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Guess we've been discussing this subject in one way or another before, but it seems I've hit a plateau with how many patrons I get each month  since I'm pretty much stuck  at the same amount at the end of the month for over a year.... How to make this site grow, and what could be better? I'm not able to do more work mind you, so I'm trying to figure out how to make better work and this site more exciting...



Now that is a good question and also i bet there is more you can do to grow. Just need to know what can be added and also things that can bring more growth.


By no means am I the best to recommend growth. A few things I’ve thought of though: More polls for what is drawn (Polls for Themes, like sci-fi, or certain movies/games characters) That’s about it honestly, as I said I am not the best. Hopefully others can suggest something good


As it stands now, you're doing a phenomenal job, but there's always room to improve. Also it's not easy to please everyone


Original character polls from patrons? That'd be interesting if anyone has an oc


Maybe try some different styles, either in linework or coloring/shading. I'm a fan of your work because I like this style, and it feels sort of comic book like, and also sort of old school pinup sometimes too. But I know there are a lot of different styles, like cell shading, hyper realistic, cartoonish, flat color, etc. Maybe you could attract a different crowd by doing some "experimental" pieces and being sure to advertise them, of course along with your more consistent style you've been doing.


I'd recommend re-releasing some of your older work albeit slightly updated, I certainly wouldn't seeing that old Letty futa pic updated slightly.


Honestly I’d love to suggest something but I honestly love your work :)


I'm not the best but could start a discord.


Maybe stream like behind the scenes of how you create your art.


You could contact other artists and see what inputs they could give you.

SFM admirer

You know im a little embarrassed to say this but ethots, onlyfans girls, Tiktok girls. You do plenty of real life celebrites but the random girls that are hot and famous on the internet is probably the only thing you dont touch that is really popular

John Smith

Love the celebs you do.


Maybe make comics? A lot of other artists fo that and release the first page or two as teasers to draw in more patrons.


I sincerely like your artwork, but you do have a very unique, very... extreme... style, that probably doesn't appeal to quite as large an audience as those who draw their girls closer to "reality." That would be my guess as to why you're having a hard time climbing to that next tier. You might have hit max capacity on those who like your more exaggerated approach (huge muscles, breasts as large as the rest of the chest, etc). If you want to hit that group, you may want to consider mixing it up? Maybe do one drawing each month in a different style a little closer to what people normally see, and do the other one or two or however many you are able to do in your more unique style? I don't know... just a thought.


Hard to say honestly sometimes its the right kinks/fandoms in the right time to catch attention.


I think it has less to do with your quality and content and more with your networking. You are probably one of the most highly skilled and talented artists I’ve seen, but it seems like you’re not a part of any communities that can help with your outreach. Part of the problem might be that your Patreon and Twitter community, for example, has a lot of overlap, so when seeing you post instead of thinking, “Oh, I’m going to share this so others can see,” they think, “Oh, sweet, time to check Patreon.” I think that’s the two pronged problem, you don’t really connect and interact with other artists who can help to share your art with their audiences, and your art has a degree of exclusivity in regards to the access to it so people are either all in or not interested.


I would say that creating a discord server would give your more consistent advice from your community. To me, it's the skull shape that stands out. It can look better in the sketch than in your rendered art, so maybe using fewer highlights and extreme shadows could make it look more appealing.


I’m really not sure. Possibly a lower tier for line art and sketches only? I wouldn’t change your style. It is the single most recognizable thing about your art. It just stands out, draws your attention in.

Imjusta Bill

I would definitely make sure that whatever social media you post on that either the "about" section and in the posts themselves (if allowed) that you point to your patreon.


Maybe some more well known cartoons like the shows on adult swim and nick, or cartoon network, pull on some nostalgic heart strings


Been doing plenty of polls lately I felt, also gonna run more next month...


