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Right, finished the first nsfw futa version. Boating tonight so I might not be able to finish the different clothed versions before the month is up, but of course you're getting them when I ship out the rewards around the 4th or 5th next month...

Also, digging the Leeloo suggestions :D Most likely going with the scene from when she's recreated with some surprising effects ;)




Looks amazing as always.

John Smith

Wow looks amazing


Beautiful environment work. Paints a lovely picture in the mind :D A very nice, warm and sunny day, where you're just lazing in the grass. Then she appears in front of you, huge cock out in the open and got this killer smile.


Love how bright and cheerful and... free she looks! ;) Really excited for the full set!


was talking about this with a friend and he brought up something that would be up your alley, instead of hair, its her dick that shes tied up in

Killer Bean

Damn! good job as usual. But I’m really loving the legs on her.


You should do one where she ends up swinging wrong and gets hung by her balls with her own hair