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Chapter 29


Thomas Wayne found himself sitting inside a Gotham holding cell. A small white light illuminated the cell, as the seat opposite to him sat empty.

Yet he was aware that he wasn’t as alone as it may seem, for a horde of people would be scrutinizing his every move from the other side of the two-sided mirror. His stay would be short-lived, no matter the evidence or the nature of the allegations against him, the Wayne lawyers were probably on their way here, while motions and appeals were being filed this instant on his behalf to secure his release.

The door to the room opened, and the all too familiar face of Gotham’s newest DA appeared as Harvey Dent walked into the room.

“I didn’t think I would be seeing you again so early, Mr Dent,” he remarked as he leaned back in the chair, and the blonde shrugged.

“Me neither,” he replied as he sat down in the chair opposite to him and slid forward a folder.

Thomas glanced at it, it was fortification of his right to have a lawyer present.

“Why would I ever sign that?” he said as he slid it back.

He raised his brow as he took a sip of water.

“I don’t know, maybe to prove your innocence,” he said, and Thomas smiled as he pushed it back.

“I am not an idiot, Mr. Dent. I am innocent, but I am also aware of my rights,” he said and the blonde’s lips thinned, and there was a momentary narrowing of his eyes as he closed the file and pocketed the pen.

“So, be it then, let us have a talk....”

“I am not saying anything until my layers are here, and by then, I can assure you I will be leaving this place, cutting short this rather lovely reunion,” Thomas barked, and he could tell that he had foiled the man’s plans as his brows twitched lightly, as Dent leaned back.

“I am surprised. I thought you would be more open, more willing to prove your innocence,” he said to Thomas.

“As I said, I am innocent, and that will be proven in due time,” he said, and Dent knew that he wasn’t going to get a response.

“Still, you do know who Carmine Falcone was?” he questioned, and though the question was innocuous, Thomas knew that in the next series of questions, one wouldn’t be.

So, he stayed quiet, smiling, as he waved at the mirror, knowing that a person on the other side would be listening to this whole farce.



Rachel Dawes was pissed. She was livid, much more than she could ever recall herself being. She strode into the office and watched as her workers backed off until she walked towards the special interrogation room, having already learned where Thomas was being held.

The guards outside tried to stop her, but she gave them a pointed glare as she emphatically mouthed.

“Get out of my way!” they looked at each other and maybe realized the implicated threat in her tone and stepped out of her way as she entered the room.

And in there stood the cause of her anger, her boss.

“You!” she snarled as she pointed towards him, as he looked towards her surprised for a second.

“Do you have any idea what you are doing?” she questioned, as her eyes glanced at the rather calm and composed form of Thomas sitting on the opposite side of that two-way mirror.

“Yes, I do, and your reaction tells me that I was right to keep you out of it,” and she had made that connection of why she had been given a day off.

“Keep me out of it! Out of what this farce! You have arrested Thomas Wayne. Wayne, which judge even signed off on this warrant on the basis of nothing but a video,” she shouted.

“A forensically authenticated video and that was not the only thing,” he said as he handed her a file, a file filled with evidence, planted, of course, she thought, for she knew that Thomas was innocent.

“This must be planted, of course,” she said, and even then, this is all circumstantial at best,” she argued as she handed him back the folder.

“I understand that he is your friend, but your friend is not as innocent as he may seem,” he said, and she frowned.

Thomas was guilty of things, many things, yet murder he would never do. He was a businessman, and even as a teenager, she knew that he was of the more ruthless variety of businessmen, playing on the edge, yet she knew that the boy who had grown up with her would never do anything to harm anyone.

“Half the city is in his pocket, and all of us pretend as if he is some saint, but he is not. He is just as dirty as the mob. e all don't know it yet,” he said, and she was surprised by the vitriol in his tone.

“Do you even hear yourself? You are comparing him to the Mob! Like the literal fucking Mob!” she balked, yet Dent shrugged.

“I am. Now let me have a crack at him before his team of lawyers show up,” and with that, he left off and entered the room as she sighed loudly, gritting her teeth, her eyes darting towards Thomas, who seemed unbothered as he sat there impassively, his eyes darting towards the mirror as if he could look through it.

Dent sat down and began talking to him, and she could hear Thomas refusing to sign on and cooperate any further, for she knew that this wasn’t the first time he was being called in for questioning though otherwise it had bene mostly for matters related to Wayne enterprises.

Dent was getting frustrated he had underestimated Thomas; many did because of his age, yet they forgot that Thomas was not a simple person for people his age would barely be out of university while he was leading one of the country's biggest Enterprises and changing the world.

She saw his lips turn up as he continued to frustrate Dent while he gave her a wave, making her smirk when suddenly the doors beside her opened.

She looked to the side and saw a team of lawyers walk in, and she recognized some of them having worked with a couple in the past.

“It is good to see you, Miss Dawes,” said Katherine Spencer, a very, very famous lawyer she had no idea worked for Thomas.

“You are Katherine Spencer,” she said to the woman at the front, who seemed impressed.

“You recognize me?” she said as the other lawyers moved past her into the interrogation room.

“Of course, I would. I didn’t know that you worked for Wayne Enterprises,” she said, and the lady answered.

“I don’t, at least not in the traditional sense. But Thomas is an investor in my firm, and I owe him a lot for that. So, if it is for him, I will be there,” she replied.

Katherine Spencer was a big name who went after the Mob as a federal prosecutor, but a couple of years ago, she left her job disappointed and opened up a private firm to go after the big shots. Her office wouldn’t let her prosecute. And now it made sense.

“Thomas talked quite a bit about you. He looks up to you quite a bit,” she remarked, making Rachel blush as the doors opened behind her.

“Rachel!” Thomas’s voice cut in, making her glance back, a nervous tension in her body as she didn’t know how to face him.

“Thomas...” she tried to begin but was cut off as he spoke up.

“You still on for the dinner on Sunday? Alfred will kill me if you aren’t there,” he said as if he hadn’t just stepped out of an interrogation office.

She smiled as she nodded, realizing that it was his way of telling her that things hadn’t changed between them.

“Yeah, tell him I will be there,” she said, agreeing to his offer.

“So, it takes me going into a holding cell to get you out of DC,” he said as he looked toward Spencer, who rolled her eyes.

“Don’t be a baby. You were barely in there for an hour,” Katherine scoffed as Thomas’s eyes narrowed.

“Yeah, an hour, and for that, I am going to waste one of yours. Tomorrow is Sunday. You will be joining us for lunch and no protests. Now I have to get back to my company,” and with that, he was off, though just as he was about to leave the room, another voice cut in from behind.

“Don’t get too comfortable, Mr.Wayne,” cut in Dent as he stepped out, a glint in his eyes as he stared at Thomas.

Thomas stopped, his eyes narrowing as he glanced back, and that gaze sent a chill down her spine as she heard him mouth in an icy tone, one which she had never heard him use before.

“We will see about that?”




Today’s chapte of healer prince will come tommorow cuz i have fallen ill and can not write to save my life.