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This spider cutie is actually the tailor that adjusts the initial clothes of all of The Changed whose new bodies have rendered their wardrobe inadequate. Though in the beginning, she had no intention of joining the ranks of The Changed herself, after meeting all the people that had come through, she found herself rather jealous. She had very strict restrictions for Emily and Sam when she finally asked for it herself, namely that she still wanted to be able to her job unhindered, meaning that her hands needed the same dexterity as normal human hands, and that her breasts couldn't really grow too much larger than they were or they might get in the way (and though she didn't ask for it specifically, she also wasn't against the idea of growing more breasts if it did happen). Upon the finishing of her transformation, she was absolutely delighted, and she continues her work with passion, and not only more efficiently with her extra arms, but also with more inspiration than ever!


Sorry for the wait on Marri's Downfall. Inspiration is kinda low, so I'm working with what I got.



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