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Becki trudged down the trail between the nearby town and her house. She was returning home after a particularly long day, and the serene atmosphere wasn’t doing much to calm her nerves.

Small, quick pokemon ran back and forth across the branches of the trees in the forest to either side of the narrow walking path. She glanced up at them and sighed. She had decided against becoming trainer all those years ago when offered the choice. She figured she’d probably be bad at it and it would just be something for people to make fun of her for. She shook her head and saw how happy the various bird and rodent pokemon looked up in the trees. “Man,” she thought, “What I’d give to be like them. Pokemon don’t have to worry about bills, or going to work, or worrying about what other people think…”

She continued down the path while mulling this thought over. “Plus, they basically have super powers, which would probably be pretty fun. Though I guess since they’re born with them, they must not think it’s very special.” She sighed again. “Well, I’d think it was fun. But I’m not a pokemon. Just a dumb, boring human.”

“If you had the chance to become a pokemon, would you take it?”

Becki looked around wildly. Where did that voice come from? “H-hello? Who’s there?” she called into the woods. Even the pokemon in the trees seemed to have scurried off somewhere.

“If you had the chance to become a pokemon, would you take it?” the voice repeated. She couldn’t tell if the voice was male or female, but it also didn’t sound like it was coming from anywhere specific. It almost sounded like it was coming from inside her own head.

“I, um…” she looked around again, then noticed two indigo eyes glaring at in the distance. The creature talking to her was far away, but she could feel the power coming off of it. All she could tell from its looks was that it was some sort of quadruped, and it was blue and black colored. “I… I don’t know. That’s not possible anyway though, right?”

“Many things are possible. My question was an offer. I can make your desire a reality.”

“You… you can turn me into a pokemon…?” she said in stunned awe. Did she really want that? She may have been just thinking it, but that was an idle thought. Is that really what she wanted? Would she be happier like that? Thinking about her current life made her feel empty inside, but this… could this be her ticket out? “Are you really able to do that? Why… why are you offering me this? What do you get out of it?”

“If I can make others happy by simple acts of power, I see no reason not to. If you accept my offer, it won’t be the first time I do this, and it will likely not be the last. I ask for nothing in return, but know that this is a one-time, one-way effect. We will not meet again after this.”

Her hands shook with anxiety. She closed them into fists as she considered her options. Could she really do this? Leave her life behind and embrace a new one? Her current life didn’t exactly have much value… “Yes. If… you’d be willing, then please…” she stumbled, voice trembling.

“Very well. Approach.”

She swallowed, then took a shaking step into the forest. “Deep breaths. In… out.” She managed to keep her nerves and continued walking.

As she did so, her forehead began to itch. Her steps slowed and she raised a hand to check what was happening and she felt two small bumps forming between her eyebrows. “W… wha? Is… is it starting already?” The bumps grew longer into two dainty protrusions that extended upward over her hairline. They wobbled as she walked, a sensation that made her shutter. “Stay calm… stay calm…”

Soon, the tips of her fingers felt similarly tingly and she watched as her fingernails thickened into claws tipping her fingers. Her fingers were also swelling and becoming hard to move. She shut her eyes as her heart began to race. “I-it’s okay, Becki. You wanted this!” she told herself.

Her clothes began to feel tight on her, and the sound of ripping fabric made her open her eyes. Her body was barreling out beneath her shirt and skirt, and her arms legs were growing thicker, ripping her sleeves. She realized that she hadn’t asked for any specific pokemon, and the entity didn’t ask. She could be turning into anything! She had been hoping for a small, cute one, but… maybe this will be okay too. Her fingers began to merge into tri-tipped claws.

The ground seemed to getting farther away as she looked passed her transforming hands. Was she getting taller? It didn’t look like it. Her body began to wobble a little – her balance was off and her legs had become less dexterous – and as her long hair brushed against more of her neck than she thought possible, she realized that her neck was growing longer. “W-woah… Weird… This feels weird!” She said, looking herself over. Her neck was surprisingly lithe, and at the base of it, her skin had started turning yellow, with a ring of orange protrusions growing from it. The yellow coloring had also begun to spread from other parts, like her legs and arms. The coloration was strangely pretty and glittered in the afternoon light.

