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Her body slowly barrels out as her organs shift and expand to their proper locations and sizes for her new cow destiny. She calls for help, but to no avail, as even she realizes that the only ones to hear her pleas are the ones doing this to her. Though her insides moving about is uncomfortable and somewhat nauseating, like all the changes before, its simultaneously intensely pleasurable. While this is suppressed in part by her panic, it does keep her from completely breaking down. Once her body is done growing, she shakily stands on her four hooves and looks back at herself. Her body is barely distinguishable from a cow's. The only real differences are that she's firstly much smaller. Even after her torso expanded to be cowlike, her overall size is still only slightly larger than a human. Secondly, her udder was absolutely massive. It was larger than a normal cow's which only made it seem that much larger on her smaller frame. It was also bulbous and swollen, and the teats threatened to drag on the floor. Though she can feel it pulling heavily on her body, her focus is now on her face, which had begun to tingle once more. Surely, this must be the transformation readying to rid her of the last of her humanity, she thought.



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