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Hi everyone, welcome to our Weekly Poll. Let's start with last week's results.

The battle between Aunt Cass and Rogue was fierce but Aunt Cass won. So I will be doing her for a "pinup" this Monday. What about the rest? Well, there have been quite a few good sketches lately that have not won, so the first week of next month I will be doing not sketches but pinups of as many of these past sketches I can. I believe I can manage 3, maybe 4, we'll see. And maybe I can be doing this every month or two to give some joy to the other worthy sketches.

Let's move to this week's contestants:

First, Spider Gwen. I wanted to do her last week so it was the one I started with. Maybe I would put the shaven part of the head on the other side so it is visible, and maybe simplify a bit, also eyes need to be closer.

Next, Hermione Granger as I haven't done her in quite some time, one of you kind souls remind me of her. Of course I do Akabur's Hermione cuz I just love her design by lord almighty Akabur ^^

Sure needs some fixes and I am thinking as a 2nd image to have some big dicks pointing at her after the spell enlarged them and she changes into that classic shocked look 

And Last we have Harley Quinn somewhat inspired from Harley's Holiday, in a kinda Shane Glines retro-ish style..

I think these are enough to fry your brain up a bit ^^

Proposals, YES you can. Below in the comments as usual. They will be added to January's pool of characters and of course in Discord (relevant references channel).

Thank you for your support and participation.
Now time for you to vote ^^




Aaw crap. Tough choice again. But I went with Hermione. As suggestions Mirage from Incredibles Peg Pete from Goof troop Joss Possible from Kim Possible


I'm a simple man. I see Hermione, I vote Hermione.


Kate Capsize Morgan LeFlay Carla, the Sword Master All from the Monkey Island games.


Shiromori from Mystery Skulls Animated. If you haven't seen the music videos for this, I HIGHLY recommend. Four songs so far in the series: Ghost and Freaking Out are the first ones


Tough choice, but I voted for Spidey 😎


I think any other week that Spider Gwen pose would of won easily. Far less likely when you drop an Ace like Hermione doing... well anything. At least quality art is always a certain outcome.


Thanks, that's why I will be having a week every month or 2 to pinup those other sketches that were also nice ;)

John Doeson

Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim. Ass pic please.