reported to the Prophet, and all of these cases are concerned with muggles so they attract less attention and uproar,” he explained, and Charlus was finally beginning to understand Alden’s apprehension over this whole issue.

“Even with a simple glance, I can spot a pattern Edgar, why is this not being pursued,” he asked as he took of his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

“Do you understand just how dangerous this could be?” he asked.

“I have tried to request more manpower, but my requests have been continuously denied,” he made an excuse.

“Then do something with the men you have. Just because these cases concern muggles, you do not throw them into the bin,” he rebuked, frustrated and angry at the incompetence of the institution he had once led himself.

“You must have some suspects. Why haven’t you interviewed them, questioned them, or run some surveillance on them,” he asked and saw his successor look down in shame.

“Well, most of the suspects are...how do I say it....too powerful for that. I have had all my requests denied until this day,” and Charlus shook his head.

“You must have something...” Edgar nodded as he reached into his drawer and took out a file.

“I have shown it to a few people, but we have a suspicion that all this activity leads back to one person...” he began as he passed him the folder. As he opened it, he found himself staring at an all-too-familiar symbol.

“Voldemort,” he spoke up, surprising Edgar.

“Yes, but how do you know that name?” he asked, and since he did not want to involve Alden any more than he already was, he decided to lie.

“Because I have been looking into it myself,” he added as he closed the folder, not missing the series of names written underneath that epithet.

“How can I help?” he asked because this could not stand. The world had suffered enough when they had ignored the rise of Grindelwald, and for some reason, the more he stared at the man infront of him, the more he felt history repeating itself.

“If you could talk to the Minister...”

“I will see what I can do, but Edgar...” he spoke as he stood up and pulled his robe from the back of the chair.

“Do better.”



A week had passed since the beginning of the new school year, and she could say that she had not expected the OWL year to be as hectic and demanding as it seemed. She had, of course, heard the same from seniors, yet the sheer extent of workload and pressure piling on them was something she had not expected. Despite the workload, she found herself, along with a number of students, gathered in an abandoned classroom as Alden Potter stood on the platform with their Charms professor.

“Hi everybody, thanks for coming here. Before I give you all a new schedule for this year’s study group, there are certain changes that all of you must be made aware of,” he began, and she could see everybody perk up at those words.

Lily had also heard rumors that the study group was being shut down, that someone had complained about it, and now the whole thing was being shut down on account of being ‘discriminatory’. A load of Bolocks!

“Now, as many of you may have heard, the study group is not actually ending, but that does not mean there will not be some changes. First of all, instead of being an informal study group, the school wishes us to transform it into an official club, and we have decided to do just that...” and so with that, he took out his wand and shot a few fireworks into the sky.

“I welcome you all to Hogwarts revived Dueling Club,” and there were many sighs and claps at this announcement.

“The Professor Flitwick has generously offered to be our patron and shall oversee our activities and has nominated me to be the President. If anyone has any complaints regarding this, they can take them to him, other than that we must select a Vice President and those interested in doing this thankless job are free to submit their names to me,” and she chuckled at his dry sense of humor.

“Now, today is going to be a bit of a demonstration for our incumbent first years so that they may understand what this whole club is about and gain a bit of appreciation for the dying art of dueling,” and with the Professor stepped forward, as a buzz began to form in the crowd.

And as their charms professor waved his wand, a platform began to rise up from the ground.

“Thank you, everyone; one thing our new president seemed to have forgotten to mention is that I wish to organize a dueling competition this year and hope that all of you shall participate in it and make a good showing,” the professor added as Alden nodded apologetically.

“And now you all shall have an opportunity to see our very own Young Finalist from International Duelling Championship face one of Hogwarts brightest students,” the professor began as, with cheer, Alden Potter stepped onto the platform.

“Miss Candace Shacklebolt.”



Louis Kasser

Twice if not thrice*