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Oh man, I'm back at these thoughts again; how many variants and how many drawings per month... I seem to end up not being able to draw more than three drawings each month no matter how hard I try, which makes me feel bad and then nearly kill myself on drawing as many variants as I can which in turn means I'm drawing almost an entire week into the next month. So, what happens is that I already behind on that next month.... I got a family that not only needs my money but also my presence, and all this work is not good. Been hitting a wall quite a few times this year, and I don't want to burn out considering that I really do love drawing hot pinups. I'm sure there are many other artists who are working much faster than me, churns out tons of variations etc but I suspect many of them don't have kids... One other thing, the Goal I added earlier where I would be able to do a illustrated story/comic, but it would be damn hard if the other drawings needed tons of variations. Now, I do see many other artists offer variations, but not that many do very different variations. I'm gonna play it by ear see how we do... I would rather spend a little extra time on the initital drawing to make them even better, and then have one female and futa clothed version, and the same for the lewd version, all in all 4 versions. Thoughts?



I still recall a point about a year a so ago when you wanted to have do more drawings a month with fewer alts, that you were getting burnt out doing so many alts for a single picture. I feel you should try to go for that, 4 a month with like 2 or 3 alts. Maybe at first though, bring it back and do like 2 a month and a few alts to get caught up, then see how much time you have for yourself then maybe start another and so on. I wouldn't mind that, your work is always worth it. 😁👍




I personally hate drawing variants :D It always feels very chaotic and exhausting. I would say spending a little more time on the first drawing with less variants is a good idea

Christian Schmidt

Not easy to handle! I say reduce the amount of drawings and variations when you want to do comics too! I have to say i personaly prefer less drawings and variations in a high quality than many drawings and variations with low quality! But only you can find a way to handle things the way you like! Maybe open up a poll with different option so your patreons can vote on what could help you to make your decision more easy! But in the end it's your choice you are the artist! If you think you need time to relax to not burn out you should put your patreon on pause for a month or two!


I personally like having pics with variants because i've found that sometimes I prefer a variant over the initial pic. If you feel you don't have time, I'd suggest you focus on pinups with single girls instead on sex scenes, you've been doing a lot of sex scenes lately and they seem to take more time and effort.


I lack a significant opinion and lack an ability to convey the limited opinion I do have; so I'll just say I really like your art and would rather you keep it within a manageable scope so you don't burn out/feel that something you like doing turns into too much of a job


Personally, I'd rather have 2 drawings with several variations than 4+ drawings with only basic variations. I feel there's more value in that sort of premium art work than doing many basic images.


Do what works best for you and your family, dude.


I’m down to wait for a comic I feel like that would be dank o


Honestly I would just reduce the variants you do, and maybe add in some sketches if you aren't able to do extra art time-wise. Maybe consider dropping the clothed variants? Like, if the outfit is part of the idea in general (sexy version of regular costume, or dominatrix outfit, or something like that) go for it, but don't feel you have to do that if you wanna just draw the gal nekkid and going nuts. I'm sure you will think of something to help balance it all out for you. Definitely take care of yourself, and do what you gotta.


Thanks! :D The thing about many alts is that you have to think like 4 steps ahead when doing a drawing, you have to pose things in a way that you know you can do all those alts and show off every little thing ;) I find that this really limits the potential of a kick ass initial drawing which is what most people actually see when I promote my works online.


If I have plenty of time I actually find doing some alts to be fun, mostly because the first drawing usually is a clothed version that I need for certain tiers and posting online. But, you don't really do that do you?


I will continue to do polls, both for which characters but also what those alts should be... Not put it on pause though, need that paycheck ;) Thanks man :D


Well I'll always do lewd variants, just not sure how many. I'll run polls now and then to choose what kind of variants. Drawing digitally doesn't mean I get to pose characters like 3D artists do ;) Shit takes a lot of time to draw... ;)


Hmm, what's a basic image? I would also gun for more action in the few alts I do, and as I've mentioned I would do polls fairly frequently for the alts... but sometimes people just wants a hot girl and not cumoozing cuntnipples ;)


We'll see if we reach that goal... I might start on one in a while if I see that work is more managable with less variants. I'll pick your brains when that time might come :D


Thanks mate :D hmm, well the clothed versions are rather popular, and my futaloving fans do enjoy them bulges. it's also a way to "censor" without blurring... I think I have a gameplan now, and we'll see how it goes... :)