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Hello my dear beloved creatures, also know as Patrons ^^

In all your wisdom you voted for Honey-Lemon and here she is, playing with her favorite toys. Did you notice it yet? Yes she is naked but its not that. She... somehow... ended up with a huge head and I completely failed to notice it until it was almost finished. To fix it would require basically redrawing most of it again as the hair would very much clash with other curves of her body +other stuff, so I said fuckit, you got a big Lemon-head instead ^^

Well, if |I didn't tell you maybe noone would have noticed but I am obliged to recognize my mistakes and maybe.. learn? I think it happened because I was too zoomed in while working, but anyway.

Our new pol is running, go vote if you have not done so already.

That's it from me. Thank you all for your love and support. Be good, stay cool and see you all again soon =]




I might her head is maybe not proportional to your other work, but as a style I think it's still v cute. I couldn't imagine the same drawing being better with a smaller head c: great work as always.


She's noice (^-^)


Thanks bud, and yes somehow the big head is not a dealbreaker. Go figure ^^


Shure the head might be slightly big compared to the body. But the art still looks very good👍 The lighting on her is good. Also the BG is an interesting color.