I see many are suggesting switching up styles, but they forget that I've been drawing many many years and have tried out tons of different styles before slowly developing into the style I have now. If I do a lot of different styles I might attract some yeah, but then also perhaps lose the ones that signed up for my current style you know? I do experiment however and will constantly change things up but perhaps more slowly and less visible. I guess that I'll just have to admit that my style isn't very mainstream, and nor do I wish to draw like Zumi or Sakimichan .... ;)


Well actually I have, -most- of the Bonus pics here are altered older pieces... Some however are lost causes and would mean me basically redrawing the entire piece :P


I've been avoiding those since they already either sell sex contents or play very much on that, which means I would be more likely to get a cease and desist letter from such creators...... ;)


You do make a very good point, and I suppose that being overly stubborn on what I want to draw might hurt business in the end. I adore drawing extreme bods and naughty bits.... ;) Dialing it down now and then might be prudent however.


Thank you :) What communities are you thinking about ? I do post on several platforms and try to interact with everybody who comments on my stuff. I connect and are friends with a few artists, but the majority doesn't seem to like my art since it's not very anime.... ;) Twitter for the most part only get the clothed versions and sometimes older uncensored pieces albeit in low res with big logos....


Been considering that, but I fear people would be offended when I don't have time to reply to everyone since I have very busy days... So less detailed faces like Sakimichan and such you feel? I do agree that too many details in a face might make it less cute....


You'd think more of those popped up in the poll suggestions... I should try to figure out what is hot right now however.... :)


I think some of it is kinda just a preference thing. For example, I'm personally more of a fan of smaller breasts and dominant futa. Ya hit plenty of the details that I enjoy (how intricately ya draw bulges and oversized dicks particularly stand out to me as fantastic), but I definitely see where a lotta the proportions and subject matter may be less other folks thing. I don't think you should change your style, mind ya; you're absolutely fantastic. But if you're lookin' to appeal to a broader audience, mixin' things up may draw more folks in.


You have probably heard this before already, but you might do some other kinks. I’d imagine that would bring in more of an audience to your work. Like conjoinment (for no reason at all ;) ) for example.


I agree. I love your talent, and skill and choice of subject matter. And I love thick girls, but my preference in the genitalia and boobs department is for somewhat more realistic proportions (as you know from my work). Some like the gigantic dicks, but for me, that sometimes spoils it. Mixing it up a little might bring in a broader audience.


Hey KJ. Here's something you might consider. I just noticed this as I'm downloading end of the month bonus packs from various artists I support. I got yours and two others. The other artists' bonus packs include zipped folders with all the art posted that month, including all the variants. Yours includes a lot of older material I already have. If patrons are comparing value -- and, let's face it there are a lot of options on Patreon for erotic art -- they may find the other artists to be a better value because they get more fresh content each month. Maybe you should consider just tweaking that for a few months and only include new stuff in the monthly bonus download and see what happens.


Uhm.... what older material? I only send out what I've drawn that month and not older stuff... Only thing is that the clothed versions have been posted and some of the censored versions, but they've also only been posted in low res....


That's just a pack where I've collected the bonus pics posted here so that new members that has signed on can easily get them, it's not new material... The May pics are gonna be The Sorceress, Sheva, Audrey and Kida....


I don't know. Your celebrity likenesses are one of your unique advantages. The Anna Kendricks and Star Trek women. No one else does that.

Thomas Toft

Measured up against some of the other artists I'm subbed too, you do more pin-up stuff, while they have a bigger focus on action. And I'd love more action. Putting those huge futa dongers into action. Maybe do more futa and fem pairings? And more action pictures? With more penetration and stuff?

Tentacle Tiefling

As much work as it already is to produce multiple versions of each piece, it might still be desirable to try a growth sequence? Perhaps it would catch some people looking for the more 'normal' proportions somewhere in the middle. And maybe even satisfy some of that comic interest.

Thomas Toft

I follow Ninjartist and he has 1700+ subs. He does more action and among the kinks he does is vore (not saying you should do that, just saying it's not the kinks that is stopping you). So I think you could benefit from more action in your pictures.


hah... damn.... kinda makes me just wanna give up art when hearing photobashing artists doing much better...... I have been doing at least one action piece with several variations almost every month for a while, but I guess if you guys want more. I'll just lower the amount of variations.