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Good evening cuties!

I lost all my files recently switching out my Motherboard, i apparently fried my hard drive with everything that is important. So i'm going to be working my hardest in getting everything on time for you all regardless but i do want to give you early warning.  Some of this months audio may have content warnings. Hope you like the scripts chosen and the art along with it~



Much excite 💖

Ryan Ellison

Sorry to hear about the fried hard drive! I hope your PC is doing better now though!


YIKES! I knew you were having some computer issues, but ouchie! Xx But no worries!


Oof, don't over work yourself, ok Fox


Hang in there, Fox. Be safe and don't overwork like Wyldfire says. What happened is a pretty big deal and no one would expect you to keep going like it's nothing. If you need to rest please rest. It's Restober after all~


Bummer dude. Good luck! 🍀 Here’s a little Irish luck for you…may my ancestors smile upon your activities


Good luck buddy! Make your best! ;)