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Maeyla considered the credit spheres in her hand for a moment before handing them over to the shopkeep. She nodded and gave her a bottle with a lewd label on the front of it in exchange.

“What are you buying?” a female voice sounded in Maeyla’s mind. The girl sighed as she took the container and walked out of the building.

“You’re getting good at that,” Maeyla answered back mentally.

The voice giggled. “Well, of course. My consciousness lives inside your brain now, so listening through the wall, so to speak, is pretty easy once you know where to look.”

The voice belonged to Lida, her former roommate and girlfriend. One night, during a bout of sexual passion, Lida was transformed into a massive set of cock and balls and merged onto Maeyla’s body. Lida, formerly an octopus-jellyfish hybrid beastling, had four arms and four legs, but instead of melding into her cock body like the curse typically plays out, each of them shrunk and turned into their own individual cocks that sprouted from the base of her huge main one. She was quite a unique dick, or set of such, as both her main head and smaller supplementary heads had retained the bell-like design she had before. It was actually quite pretty.

At first, Lida was quite upset, of course. She couldn’t really move on her own, and besides her dramatically increased sense of touch, she had no way to experience the world, lacking sight, hearing, and taste. Eventually, though, she once she learned she could communicate mentally with Maeyla, she calmed down. Especially since, as a cock, her body felt great basically all of the time. This was much to Maeyla’s chagrin, though, as her massive cock grew erect a little too often. The cat beastling considered having clothes made to cover Lida up, but decided against it, opting instead for a short dress that looked cute, but did little to conceal the massive cock even when flaccid.

“You didn’t answer my question,” Lida pointed out.

“Because I’m trying not to think about it so I can keep it a surprise. It’s your birthday, after all.”

If you say so. I can’t really keep track of time anymore. Do I even get a birthday? I’m not really a person anymore – just a part of you and thought in your head, really.”

“Aw, don’t be like that! You’re still you, even if all that’s left of you a cock. Come on, this is going to be fun, I promise!”

“A good fuck with someone who can take me is usually all the fun I need, but sure, I’ll see where this is going,” Lida comments skeptically.

“Great!” Maeyla cheered, then walked into her room after getting home. She set the bottle on her dresser and stripped down to her fur. They were gonna be making a mess, and she didn’t want to ruin her nice dress, after all. She took another look at the bottle that displayed a cartoon image of a horse’s cock blatantly on the front. She must have accidentally replicated the image in her head because Lida immediately protested.

“Equinium? Are you quite sure about this? Besides turning your dick into a horse cock, doesn’t it make it grow a ton? I’m big enough as it is, if you make me into a horse cock, how are you even going to be able to walk!?”

“Hey, that’s for me to worry about. Besides, even with the size growth, it may be easier to carry you around after this since horse cocks have a sheath they retreat into when flaccid, unlike before where you kinda just hung there.”

“I-I guess. Well, if you’re sure, let’s do it. I have no idea how this is going to feel for me… So I’m sorry if I get unintelligible for a bit…” Lida warns cautiously.

Maeyla scoffs. “Do you think I’m going to be doing anything besides writhing on the floor and rubbing you on the carpet? Because you’d be wrong.” As she was thinking that response, she had popped the bottle open, then after a brief swish of its contents, she downed the syrup in one swig. It was salty.

Immediately, Lida stood at attention, causing Maeyla to stumble backwards in the dresser.

“Sorry! H-holy shit this stuff is… is… a-ah! Aaaah!” Lida’s apology was cut short as her sensitive shaft erupted into pleasurable tingles and began to stretch. Maeyla watched with interest as the bell at Lida’s tip began to morph and bulge with small bumps, and the shaft underneath began to pink and translucent like the bell.

“Woah, that’s cool…” Maeyla commented as the bell began to take up more of the shaft, and the dark blue-gray of her shaft was chased downward, localizing to the bottom third. Her flesh there was swelling and thickening, and a shallow ring was forming around the division between the translucent pink flesh and her forming sheath.