She stumbled then, and as she began to fall forward, her shoes were kicked off to reveal how stubby her legs and feet had become. She grasped a nearby tree to keep from hitting the ground, but she couldn’t stand back up. Her shirt finally tore apart, revealing her torso had become rather simple and lacking any curves. Her grip on the tree was loosening as her arms couldn’t maintain the grip.

“Relax. Allow it to happen. It will feel a lot better if you stand the way you’re meant to,” the voice advised.

A number of thoughts went through her head, but she did finally realize what was going one. She was becoming a quadruped of some kind. This raised a number of concerns, but before she considered them, she let go of the tree and dropped to all fours. It felt incredibly natural, and with four feet spreading her weight out instead of two, she felt oddly lighter. With how freely her neck could move, she was able to look herself over quite easily. Between her back legs was a small, triangular tail. It was kind of cute, actually. The orange things at the base of her neck had blossomed into a giant flower that her neck seemed to sprout from. It was… very pretty. In fact, her whole body sparkled and played with the light in a way that didn’t seem like it could be real. Her face felt warm. Was this really her?

She turned her head back towards the blue creature. It simply stood there, smiling softly. She was close enough now to tell that it was some kind of blue-black deer creature, with large yellow antlers embedded with numerous rainbow-colored gems. “I… what am I?” Becki asked.

“You are Meganium. Meganium are a grass-aspected pokemon. They are a somewhat rare species.”

She nodded slowly. She could feel the grass typing quite well, as the forest around her felt much more alive than before, as if it were an extension of herself. It was a nice feeling.

“You seem happier. I’m glad. I will allow to explore your new self on your own, but I will mention one more thing: Meganium are typically green with pink flowers. I’ve transformed you, as I often do to those I help, into an exceedingly rare version of your species. Those with this coloration are extremely alluring to other pokemon, so it will be easier for you to make new, pokemon friends. As well, if the day should come where you desire a mate, this coloring makes you naturally more attractive.”

She blushed. She couldn’t think of mating with a pokemon! That was weird, right? That said, the idea didn’t bother her as much as she thought it should, but that might just be the pokemon side of her talking. Hopefully. Though if she was going to be a pokemon now, then… She stopped her trail of thought there. “I… I don’t know what to say,” she eventually responded. “But, I guess… Thank you. I’m excited to find out what I can do now and the kinds of pokemon I’ll get to meet! Um, question on that note… Does this mean I can talk to pokemon and actually understand them now?”

“But of course. You are one yourself now, after all.”

“R-right, obviously,” she said quickly. Inside, though, she was quite excited. She always wondered what they had to say. She realized that she probably talked like a pokemon too now, though. Hopefully she didn’t need to talk to any humans… She shook that thought away. “Um… Do I need to know anything else? I’m… kinda new at this, heh heh…” She chuckled awkwardly.

“It would be better if you learned on your own. I have given you some instincts, like walking and running on four legs, and some animalistic knowledge of what food you should or shouldn’t eat considering your new body. Your skills as a pokemon will need to be honed with practice if you wish to grow powerful. Lastly, I’ve left you with your human hair as some semblance of your old self, so as to not completely disorient you. If you grow to dislike having it, if you manage to completely shave it off somehow, it won’t grow back, and for all intents and purposes, you’ll be a completely normal Meganium besides your rare coloring. Beyond that, I’ll allow you to explore your new life on your own.” The creature nods. “Do more good than ill in the world, and I’ll know that I’ve made a good choice.”

Becki took a moment to process all of this and then nodded. “I won’t let you down!”

The creature smiled and walked passed her. Becki turned back to watch it leave, but it was already gone. “Woah,” she said under her breath. She looked forward into the woods, then down at herself. Everything was so different now, but… she felt good. She felt strong, important, and with all the glitter, pretty. Smiling, she wandered deeper into the forest.


I was only going to do like two of these, but god damn theyre a ton of fun. Im on a cute kick, sorry for anyone looking for something kinkier! I promise I'll go back eventually!



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