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Happy New Years! As 2024 rolls in, I've gone ahead and dropped the cost on the 2022 monthly comics to $5 on itch, but more importantly, I've gone ahead and generated the links for Patreon supporters. Every $5 supporter will continue to get comics once per month as you always have, but you'll also get all of those 2022 monthly comics for free, just in case you've haven't gotten them already! Each new member will get the links sent to them in a welcome note, and for my existing members, Ill paste the links below.

You will need an itch.io account and to authenticate your Patreon account to redeem the keys provided. This is a measure to help keep the download keys from being leaked. The links will only work for you if you are currently a $5 Patreon supporter (though once you redeem the keys they give, you'll keep them forever), so keep that in mind.

Quest for the Golden Berry


My New Pet Cow


New Life Corp


Got Silk?


Sluggish Whimsy


Tavern Job


Eventually, I want to switch over to doing my monthly comics releases through this method as well, as it is just as effective at preventing keys leaking as what I do now, but allows Itch to generate a custom key for everyone that they get to keep, so y'all dont have to keep constantly asking me for make-up keys. This issue is that I cant reliably send it to just people who were subbed the previous month, since I would miss people who unsubbed the following month.

This would mean that I'd have to make the comic available to all current month subs instead, forgoing the aspect of not knowing what the next comic will be about before you get it. I'm actually okay with this. It's, admittedly, kind of silly. But making the change would require preparing two paycomics to go live in rapid succession to catch-up, and I don't quite have the time for that. But, it will be something to keep an eye out for!


Jan Löwen

Do you make all 2 year old Paycomics on itch.io on five USD in the next years? Edit: It would be cool! And the new Comics are possible good too! Thank you for you're hard work!


When 2025 comes, I do plan on making all 2023 comics $5 as well, yes. And make them available for Patrons like I did with the 2022 ones. That could change, but that is the current plan.