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Name: Alice

Species: Hybrid-Insect/Unknown

Sex: Female

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Height: 5' 4"

Weight: 215lb-330lb

Cup Size: I cup - J cup

Breast Count: 2

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


Story: The Glimmer Note Saga

Designation: 009


Alice is my first nsfw character, some sort of bug girl with no defined species who is perpetually pregnant with eggs. None of the eggs are fertile unless she gets someone to fertilize early enough, but like a hen, her body creates them anyway, and she has to lay them all. She lays a 'clutch' every 3 days unless they're fertilized, in which case they grow a lot slower to properly develop. She's been a bug girl like this for about a year by now.

(Copied from The Cast description) Growing up without much money in lower middle class and trying to fund her way through community college, Alice found herself living paycheck to paycheck. She didn't believe that her life was all it could be. When The Glimmer Note incident took the news by storm, tales of seven transformed girls and their plight were known to all. While she didn't want to have kids or an indecent amount of boobs, she found herself... jealous. They were living in paid-for housing, and all their problems were solved by government sponsorship and research grants. Their breasts and bellies shrunk to manageable eventually, so they could even do practically whatever they wanted, and money didn't matter. On top of that, they get to be crazy and weird, and some have fur, or four arms, or they had leaves growing out of them, and one was just made out of living water! A part of her wanted that. So imagine Alice's surprise when Emily, the water girl and the lead researcher behind the project designed to harness the alien transformative that changed the lives of those seven girls, opened clinical trials to the public after successfully transforming a close friend into a 40-breasted, hyper pregnant salamander hybrid.

Alice immediately went to offer herself to the cause. The agreements were a little scary, but it made sense given the concept. Essentially, while Alice could describe what she wanted to be, there was no way to get it specific, and there was a high chance of her ending up with any number of additional breasts, a massive, spontaneous pregnancy, or both, and if that happened, Alice would have no legal ability to sue Emily and her research group since the terms were laid out ahead of time and there was a lot of signing. However, she'd be monetarily compensated for any hardships she faces anyway, and a place to live if her form ended up disabling her to the point where she couldn't live unassisted. It was scary, it was life altering, but she took it.

She became a bug girl, with wings, bulbous almond eyes, a huge insect abdomen, and pointed, fingerless hands. That itself made things fairly difficult. She didn't grow any extra boobs, of which she was both somewhat grateful and disappointed, and while she didn't expand with babies on the spot like Mel, the salamander, did, she *was* pregnant. Sort of. Over the next three days, she became gravidly pregnant with 50 or so infertile eggs, divided between the womb in her belly and the other in her abdomen. The two wombs are connected and the eggs in her belly pass through a tract that goes through her pelvis, where her vagina used to be, and into her abdomen. Her opening now sits at the end of the abdomen, on the underside, but at the very tip, making it difficult to cover up.

She hated the eggs. By the third day, she was so heavy that she couldn't move, and all she could do is wait for them to want out, and she had to lay them. It was a strange process, both incredibly uncomfortable and somewhat arousing. But it didn't matter, carrying them all for three days was a pain in and of itself. After laying them all, she found out to her incredible dismay that she was pregnant again, and the process started all over. In fact, it never ended. Every three days, she would swell up, lay them all, then swell up again. She got used to it eventually, but that didn't make it any less comfortable. At the very least, her legs and back were a lot stronger than normal now, and so could handle her burden of eggs, her heavy abdomen, and her massive breasts easily.

Eventually, she got an apartment with Tamiya, who still had her hands, to help her in her day-to-day life. She couldnt go to work or school anymore without hands, so the government handled her expenses, as per the agreement. The final upside is, besides the whole pregnancy thing, she does find her bug-like form really cute, and she doesn't mind the new size of her hormone-boosted breasts at all. 



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