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She was planned for October, but I ran out of time. Anyway, I still wanted to draw her so here is the sketch. Not basing her on any particular actress but rather going with my own interpretation of her.....

Something thing that's been on my mind a lot lately and  I've talked about before, is the alternative versions where I draw these as females and not tgirls. Having to do this really limits the action of the piece cause I have to plan for the poses to also be able to work without the dong. It might not seem like it would be much of a problem but at times it really is, especially when several characters are involved. For a pic like this Morticia one it wouldn't be that hard, but I spent an entire day doing the fem alts for the recent Velma piece.... So what I'm asking myself is if it really pays off at the end of the day when I instead could use that time do draw more new pieces. So, IF I were to not draw fem versions for every pic I do, but mostly just when it's not gonna take me forever to do so, how many of you would stop supporting me here? 




Ooooh! 🤤


Id b fine if u decide 2 make fewer versions to save time every now and then


I support you, entirely, for the tgirls you draw. I don't think I've ever really paid much attention to the fem versions. Not saying they aren't amazingly drawn. It's just not what I support you for. That Morticia piece looks incredible btw.

Los Vaqueros Press

I'm here for your art, pal. I'm cool with whatever you produce, and an artist not comfortable drawing something is an unhappy artist.


I’m here for whatever you make man. Less alts is fine.


I personally came here for the futa so I don't really mind. If it's less fem for more futa go ahead.


Hey i'm all for ya and you do you, keep up being awesome and i can see why Gomez is a very happy man ;)


I would like to believe that the lot of us are here because of your art not demanding something specific. Follow your heart kid and you will never go wrong.


I wouldn’t! Preferably, I love the Futa alts of all of your girls, not so much the female alts. But their great as well! Maybe you could just focus solely on creating all Futa alts. for the girls if it does save time. But if focusing on creating more girls in a month is a goal with some Futa alts is great too! You’ve got my support regardless! :)


I think everyone knows why we’re here. Plus the less hoops you have to jump though for a piece, the more you can play around and have fun with it.


I'm here for the futa more than anything lol. If making fem alts is more demanding, I'd still support if they went away.


I'm here for the futa! You've got my support.

Jason Trent

Im just here for futa, so I dont mind. Also, Morticia looks so hot!


Futa is the best!

John Smith

Love how long and thick her cock looks she has big dick energy very sexy lady


The pussy versions are nice, but girlcock is why I'm here! I love the herm versions that come along every now and again, but I'd give them up in a heartbeat if it meant the difference between you enjoying your work and not enjoying it P.S. oh yeah I'm also here for dem LEGS. Morticia's looking amazing!

Tentacle Tiefling

Like everyone else, I'm here for the dongs, as many as you can fit. I also love when you get a big impossibly plush pussy in there, but your art shouldn't be a struggle. Just do your anatomical wizardry however you want.

Christian Schmidt

I joined Transartstudio years ago so iam fine with ladies with big cocks and balls! But you are the artist and only you can decide whats the right thing or way! I will always support you as long as possible!😁👍🏻

John Smith

Mostly here for the big dick ladies and the poses they look amazing 😍


Morticia is looking amazing! Regarding the fem alts: I certainly would not leave. I believe you mentioned you wanted to try and do 3 - 4 pieces with a special 1 off piece. The idea of the special piece was that it could be wholly dedicated to a kink without the barriers of having to accommodate for other alts. So really, I say it's about applying the same logic here. Not every pose or image will be suited for those extra kinky bits like dick nipples (as much as I would love to stick on it everything), so sometimes it will be the same for fem alts. What I can see being tricky about this is that fem alts has always been a known quantity and people have come to expect it. So it can feel jarring that this has been "downgraded" to a special category. However, I think that when you do draw fem alts in this new logic, it has the potential to be great. Because it's going to be given its spot to shine. One of my favourite fem alts is the Nicki x Daisy piece with Daisy's soaked panty Keep up the good work KJ, and do what's best for you ❤️


The hung ladies are why I'm subbed, so I'll be okay if the variants stop, but I do appreciate the work put in.


I wouldnt KJ I will always love your work


Thanks :) Like I said, if I went with this plan it would mean that I'd leave out a pussy version if I saw that it was gonna take forever to incorporate it... So not all pics would be without a pussy version... It's also easier to promote my stuff with the pussy versions cause dickgirls scare people :P


I do certainly have the most fun drawing dickgirls, that dick really makes for many options of naughtiness... :P Another aspect is that I don't care much for drawing guys (unless it's a femboi) which I normally would have to draw if there was to be dong action going on in the piece... ;) And thanks :D


Spent so many years producing stuff for paysites that wasn't my thing, so Patreon is a breath of fresh air indeed...


Many of you seem to think like you do, but some are mostly here for specific characters and action... But, in the end I think the quality of the art and creatitivity will shine more through if I'm given more creative freedom ;)


Thanks man :) My goal would be to create more pieces instead of many alts... Not sure how many alts a typical successful nsfw patreon artist do though, but from what I've seen it really isn't that much... Often it appears to be different outfits and then nude... I don't much see the point of having a ton of different outfits though.


Well I've been around for a long time, and I still get people that seem to think I only draw futas, so I seem to be known as a futa artist more than anything....


They wouldn't go away completely, it's not like I hate pussy... :P It's fun to draw when I don't have to redraw half the pic for it to work ;) But the main focus would be more good dick action ;)


Herm is certainly easier than just pussy, so I'll keep that in mind when doing alts... You know me, can't have scrawny legs ;)


As I've mentioned to others here, pussy alts won't go away completely... Only when I see that it's gonna take way too long to do and not really worth it in the end... A bit phat pussy is also fun to draw after all :)


TransArtStudio yeah... which is no more... I think I started that in 2004. If you like my art I think you can tell when I'm having real fun with a piece, and when I'm not ;) Thanks man :D


Thank you :) As you say, I should try to focus on doing fem alts when it really would work the best, and not just some completely unlogical variant where not much makes sense at all :P One of the main reasons for me to do fem alts in the first place is cause futas are frowned upon by so many that it's been tricky to promote my stuff with only futas... I think however that this would mean I make even better futa art and gain more followers because of that, and also hopefully more drawings per month which also means more exposure. Thanks again :D


Thank you :D The work put in are many times considerable, and I'm not sure I actually cash in on it... So, I think I'll be aiming for doing nonfuta variants where it really works the best.


personally everything youve done for this patreon has been great, pussy, cock or both. wouldnt bother me if you decided to changed it up a bit