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More progress on Bastila here. Face is still early progress, so might tweak it before the end... I'm playing around a bit with how I draw faces and especially eyes, so things are bound to be revisited many times until I'm happy. However, as you can see this pic is far from done and we're already into february... In a perfect world this pic should've been done a week ago, and I should only be working on the variations for the three pics for January. Sadly not the case and yet again I find myself scrambling like a mad man to get it all done, and I end up being well into the next month before I can get properly started on that month's art. 

As many of you know I don't only do Patreon stuff, that's simply not something I have the guts to rely on since you have no idea when this thing just suddenly goes away. Which means that at the end of the day I don't always manage to get these three drawings done on time. Soooo, what all this means is in february I'll only commit to two drawings in my typical detailed style. There might be a third one in a more sketchy style, but two fully rendered pieces is what I'll promise.

There was a time I was playing with the idea of going for the pay per creation, which meant that you only paid for each finished drawing and didn't maybe feel you got stiffed if I didn't do three... How that also works is that you as a patron can set a limit to how many creations per month you were willing to support, even though I would probably do about 2 drawings per month. I would probably also have lowered the fee. But dunno, didn't seem like the majority of you were into that businessmodel.




Personally I’m more of a fan of monthly payments. Also I prefer quality over quantity so I really don’t mind if you only get two done in a month from time to time. Doesn’t feel like a let down at all.


Monthly is best I feel and we’re happy to support you. Art can’t be rushed and life is busy we understand.

Christian Schmidt

Keep things like they are now! Iam fine with how things are now! Your high quality art is always worth to wait! Keep up the great artwork! 😁👍🏻


I’m fine with two pieces if you’re busy. I don’t think you should feel rushed quality over quantity. P.S. love the legs and feet on this piece.

Glenn McLintock

Well, I can't speak for anyone else here, but I don't support you because I expect a certain amount of artwork from you every month. I support you because I'm a huge fan of your art. If you couldn't turn any work at all out in a month, so be it. Sometimes life gets in the way and shit happens. I'm not saying I'd keep donating in perpetuity if you stopped posting altogether, but don't burn yourself out trying to meet unrealistic deadlines you've set for yourself. It's that type of shit that WILL make you want to quit. Just my two cents.


Eeveryone has touched on points I wanted to say 😅 to which I'm happy to see us band together in support of you KJ. You deserve it!

Imjusta Bill

I echo all these previous sentiments. I would rather have two pieces that you are really happy with than 3 that you felt you had to rush out.

Tamara S.

I also can only chime in on the same points. I'm NOT sitting here like "Jimmy better get 3 of these done, or else I'll cut my support!" I'm here to support your art and I want you to be able to enjoy doing it, not only being stressed out if life gets too busy at times. Having tried myself at painting (much more amateurishly than you), I know first hand that a lot of work goes into painting things with fine, realistic details, so I know that you're doing a lot of work, even if your experience is making it more efficient than my attempts had been. Don't feel too bad if you don't always get as much done as you had planned, especially when other things in life need taking care of. I wouldn't want your mental health to suffer because you're having a sense that you're failing us, when you are actually working really hard.


I prefer monthly. Even same price if 1 draw.


Glad you feel that way, thanks :) Btw, it would still be just a monthly charge, not charged everytime I released a finished creation. There seems to be a confusion about that :) But I get it, knowing exactly how much will be charged each month is more tidy.


Thank you :) You wouldn't be charged several times each month though. If I made say 2 creations that would be deducted on the 1st like you are now.


Worked really hard on those, that stuff is haaard to draw! ;) And thanks :D


Very much appreciate that man, thank you :) I'm not a fast artist, I never have been and probably never will be. I do so envy those who are fast, or have a simpler style that looks awesome.... I'll never stop posting contents, I'll do my best to get as much done as I can each month. Will this Patreon be around forever, probably not considering the way these big companies deals creators of adult material.


You're a great bunch of people for sure, so far from the normal toxic standards online. Thanks :D


The sad truth of being a slow artist.... ;) None of the pics I draw just turn out great at the first try, it's redrawing and redrawing until time just runs out :P


I've done my best to honor those three drawings per month, but sometimes a piece just turns out like shit and I have to keep fixing it until I'm happy or basically time runs out and I have to post it... I don't really gun for realism, but I do go for detailed and especially in the more juicy areas ;) That's just what I think is fun. And I think that is what you guys like about my art, my particular style. My mental health is good, most of the time, but real life can produce some real nutkickers which then results in less work being made.