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"Th-that... G-god... I felt that orgasm through my whole body... I-I guess I am a cock now, so... so that makes sense... But what the fuck!? Why... Why did... God, it's hard to think - would you stop fondling me!?"

"Sorry, it's just... wait, you're still in there? How are we...?"

"I guess I am. If you can hear my thoughts then, well... We can still talk. But, fuck, I can feel every stroke you make on me, and its so distracting... It feels so good! God, this is... this just awful - reduced to nothing but a dick."

"Well... nine dicks, anyway."


"Your arms and legs... they all turned into small dicks too... See, I'll just grab this one and..."

"Gah! Stop, I can feel that too! Am I gonna be stuck like this forever? Just a cock, good for nothing but... but getting hard and... and... cu...cu..."

"Woah, hold on, d-don't get hard again, we just barely - ah!"



Well, I'm sure everything will turn out okay for them in the long run.



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