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Full story below! Just like I used to do! Heh... heh...



Spring break was always a time to try new things. Mia, who went to college but still lived with her folks, often used it as an excuse to go on vacation with her friends. Usually, they were more than just friends, and they used the time to “get to know each other better”. So Mia was no stranger to sex. But this, a three-way, that was new.

She invited her two closest flings to a camping trip in the mountains, far from prying eyes. Katie was nervous, but also excited. She’d never done something like this either. And Josh, well, Josh was the only guy of the three, so he was pretty pleased with the situation as well.

After what seemed to be hours of driving and idle chatter, they reached a suitable campground. As they set up camp, Mia noticed that the campsite was near an open cave that wasn’t visible from the road. She figured she’d investigate it and make sure there weren’t any bears or wolves nearby. Josh went with her, but neither of them had a plan on what to do if they found any.

Instead, when Mia took a few steps inside, her body began to grow warm. She moaned and fell to her knees. Alarmed, Josh ran over to check on her, but Mia insisted that she was fine, that it was probably just something in the air. Josh left to grab Katie so they could assist Mia back to camp, leaving her alone for the moment.

The sensation didn’t fade, and in fact, it grew even more intense. Her body felt strange, and she was, for whatever reason, deeply aroused. She squealed in surprise when she suddenly felt something… moving inside her jeans. Something sensitive. She slowly struggled to her feet and pulled her pants down a few inches to take a look inside, and something bulging inside her panties. Horrified, she dropped her pants and then her panties, and squealed again.

Slowly, but surely, a nub swelled from her pubic region, just above her vagina. It was about the size of her thumb, but it was thickening and growing longer by the second. Just below that, between the new growth and her vagina, a small pouch of skin was forming. Soon, the long growth was two inches wide, seven inches long, and the tip of it was flushed and flared out. Veins were visible along the shaft, and the underside had a tube running along it that lined up with an opening that quickly, and pleasurably, revealed itself at the tip. Mia’s eyes grew wide.

“Wh-why do I have a cock!?” she cried. She panted as arousal built inside of her, stemming from her new testicles. She fell to her knees again, and precum dripped from her dick.

She didn’t want to touch it, to acknowledge that what she had was real, and that it was hers, but the temptation kept building. Thankfully, she was distracted by an altogether different sensation – her bra began to cut into her back. Confused, she looked down and was shocked to her breasts burgeoning from her top. She pulled her shirt off, removed her bra, and arched her back at how heavy her breasts were. Normally, she had decent C-cups, but these were larger than grapefruits. It’s a miracle that her bra lasted as long as it did. She had been too distracted by her cock growing in to have noticed her boobs growing to such a size. However, unlike her penis, which had finally just stopped growing at around a foot long with tennis-ball sized testicles, her breasts continued swelling. Strangely, her nipples didn’t grow with them, and they remained flat against her skin. Without the support of her bra, her breasts sagged heavily as well. Mia noticed that, despite her boobs’ increased size, her cleavage grew shallow. The line separating her breasts became less and less defined. All Mia could do is watch in horror at her changing body as her breasts pulled heavily on her torso, looking less and less like breasts by the minute.

A few minutes later, Josh and Katie arrived to assist Mia, but were shocked to find her completely naked. More than that, a foot long cock throbbed between her thighs, and her breasts had been replaced by some sort of large pouch hiding two head-sized ovals. It didn’t look too different than a ballsac, just massive. Her back was arched outward to support the weight of the thing, and she looked to the ceiling, apparently completely overwhelmed by the sensations. Her cock and vagina leaked fluids, and even her mouth was drooling thick, sticky saliva.

At first, the two were appalled, but as they entered they cave, they, too, were overcome by warmth and arousal. Mia slowly turn to look at the two of them, her unusually bright blue eyes hungry with need. Josh began stripping immediately, though Katie was a bit more cautious, and waited. Nonetheless, she eyed Mia’s massive dick and began to squirm, struggling to keep her mounting lust under control.

Josh, who was already plenty hard with an erection that seemed by to be growing larger by the second, took his place behind Mia. She obliged and got on her hands and knees. Her large former breasts rested on the cold stone floor, and more drool dripped from her mouth. Josh went straight for her exposed opening, and they were both struck by more intense pleasure than they had ever felt before. The feeling built quickly, but neither were able to cum yet. Soon. Josh’s enthusiastic thrusts slowed as his dick met resistance. Then, though he continued his motions, his dick no longer slide inside of her. His penis had become stuck, and their flesh began to weave together. Neither of them really noticed – they were too drenched in raw need. Subtly, a shallow tube began to develop along Josh’s front side, and his legs were becoming harder to move.

Mia panted as her mouth and dick continued to drool. She swallowed and looked over to Katie. “P-Please! I need to put this cock in someone! My balls feel they’re gonna explode with how much I need this!”

Katie hadn’t noticed the changes happening with Josh – she was too fixated on Mia’s cock. She hesitated, but then finally nodded. She stripped down, then also got down on her hands and knees and presented herself to Mia. Without a moment lost, Mia lunged for it, pulling an entirely distracted Josh along with her. Katie gasped as she took the whole length of Mia’s dick and was completely overwhelmed by pleasure. In seconds, Mia’s cock melted into her friend, melding the two of them together.

For the moment, they were a joined, humping mass of people, blissfully unaware of what their bodies were doing, but changes began to sweep over them. Mia’s torso barreled out slowly, but surely, and her shoulders and hips broadened. Her neck grew thicker with loose skin bunching up under her chin. 

