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Hi everyone. I hope everyone is good and doing great. Me? I had quite a good couple of weeks with almost no pain (although last 2 days is a bit crap again), and I decided to resume my Patreon for October. So be warned, billing will resume in the first week of October.

Things will be done as usual, every week Patrons can propose up to 3 girls each. I will be sketching some of them and on Saturday the sketches will go for voting. Patrons have 1,2 or 5 votes depending on their Tier of support (although some of you have custom pledges of 3$ so you get 3 votes). So the voting stays open for 5-6 days, after that I count your votes and one lucky girl wins a pinup, yey ^^

You can make your proposals in the following post (for Patrons).

This week I did a little more practice, this time on Sinbad, since my practice on male characters is.. non-existent. You can see the originals up the top and I picked some expressions from Joey so as to not just copy from the originals. Results was not too bad or good, and I wanted to make more but as I said this crappy  pain the last 2 days doesn't let me work much. In any case,  here they are and I plan to do more males practice in the future. 

Let's end this public post and move on to the suggestions post. Thank you all for your love and support (of any kind) during this difficult year+ for me. Hopefully things will get better in the next months and one day I can work again at full speed. Take care and see you  all soon.




You will do great again, Spider :D


BadSpidey is coming... 😎