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  Continued from Errant Wish

A lot of thoughts were going through Melody’s mind as she pet the vaporeon beside her. Thoughts like, “It feels weird to pet my friend like this, but she seems to like it,” and, “Why did Shiloh turn into a vaporeon anyway? Nothing makes sense! I wish I could understand her, but she can’t talk anymore.”

“You… really like this, don’t you?” Melody asked, chuckling. Shiloh opened her eyes, thought about it for a moment, then smiled. Apparently, she did, but it was probably just as weird to her as it was for Melody. She’d have to figure out what to say to Shiloh’s parents. “Yeah, hey, your daughter turned into this water dog thing. Weird, huh?” she imagined.

“Vae!” Shiloh let out, breaking Melody from her thoughts. She looked over and froze. Melody’s hand was glowing. It was faint, but against Shiloh’s blue fur, the faint golden glow was visible. Slowly, she brought her hand in front of her face. As she turned it over in front of her, she watch her fingers soften and slowly start to shrink into her palm.

She stood suddenly and Shiloh watched on, concerned. Melody shook her head slowly in disbelief as her hand flattened and smoothed out. In fact, her whole arm began to flatten and grow wider, with her skin darkening to a copper brown color. “N-no! Not me too!” she cried, realizing what was happening. Her other hand quickly became like her first just as she reached to start pulling her clothes off, but it was too late. Without fingers, she couldn’t even pull her shirt up.

She wobbled as her legs began to shrink slowly and brown coloring spread over her calves and thighs. Her stockings started to become loose, making it even more obvious that her legs were shrinking. “B-but… but…” she stuttered. “I don’t want to be a pokemon!”

“Vae-Vei!” Shiloh responded as she watched from the bed. Melody didn’t know what she said, but she sounded concerned.

Looking down, her shirt was becoming stretched by her torso, which was barreling out rapidly. Her breasts were disappearing, and her whole body was starting to resemble an oval. Her miniskirt fell to the floor, and she saw what looked like a tail growing from her spine. “J-just stay calm… stay calm… You… you can deal with this!” she said to herself rather unconvincingly.

She felt something strange pulling away from her sides, just beneath her arms. She couldn’t really see it under her shirt, but eventually they grew large enough to push out from under her clothes. They were flat, and somewhat rubbery. They looked like fins, which made her realize that her widening and flattening arms were also becoming fins. “I-I’m turning into a fish!” she cried, shocked.

Her shoes were really loose now, she went to kick them off but ended up tripping and falling over instead. She pulled herself across the floor with her fins a little ways before becoming tired. They weren’t meant for that, it seems. Troublingly, she noticed that her neck was becoming really hard to move until she couldn’t all. All she could do was look forward until her vision began to widen. She flailed her fins somewhat, but she was all tangled in her shirt and coat.

A muffled *thump* sounded beside her as Shiloh hopped down to the floor from the mattress, and, growling all the while, she began tugging on Melody’s shirt with her mouth. “V-vai! Grrrr G-get off!”

Melody stopped struggling for a moment as she heard her friend’s old voice again, but quickly put together what was happening before pulling on her sleeves once more. Eventually, her clothes tore, and she flopped freely onto the floor. She tried to lift herself, but her fins were rather weak. They did look quite pretty though, as the tips of her two pairs of fins glowed with a golden light, and her scaly fish skin glittered and sparkled in the light of the window. “W-well… that’s just great… Now we’re both pokemon…” Melody mumbled. Her throat was rather dry, however.

“Yeah. Can you… Understand me again?” Shiloh asked, walking beside her.

Melody tried to nod, realized that she couldn’t as her head and body were now one solid mass, and then simply said, “Yeah, I can. I guess since we’re both this way now, It makes sense…” she said softly. It was getting hard to breathe. Wait a second… wasn’t she a lumineon? She’d never seen one this color before, but she was definitely a fish… Not only was she a fish, but she was a fish outside of water! “Sh-shiloh,” she coughed. “It’s kinda hard for me to breathe…”

“Ah! Th-that’s right! We… we need to get you in water! Um… Um…” Shiloh fretted. “The ocean!” she concluded.

Something in the vaporeon was awakened by seeing her friend in trouble, suddenly. She looked around, and stared at the window for a few moments before taking a deep breath. When she exhaled, she glared at the window intensely. Numerous glowing stars formed around her and flew through the glass, shattering it with ease.

Melody gasped and then coughed a little. “Wh-was that a Swift…?” she managed to say.