Lida was still mentally moaning, to the degree where she would be thrashing and writhing on the floor had she a body with which to do so. Intense pleasure began to emanate from Lida’s base, Maeyla noticed as she was about to succumb to the feeling that Lida’s smaller set of dicks were also morphing into horse cocks and growing larger. Maeyla’s already heavy balls were growing heavier by the second, and eventually she was pulled to the floor from the weight of her parts.

Making good on her promise, Maeyla rubbed Lida in the abrasive carpet, causing precum to spill from her morphing urethra, or urethras in this case, as the small dicks were leaking too. The bumps across Lida’s tip developed into a flared crown of translucent pink flesh and soon her whole body trembled.

A-aaaaaah! I-it’s c-coming! O-or at least… I’m… about… to! Nngh…” Lida warned. Maeyla was completely tense, every muscle in her body was pulled tight. For second after agonizing second, it felt like her truly massive horse cock was made of pure magma and ecstasy.

Finally, with several pulses of her solid and weighty balls, she exploded from her nine cocks simultaneously. Cum went everywhere, splattering across the walls with enough force to knock an elephant over, it felt like it. She was pushed back into her dresser, but she couldn’t even cry out.

Eventually, Maeyla slumped where she sat and the torrent died down. Her whole body was sore, both from her tensed muscles and for being slammed into the furniture twice. She swallowed and slowly raised a shaking hand to rest it on her massive sheath. The world was spinning. It felt like she was going to pass out.

Lida was still quite swollen. It was taking a bit of time for her to soften. She had never felt anything that intense. It even eclipsed her own original transformation and her first orgasm as a cock. She struggled to organize her thoughts.

Maeyla was the first to finally recover. Slowly, she pulled herself onto her feet. Lida was heavy. She hadn’t anticipated how much her balls would grow, either. They hung well below her knees and pulled heavily on her body. Perhaps this was a mistake. Still, it had felt quite good. And Lida was absolutely gorgeous now. Her shaft was completely translucent and a vivid pink, with only her balls and sheath being the darker blue-gray color. Each of the smaller eight cocks were mirror images of her, just smaller. Smaller being relative in this case, because each of these were easily a foot long or more. Just one of these would make most normal people jealous, but they were dwarfed by Lida, the now five and a half foot long sentient horse cock.

The cat girl struggled, but managed to seat herself on the top of her dresser, then heaved and pulled Lida’s shaft close to her chest. Maeyla gave her giant dick a soft, generous hug and purred happily.

“O-okay… I think I’m back… Um… So holy fuck. That was insane! I nearly lost myself in that! Y-you gotta be careful, I don’t know how well I could have come back from that if I wasn’t ready for it. I… er, what are you doing?”

“Hugging you. It feels really good.”

“Y-yeah, I can feel you purring. H-hold on, my head is, like, over your ears… Geez, I’m massive! I-is that your boobs on my smaller dicks…? They got big too. And I can feel how much these balls are pulling on your body. How are you gonna manage all these? I think I’m heavier than your whole body now!”

“Yeah, you are. But it’s okay. I’ll figure it out. It’s worth it, I think. You’re worth it.”

“That’s really sweet, and I really get that, but you don’t need to make me this big! I don’t want to get in the way of your life either, and I’m sure even being a small cock would feel good too…”

“Oh, I know. /That/ part is for me!” Maeyla giggled.

“You’re insane, you know that?”

“Yeah, but you’re a cock, so you don’t get to complain.”

“H-hey! Th-that’s-“ Before Lida could argue, Maeyla gave her a small kiss on the back of her shaft. “W-well… When you put it that way…”


Sorry for the thematic whiplash, haha. Anyway, we've actually seen these two before. Last time showed Lida's transformation into Maeyla's dick, and here we see her become a very pretty set of horse cocks.



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