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Hey guys and gals.

My Patreon has been growing fairly steadily since I started it in December last year, and I can't say that I'm anything but pleased that you have been kind enough to back my efforts in creating sexy art that I personally find damn fun to paint. The joy of coming up with new ideas and also developing my style and technique along the way has only been made possible by my Patrons. 

I've been aiming for three paintings per month, but honestly I've wanted to try to do four instead. Like I've said, the big joy for me is to come up with the concept, a pose I find intriguing and sexy,  and also draw the different women I find attractive. What I quite honestly don't love about this is the many different variations of these creations... A few sexy spicy ones is ok, and I do love drawing them sexy lewds, but when doing just one variation will take many hours to complete due to the level of details in my current style, having to do 6-7 per drawing is pretty much the same as pulling teeth and all the fun has been drained away from the piece. When I started this Patreon I went with a simpler style with less details, so doing variations then wasn't as hard as it is now.   Another thing is that it's valuable workhours and I'm not sure that all that work really pays off in the end... What I'll be doing instead is a bit less variations for 3-4 elaborate pinups/girlongirl pieces per month. There will also be Bonus pieces like earlier with commissions and older pieces I've revisited and touched up to a higher standard, and occasionally do more variations of. I do think that it's more fun for both you and me to get more paintings each month.

Well, that's what I had on my mind today. I'll get back to finishing the rewards for September and try to ignore the usual HUGE drop in Patrons at the beginning of each month.... (gotta say that one stings like a mofo each month :P )





You do you. I am cool with any content you put out.


i also dread the beginning of the month, don't have to worry about me dropping off tho ^_^ Love your content.


Definitely understandable, although I hope that doesn't mean less hung ladies.


No worries, there will always be both dickgirl and non-dickgirl for each piece.


I'm just happy you exist 😁


Whatever you change, I'll always appreciate your Art. thx for everything ❤️

Kyle Voltti

You doing what you love is why we support you. Keep on being awesome.


That has been the whole goal of this Patreon, creating what I have fun with :) Truly appreciate the support ! :D


I don't mind, more images and less variations seems like a good trade to me. More sexy ladies!

SFM admirer

personally i delete most of the plain female variations because ive loved your art from just the dickgirl angle that you've had for years. I dont really get people when they want dick nipples and giantess type of variation cause the imagination just tends to wander off WAY to much. If you stuck to a clothed and dickgirl variation only i would still stay a patron


Pussy versions will always be present, as well as the dickgirl ones. Nudes and with a few variations... Exactly what depends on what I think would be fun for each particular piece... :) Glad to have you as a patron :D


What kind of variations will likely be the ones you will stop doing? I need a ton of variations, but would be kinda sad if we stopped getting variants with a dick, and a dickbulge


Cool with me.


Honestly I'm happy with one clothed, one nude pussy version.


Still here bro. The amount of detail that you put into your work is just.. intoxicating... you really build the scenario between character assessment and the "what if". That really amplifies the veiwer's experience imo. It's like reading an erotic novel, written by yourself. Based on a single glance from your work.


For sure, understandable KJ. It's not fun if you're not having fun :D


No worries, I will always draw cockbulges and nude cock versions of my drawings.


All those details are really fun, and then also adding the enviroment to the pieces in order to show where these characters excist, and yes all this stuff takes alot of time. Normally one of these drawings would take about 4 days to complete, and then at least 1 day to do the many variations for that particular piece. I'm really glad that you enjoy the work I put into these, thanks alot :D


I love the detail you put in your work too, sets you apart from al lot of the other artists in this area. Would be sad to lose that, and if keeping it means fewer variations then I have no problem with that. Re: loss of patrons at month end, is there any way to reward loyalty e.g. anyone who subscribes for 3+ months gets a little reward of some kind?


Do whatever makes it the most fun for you! I love your work and your own enjoyment of it really comes through.


Not sure what kind of reward that would be... any suggestions? Probably also gonna be a bitch to keep track of who's been around for three months straight...


Just joined. Look forward to see more of your work!