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Been slaving away at this one, hoping to have it done tomorrow :)



John Smith

Wow looking real amazing 🤩 thanks for your hard work. They so huge and not even fully erect.


Now that is hot. And can't wait to see this tomorrow.

Christian Schmidt

Oh i got so many naughty ideas how Anna can dominate Elsa! Fuck Yeah I love it!😍


Ah, I love the contrast between Anna's jacked, bottom-heavy figure and Elsa's slim boobitude Something about Anna's boots is rubbing me the wrong way, though - can't put my finger on what it is

Holly R

Bimbo Elsa looks incredible....and Anna's figure, wow (she always was the stronger of the two sisters). Ghostflame, I think it's because they're untextured...though the angle makes Anna's left leg look like the weight is really back on the heel, almost unbalanced. That'll probably be alleviated from shading the boot (establishing the foot's angle).


Looks great! I always appreciate the incredible amount of effort you put into your work!


Dude, can't wait for this one! Always preferred Anna as the dom. I can tell already you're gonna pull another fantastic piece!


Massive meaty gudness , noice work Kj👌👌👌😤