“I-I don’t know, but that doesn’t matter! U-um…” Shiloh looked down at her paws. She really wished had hands right about now! Melody was quite a large fish, how was she… She sighed and then said, “S-sorry! This is probably gonna hurt, but it’s the only way!” The vaporeon walked over and bit down Melody’s backside and picked her up with her mouth.

“O-ow! Your teeth are really sharp!” Melody complained.

“Sowww…” she tried to say, then bolted at the window. She leapt through and scrambled on the roof tiles of the patio below the second story window. After gaining her balance, she dashed along the edge of the roof and took a flying leap to the ground. She landed hard, but thankfully on her feet, and after a brief stumbled, she took off running. She didn’t know how was able to run this fast when only a few moments ago she could barely walk, but didn’t want to think about it too hard. She was letting the pokemon inside of her take the lead.

The ocean was some ways away. Shiloh dashed through town, not caring who saw. They probably wouldn’t recognize her anyway. She scrambled down staircases and across small hills faster than she ever could on two legs.

After a few minutes of sprinting, the beach was quickly coming into view, and the world began to blur. She stopped quickly at the water’s edge and with a nimble turn of her body and neck, she tossed Melody into the sea.

The vaporeon panted as she waited for her friend to say something. As well, she did her best to stay away from the water. Ever since she nearly drowned on this very beach as a kid, she was terrified of swimming. She never learned how, and just being here made her anxious.

Melody popped her head over the surface of the water, some distance away. “Shiloh! You should join me out here! The water’s great!”

“U-uh, n-no thanks! I… I don’t know how to swim! P-plus, even if I did, my body’s completely different now! I don’t want to drown!” Shiloh admitted.

The lumineon glared at her incredulously. “Shiloh. You’re a vaporeon.”

“A-and? Wh-what does that matter?”

“Vaporeon can breathe underwater,” Melody said flatly.

Shiloh was stunned. “W-wait. Really? You’re sure? I won’t drown?”

“Positive. Come on, you’ll be fine!” she assured her.

Shiloh swallowed. She took a tentative step into the waves. Half of her was terrified, but the other half of her almost seemed delighted just to touch the ocean. She realized that vaporeon were probably water-type pokemon, and they must like the ocean. It was her that was scared. But if she couldn’t drown, then there wasn’t anything to be afraid of, right?

She took more steps forward until the water was over her neck. The white fin around her neck tingled, and she felt suddenly refreshed. At that moment, her fears dissolved. She dove into the deep waters of the ocean, and swam out until the ocean shelf dropped out beneath her. But her lungs felt fine. She was breathing. She wasn’t drowning. And she was swimming. Effortlessly. Melody swam up next to her. “Told you,” she said simply.

“Yeah. You did,” Shiloh admitted. She looked around in the water all around them. “Um… now what?”

“’Now what’ indeed… We can’t exactly go back to our folks like this. They wouldn’t even understand us.” Melody thought for a few moments, then said, “Hey, you know… This might be have been a blessing in disguise.”

“What do you mean? Being out here is cool and all, but…” Shiloh said, trailing off.

“Well… Now you can’t leave! It doesn’t matter what your parents think, we’re pokemon now!” She spun around in the water, her glowing fins flowing beautifully. “Neither of us may have asked for this, but… now we really can be friends forever!”

Shiloh thought about that for a little bit, then smiled softly. “I guess you’re right. It may not be ideal, but…” she trailed off as she looked at one of her paws and to her tail below her. “I guess I could get used to this. Especially if I can do that star thing I did in the house again! That was cool.”

“It was! That was a pokemon move. I’m pretty sure it was Swift. I wonder what else we can do...”

“Man, now I’m excited! I wanna see what other moves can do! And we should explore the ocean and stuff too! I bet we’ll meet tons of pokemon!” Shiloh said, spilling the words out rapidly.

Melody chuckled. “I imagine so.” Then she started to swim downward into the depths passed the shelf. “And hey, if it gets dark down deep, I can light the way!”

“Yeah, you’re all glowy! You’re actually really pretty, you know,” Shiloh mentioned as she followed after her.

Melody blushed. “Y-yeah? You think so?”

“Yeah. I mean, pretty for a pokemon, anyway,” Shiloh said facetiously.

“H-hey! What does that mean?”

Soon though, they were both laughing happily as they descended further into the oceanic depths.


A two-parter! Sort of. Lumineon is one of my favorite most-forgotten pokemon.



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