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Hi everyone, welcome to another Poll. This week we have 3 contestants but first let's see past week's results.

So, Black widow and Catwoman won and will be drawn for Monday ^^

Moving on to the present:

First, Cammy White (from Street Fighter). Got to say, when she first appeared in SF2, she took my breath away. That outfit must have done a "fetish" thing on me that remains up to this day. And no I wasn't picking her to play, but beating her ass for a revealing pose was quite enjoyable ^^

A roughly done sketch and I am not sure if I will leave her barefoot or put her boots on. We'll see.. 

Funny enough, in the past I have done Cammy in a sketch in a similar pose without remembering.. 

I guess subconsciously, Cammy is that booty pose for me, always... ^^

Second, we have Starfire, in kinda cute pose "touching herself" :)

And last, Kida from Atlantis. Somehow quite popular and on high demand always. I have done some "cummissions"  on her and in her in the past ^^

They are all roughly done and will need fixing, but you can get a rough idea for each. I thought 3 are enough as you would have a hard time deciding, so I decided to not do a 4th .

Suggestions, you can add your ideas below in the comments (up to 3 girls each). These be added to May's Character Pool. From them for next week I am thinking, Lara, Rogue, Kate Bishop, Poison Ivy or X-23 but you may change that with your suggestions, we'll see...

Thank you all for your participation and support. Time to vote now. Good luck ;)



Aaaaw this is a hard choise to make😖 Great job with all of the sketches 👍👍👍 As suggestions May (Pokemon) Maybe showing off her tits. Gotta have May suggested in may. Queen Tyr'ahnee (Duck Dodger) Maybe in ass tastic pose Charm Caster (Ben10 AlienForce) Maybe charming a "snake"


I propose The Mandalorian princess


Thanks Poemzy and also the ideas. I always wanted to do that Alien Queen ^^


You mean her?? https://variety.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/bo-katan.jpg

Thomas Michels

I've been on a resident evil 6 kick so Helena Harper and Ada Wong. Also skyrim so Lydia too lol


I propose Jessie from Pokemon series 😋