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Since we only have so many days to work with I'm launching this poll. After this we have to decide on the action.



Holly R

changed my vote a lot, but in the end, had to go with Letty....because Michelle Rodriguez would look great with a big, thick latina cock


Will they all get a chance even if they don't get picked right off the bat? Cuz I doubt the chick from Atlantis will win but I've had a thing for her DSL's since forever her and Kida


I have drawn her before, but it's long time ago and the drawing is pretty shite....


Not sure about ALL of them, but I'm at least digging the looks of Audrey so I might consider her later yeah.


Works for me ill hold some faith towards that 🙏 ha


oh yeah Michelle Rodriguez loved her in Resident Evil and Avatar died in both a lot in RE and I just learned she's going to be in a Dungeons & Dragons movie god let it be a little good I hate movies now to many have sucked I am beginning think movies cant do a satisfying story anymore


Really? I don't recall ever seeing that particular drawing of yours, any chance you could post it here?


SHEEEEVA. There is a criminally low amount of porn of her. Audrey is incredibly tempting tho


That double dark skin lady picture seems more realistically now than ever with how close these votes are.