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Right, unless there's some extraordinary changes to the poll over the next 10 hours it seems Nicki is winning with Daisy coming up as a close second. So, with that in mind I thought perhaps we could team them up like several of you suggested in the comments. My first thoughts were that Nicki could be some sort of Star Wars character having a good ol time with Rey. And no, I've never drawn Rey as she appears in the movies, only a sort of dark Rey a while back. ;) I'm also leaning towards having Nicki as a twi'lek, but that might be harder to make out that it's actually Nicki. Suggestions? Also considering if this should be more of a raw pounding or a sizzling sensual embracing lovers scenario, still with plenty of actionbits showing ;) What are your thoughts? And to those that didn't see their faves win, I'm still gonna draw some hot ass stuff! ;)



I like the twi'lek idea! She has a pretty easily-recognizable face; if you keep her skin tone, I don't think it'll be hard to tell who it is. And I vote rough if Nicki gets to destroy Daisy's holes with tentacle-cocks, and sensual if not.


Raw pounding 😁


Definitely a raw pounding. Nicki doesn't really seem like the sensual embrace kinda woman :P Honestly I'd probably just go with a human Nicki Minaj. Draw her in one of her crazy outfits and have her give Rey a good pounding :P

Holly R

As long as you showcase Nicki's ass in some way, I'm sure it'll be amazing....


Raw pounding pls


Nicki in this outfit will remind sort of slave Leia costume ;) https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/GpsyVUEekHPJAtyValNa-wdfIhc/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2018/08/20/199/n/1922283/975ebfda219ea63b_GettyImages-1020372104/i/Nicki-Minaj-2018-MTV-VMAs-Performance-Video.jpg


Definitely raw pounding. I just love Daisy. I'm torn whether or not I want her to get pounded or do the pounding though

Tentacle Tiefling

Dark Rey breaking in an apprentice sounds exciting. Might twi'lek Nicki get some sith tattoos?


Just Nicki on Daisy. Futa on female. It’s a fantasy it doesn’t have to make perfect sense


Please don’t make Nicki a twi’lek. Thank you 🙏


Nicky fucking Daisy in general sounds really hot, I'd love that, Nicky does seem like a dom, haha. Seeing her as a twi'lek would be sexy, too, though but like you said might be difficult to make.


I say cut straight to the pounding. You could have Nicki as some kinda glamorous Sith Lord.


I like and wish a scene of rough hammering between them, feeling the hammering is very exciting 🙏 🙏 😍


I like the idea of Nicki and Daisy just pounding it out. I’m also curious to see a pregnant Nicki going full ham on Daisy’s cheeks or maybe the other way around? Not sure, just excited to see what He’ll do.


Nicki in a slave leia outfit, Daisy doing the pounding. Nicki's got more ass to pound, but if you want to thiccify Daisy, the other way around works too!


As much as having both of them featured would be neat in some regards, I'd rather Nicki doing her own thing and not getting tied into something SW related


I’ll definitely be in the minority here, but I’m hoping you do just a classic poundtown of the two, nothing theme related really. Daisy pounding Nikki with both their asses in view. Either way, I’m down to see what you do 🙂


Raw pounding. Also, love hard cocks or drooping cocks. The all over the place cocks dont do it for me but i dont want to infringe on artistry just my preference. Also if i can recommend kida from atlantis🥰.

SFM admirer

Just an idea but Nicki in a similar pose to the Velma on the stairs and Daphne eating her ass but, Rey is staring down Nicki's ass using the force to seperate her but cheeks while Nicki is shooting sith lighting from her finger tips in an attempt to break free of Reys hold. And of course they both have hard ons dripping pre cum cause they just want to fuck each other.


I think the celebs as just celebs and not themed would be better. But if the SW theme continues, Nicki in a slave Leia bikini would be best. her as a Twi'lek would just look like a Twi'lek with a strangely realistic face.


I’m not really with twi-lek idea (seems a disservice to have the first Nicki pic in forever have her be an alien) but as far as the raw pounding goes I think a full Nelson might be the kind of intense thing people are looking for. Either Daisey looking overwhelmed with the amount of ass she’s dealing with or nicki going to town on the smaller woman.

John Smith

Human nicki all the way