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"Look at us, we were so cute back then!"

"Oh, who are you kidding, Alice, we're still cute now! I'd say even cuter, honestly."

"I guess. I was such a twig back then. It might just be hindsight, but... I don't think I was ever truly happy with myself then."

"Has that changed now? You were pretty upset when you first turned."

"Well, sure. And this egg thing can stop any day now, and I'll be happier than ever. But... The rest of this. I dunno. My life is so much more fulfilling now. Even if I spend vast amounts of time trying to open things without hands."

"Doesnt that get annoying though? I'm glad I kept my hands. Had they turned into hooves like my feet did, I dunno what I'd do!"

"I mean, yeah, it's annoying. Sometimes. This may sound weird though, but... it gives me greater appreciation for what we have. Plus, you're always around to help me out. And I can still use the computer, even if typing with the end of these claw things is really slow. I guess the problem I had before was that life was just too boring, too mundane. It's definitely not either of those anymore."

Alice and Tamiya reminiscing over an old photo of them from when they were human. I made it to put in that Tamiya picture I made, but I figured I'd post the full image here, since it's kinda hard to see it there.



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