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Ok, not gonna post fembois here ;) Don't wanna be losing a lot of Patrons over it ;) Was just testing the waters :)



:(. Subscribstar?


... but will you post them elsewhere?

Ada Bee

The results are from a Twitter poll where anyone can vote; casual viewers and patrons alike. I suspect that you would get different numbers if you ran another poll, but patrons-only.


You really should do a proper poll. Yes/No/Don't Care. You only gave folks like 12 hours to answer. That's too fast.


i didnt even see the poll...i love the idea of fembois...where was the vote???


The poll was on twitter, was just curious to see what you guys thought about it.


The poll was on twitter and lasted several days. I was just wondering what you guys thought about it.


Well the majority here was pretty negative, and when many just plain hates something I don't see the point in drawing it. It's a different matter if some character isn't exactly their favorite...


I’d be cool with it as long as they have big dicks

Jason Trent

I'd love to see some femboys in your style

Christian Schmidt

Awwweee that's sad to hear! I want some big dicked and big titted mommys taking care of some thight femboy asses!


Aww! Would've loved to see some femboys in your style.

Killer Bean

I’m here for the ladies


Maybe post some on twitter? Be nice to see some branching out either way :)


Yeah only here for them females if u want that boy love stuff there other artists.... It’s all up to jimmy anyway but i wouldn’t mind freeing up my slot :D

SFM admirer

just woke up to see all this lol. persnally dont like fembois but even if you had alot of good responses what hot fem bois are there? i cant think of anything in entertainment or famous people that would really be as widely known? would it all be original character? idk i just dont see the allure.


But 😭 I love femboys


Personally I get really bored by never getting to draw OC stuff, but nobody seems to be into that here so I just try to lean towards characters I have some interest in at least. But fembois won't be part of this Patreon, so relax :P


That's too bad.


Darn I was really excited to see some cuties that look like me getting it :,(


Y’all really said no to femboys like really??


Seriously, man. I'd pay to see original characters, futas, dickgirls, AND fembois. You definitely should add that to your portfolio.