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In Marri's shop today stood a small, cute, blue haired chinchilla girl nervously fiddling with her stubby fingers. It was clear that she was of age, but like with Sheira, her status as a chinchilla made her rather short. Eventually, she starts, "U-um, hi. I... I never thought that I'd have the courage to step in here, let alone ask you what I'm going to ask you. But... things that have happened lately... I know I have to do this. Listen," she said, then paused, looking up at Marri with her big, blue eyes. "You wont judge me, right? E-even if I ask for something weird?"

Marri smiled. "Of course not. I promise you, whatever you want, it wont be close to the weirdest things I've ever done to someone. Just let me know what you want to be - what will make you happy."

The small lady nodded. "R-right. So, I want to be part bug. But, like, only partly. I still want to keep some part of me the same too. A-and... So I only have two boobs, but underneath them, I have another pair of teats. If my mother is to be believed, they'd develop once I have kids, but I dont want to wait for that. S-so, if I could have four boobs instead of just two, I think I'd like that." She was looking at the ground as she admitted this. She swallowed, then said, "A-and also, I want one last thing. I- I dont know if you can do this, but..."

Marri tilted her head as the girl paused. "Trust me, I can do nearly anything you want with you. What is it that you're after?"

"I... I want a second vagina. Like, two side by side, instead of just one," she said quickly, shaking slightly with obvious anxiety.

Marri waved it off. "Oh, sure, I can do that. Easy." She thinks for a moment. "Say, would your name happen to be Catie?"

The girl looked up quickly, surprised. "H-how did you know? Have we met before?"

Marri shook her head. "No. But your girlfriend mentioned you."

Catie thought for a moment a nodded. "Okay. I guess... I guess you can understand my request then..."

Marri nods. "Yup. Now, let's get started," she says with finality and snaps her fingers. In a flash, Catie was undressed, her clothes reappearing on the floor next to her.

"Eep!" she cried, a hand to her chest.

"Relax. You wont really fit in those in a little bit anyway, and it'll make the process a lot more comfortable this way as opposed to forcibly tearing holes in them," Marri reassured.

Catie nodded, and as she did so, she noticed something thin flopping in her vision. She narrowed her gaze and saw two antennae bobbing in front of her. She smiled a little as she watched them grow longer, but feelings growth elsewhere soon distracted her.

Her chest was becoming more prominent in her vision, but rather than growing larger, they were being raised from underneath. Quickly, her hands darted to her second set of teats and gasped as she felt the growing mounds beneath them. Then, her glance was drawn downward. Arcing her back to look around her breasts, she saw the area between her legs swelling and growing bulbous. Her vagina, which was looking puffier by the second, was pushed higher and more front and center, while her entire pubic region expanded between her legs. The underside of the mass began to lose its fur and ridges were forming along the taut skin. On the back side of it, two large mounds started to form on the top side and also lost their fur. There, though, rather than normal skin, it was blue, like her eyes, and appeared to be translucent. Nothing could be seen on the inside besides an abyss of deep blue, but the floor could be seen through the part that was bulging from the egg sac.

"W-woah..." she breathed, watching the large, new organ develop. Too enraptured by the new body part, Catie didn't even notice two small mounds growing longer from her sides, and that her feet had morphed to be covered in hard chitin with four, large, dull claws. The chitin crawled up her legs, replacing fur as it went, eventually stopping at her knees. Similarly, the fur around her shoulders hardened into the same kind of shell and that spread down to her elbows before stopping.

Suddenly, Catie froze. "Nngh," she moaned, drawing her hands to her vagina. She hissed as she touched it; it was intensely sensitive. Her clit had also swollen so much that it poked out of her lips. Then, it swelled wider and a shallow line formed along the center of it. "H-aaaah!" she cried as the left and right sides of the nub pulled in opposite directions and then separated, forming two, overly swollen, highly sensitive clits. At the same time, two jet black patches of skin formed at the end of her egg sac, the centers of which grew a similar shallow line. As the lines deepened into
the lips of two new openings at the end of her egg sac and her clits towards the top of the egg sac began to pull away from each other, it was all a bit too much for Catie.

Her knees gave out from under and she collapsed onto her side, writhing slowing at all the points of intense pleasure she was feeling. Her second set of arms than grew from the small mounds at her sides flailed slightly. They were still small and developing, but her brain had begun to assume control of the new appendages.

She panted heavily and moaned as her swollen vagina divided down the center, being tugged apart by her two clits. Skin and fur formed between them until finally, after what seemed like an eternity of pleasure, they split completely, forming two, plump, fully functional vaginas.

As she lay on the floor, staring at the ceiling with her new, bulbous bug eyes and breathing heavily, her new arms finished growing into copies of the original, and something began to poke out of her back. She turned over slightly to relieve the pressure on her back and she watched two, thin pairs of blue, gossamer wings grow into being, becoming wider and longer by the second. It was to control, they were a little twitchy and it was a completely new part of her, but the magic made sure her brain could handle.

Eventually, she sighed, and pulled herself up from the ground, and once on her knees, she grabbed the counter to pull her the rest of the way. As soon as her head made it over the counter top, she leaned against it for support and muttered, "I-I asked for two vaginas, n-not four..."

Marri shrugged. "Sure, but those bottom aren't like normal vaginas. Those for laying eggs with. I mean, think about it, you have two vaginas now, you need two wombs to go with it. Your egg sac is divided into two parts, one for each, and each need their own opening."

Catie thought about this for a moment, then stood up, testing her new legs. Then she looked down, looking at both pairs of arms, and then to her wings. "I see... that you took some liberties..."

"Sure, but they're common traits for bug girls. You didn't specify what you did and didn't want, so I used my best judgement."

Catie then look down at her two glistening, now jet-black vaginas. Then she smiled and looked up to Marri. "I see why Tirel came to you. You're very thorough, and you and really know how to get people what they want. Thank you."

Marri grins. "I'm just happy to help."


The chinchilla girl from that fox snake story felt a little inadequate, so she decided to change herself to fit better.



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