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It's come to my attention my roommates have caught covid. I wish i could have a space away so i could keep myself at a safe distance possible but sadly it isn't. I dont believe its easy for them to not leave there room and contaminate the house so- i think it's inevitable ill most likely get it. Hopefully with taking the vaccine and booster shot, it won't be such a bad reaction but i don't know. I'm doing my best wiping areas around with lysol wipes trying to keep some areas clean. [Doorknobs, light switches, things we all touch] 

On top of all this, my mom texted me a screenshot of her abnormal results of her covid test, This all happening all at once is... extremely stressful. 

I'll be doing my best to take care of myself and update you all on these things. Getting covid a second time isn't something i anticipated. I'm upset and frustrated there's nothing i can do to prevent what's already happening. Keep my friends and family in your thoughts. I'm gonna stay positive and keep pushing forward.

-Love Fox



Goodness! I'll keep you in my thoughts!!! You got this!!!


I send to ya my wishes and i’ll pray for ya guys! Keep it up 👊🏽✨


All the love and hugs your way, Fox. 🫂 We’ll be here for ya every step in the coming days; hope for the best that everyone will be alright. ❤️


Becareful Fox, please stay safe. I is sending you all of my love to ya ❤❤❤❤❤


Stay safe and well King! ❤


Take care of yourself first! Sending positive vibes 💚💚💚


Take care, Fox. Hopefully the vaccine does what it's supposed to. Hugs and good vibes to you!


I'll keep you in my thoughts king! You've got this if you ever need someone to lean on I'm right here for you!


Sends lots of energy and may you go through it well >.<