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Personally I love to draw the girls with some extra beef, yeah not just the big beef in their pants ;) But I'm not sure what you guys like the most. I do like to draw different kinds of bodies of course, so I'll always switch it up but since Urbosa seems to have hit home with many of you, I was wondering if chicks as muscular has her should be a more regular thing for me to draw. Perhaps once a month?



I'd say "Normal sized but toned, no big muscle groups." , but in general prefer the body type to be as close to the original source material as possible. Urbosa being beefy was great, because she's actually ripped in the game.


One a month sounds great to me. gives a variety imo.


Oh yeah muscular chicks are hot! :)

al p

I am a fan of all body types: thicc, beefy, normal, waifish... as long as they have tits and dicks 😂


I'm torn between the urbosa and chunli options. I think the urbosa piece you've made is great, but part of why I like it is because urbosa is already a pretty fit character originally and in this piece she's in a very dominant position. So it works well in that piece for those reason. If you had made a normally petite character into a much more beefy version, I would probably be more apprehensive I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'd love to see more characters looking like urbosa as long as it's characters that already have a body that leans toward the athletic/fit side of things


I don't mind muscle but at the same time wouldn't actively push for more. That Urbosa pic is very hot, but much more beefy than that and it might start to put me off.


Muscle gals are hot as fuck, bring it


Fan of everything, no body type is out of reach


Strong girls are so good 💜

Thomas Toft

I like muscled girls. But mostly I like huge tits. So I don't really care if they look beefy like Urbosa or if they look slim or anywhere in between as long as they have a huge rack. The same goes with futas. Huge dicks and tits and then the rest is fine. As long as they don't look obese or skeletal thin. Like a healthy beefy or healthy thin. And anything in between there.


Iv always liked a woman with curves similar to your old Emma Watson picture u recently touched up! Love ur stuff regardless

Killer Bean

Once a month sounds good to me. Overall I think the body type should remain relative to the character.

Ciera Shaw

I love all body types but you are exceptionally good at drawing muscle girls. Bring on the beefy babes!


All the yes. Who doesn't love a woman who can break you in half.

Tentacle Tiefling

Do what works for each character, and what inspires you. I can enjoy and appreciate variety (but am most especially down with the thiccness).

Sinful Goth Soles

Though I voted tbh, whatever works with you is great

Holly R

A variety of bodies is always great. But, really, I'm a size queen...in almost all aspects. So, oversized cocks, balls, tits, lips, booties, muscles....


I wouldn't have liked Urbosa on her own, I much prefer the curves on Zelda.


I live beef but don’t forget to spice it up occasionally


I’m good with buff ladies as long as it’s reasonable for the character, and that they can be on the receiving end as much as the giving ;)


Insert "That's my fetish" meme


I agree with the others, I love beefy girls but it should remain relative to the character.


As long as the proportions are right (except the extra beef in the pants ;-) hehehe) then carry on :-)


Fit women wit nice abs and big tits and jiggly ass


Thanks alot you guys for taking the time to voice your opinions here. Seems alot of you enjoy the buff ladies, but quite a few of you seem to be geared towards characters who are already really buff instead of letting say someone like Velma hit the gym... ;) Doesn't that really leave us with a very small portion of ladies to choose from when I feel like drawing a big muscular chick? One other thing; while I try to make characters and persons look like the original/real ones I would soon be bored if I'm just to copy those features exactly... Just look at my Hermione pieces, non of them depict her as she actually looks but rather my own unique artistic (pervy) take on her ;) So what I'm saying is that I'll always use my artistic license to enhance the girls :D Sometimes I'll just do small changes, but other times rather big changes... Come to think of it, I don't think I've drawn a truly "realistic" pinup in ages and rather gone with the KJ treatment... :P Variety is the spice of life, so don't worry, I won't be doing the same bodytype and face over and over again... Too many artists are already doing that, probably worried they'll lose their followers if they break the mold that made them popular in the first place.


All body types are welcome~


I'd actually say that there's quite a lot of female characters that already have some kind of muscle tone, where it wouldn't feel like a huge alteration to the character to add a bit more muscle mass than their normal character designs. Quick examples would be all the Street Fighter girls, and a huge a mount of female superhero characters. There's also a clear trend of making leading ladies in western games having more athletic bodies But of course at the end of the day it's you making the art and it's your choice what you want to draw. And I'm definitely not against the idea of you adding some beef to the characters you draw, just wanted to point out that there are actually a decent amount of toned female characters out there :)


I'd be cool if you occasionally did more like the Uribosa piece (I've actually got a model in mind if you'd take a commission anytime soon) but your normal style is fine.