Meanwhile, Josh’s legs squeezed together and then the gap between them sealed up completely. They lost their shape and curled into two heavy, joined ovals in a pouch. Josh gripped Mia’s widening body for support after the loss of his legs, still too lost in the feeling to notice his shift in posture. Large veins crawled up along his body, now more visible than ever. The shallow tube from before now ran all the way from his merged crotch up to his throat, and like Mia, he began to drool as well.

Katie shuddered as her legs forced themselves together as well and her breasts flattened against her body. She squeezed her eyes shut as she was overcome with intense pleasure as her legs melted into testicles and a urethra crawled its way up her body and between her vanishing breasts.

Mia readjusted herself and placed her hands and feet squarely on the ground as her limbs stretched out. Her feet lengthened and bent until she walked on her toes and her arms and hands did the same. Katie’s lower half hung was suspended from her friend’s body, and she supported her front half with her shaking hands. Josh’s body slouched and fell behind Mia. His spine slowly reoriented until he was facing away from Mia, his giant balls that were previously his legs were beneath him, and his elbows were resting against the ground. Mia arched her shoulders as two growths uncomfortably pushed out from them.

She moaned as her neck grew thicker and pushed out longer and longer still. She could feel her rapid heartbeat along the length of her neck, which had become quite tense. She struggled somewhat, but managed to turn her head just a little to get a good look at what was happening to them. What she saw was enough to break through her cloud of lust.

“Wh-what’s happening to us!?” she managed to say. Her body had grown huge and quadrupedal, her neck looked like the shaft of a cock, and both of her friends had merged with her. They were looking increasingly more like penises by the minute.

Katie opened her eyes found her body far stiffer than it should have been. She strained to turn her head and look at herself. She saw that her body had rounded into a cylinder with ridges along the top and bottom, and she was wider at the base where she connected with Mia than at her shoulders, which were quickly being absorbed into her body. She opened her mouth to scream, now also aware of what was going on, but instead of sound, a large glob of precum erupted from her mouth. Her face showed pure terror as her arms slowly shrank and were reabsorbed into her torso.

Josh’s arms had already sealed themselves to his side by the time he got a look at himself. His body had grown longer, more tubular, and was covered in veins. He still had a bit of maneuverability, but with the amount of blood pumping through him, fine movement was impossible. He couldn’t protest either, his mouth was too full of sticky fluid to speak through, and he shivered. Josh’s hair slowly fell out, first in strands, then in clumps, and his head flushed darker and darker. He shuddered as his nose and ears flattened into his head, robbing him of those senses, and his face pushed out into a fleshy muzzle. Precum poured from his mouth now as it narrowed into a simple opening. His eyes slowly grew shut and sealed over, never to open again, as his head made its last change into the head of a penis.

Then, it was Katie’s turn, and tears fell from her eyes as her hair fell out as well. This time, her head took a more triangular shape with large bulges on the sides. Her eyes sealed over, and her mouth narrowed and pushed into a tipped point instead of the rounded head Josh developed.

Both of her friends, now cocks, throbbed in anticipation for their first orgasms as genitals. As Mia’s hair fell out too, she watched in morbid curiosity as the growths on her shoulders developed into large dragon-like wings. She found that she could flap them, but among the other changes, it seemed strange. Then, her ears lengthened and moved to the back of her head as her face flushed. She moaned as her face pushed out into a pointed muzzle and mouth narrowed into a urethral opening. Numerous small ridges and spins grew over her increasingly sensitive cheeks, and two rounded horns grew near her ears.

Her neck grew ridged and she shut her eyes tightly in anticipation. Her cock, formerly Katie, was hard as stone and pulsed with need of release. Her large tailcock, formerly Josh, throbbed hungrily.

Time stood still as her six massive balls pulsed for a moment. And then a second moment. Finally, all at once, cum exploded out of her, from her mouth and both her cocks, at pressurized speeds. It coated the walls and floors of the cave, and even chipped some of the stone wall in front of her. Mia shuddered and collapsed, entirely spent.


“Mia! Mia, get up already!”

That was Katie’s voice. “H-huh?” Mia moaned. She blinked and turned her head to look at herself. She laid on her side, though she was still the monster she had remembered becoming. Katie, however, was nowhere to be found. Mia looked at her huge dragon cock between her back legs.

“Y-yeah… I’m still a cock,” Katie responded in dismay, but not out-loud. It was directly into Mia’s head.

“Wait, so you’re still in there…? And then that means…” she thought, looking at her tail. At this point, Mia realized she wasn’t talking either, and without a proper mouth, she didn’t know if she could.

“Yeah… I’m still here too. This is so weird…” he responded.

Mia shook her head and then looked at herself again. Determined, she slowly struggled to her feet, her cock and sets of balls all bobbing beneath her as she did. Her control over her tailcock was a little more elegant, at least. She expected to have difficulty from here, but walking came naturally to her despite her new four-legged posture. Slowly, so as to not make her numerous large bits flop too painfully, she left the cave and walked to a pond near their campsite and looked at her face. A pointed cock stared back at her, with only her vivid, almost glowing, blue eyes left to distinguish it from just genitals. Cum was splattered and partially dried all over her face.

“I… Is this who we are now? Some sort of dick monster? A-a cock dragon?” Mia wonders.

“I hope not… I can’t be a penis forever! At least you can still move around, I can’t do anything!” Katie complains.

“Same here. All I have is what I can feel… Why does Mia get control of our bodies too!?” Josh adds to the complaints.

“G-guys, I don’t know… and I’m sorry. But… I’ll figure this out! I-if I can even find someone to talk to… that won’t run away… and… can actually do something about this…” Mia says, becoming increasingly discouraged.

Katie sighed mentally. “We’re… going to be like this forever, aren’t we?”



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