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Hi everyone, welcome to another Monday post :)

In last week's poll, you voted Storm (from Xmen) as "best girl" and humble yours-truly Spider made it happen. You know I wasn't particularly happy with it because it was a a quick stock-pose and I would have liked to cartoon her more. But anyway, Patrons will be able to see it in full and tell me if they like it or not.

Moving on to this week, I may not do sketches for Saturday but instead take some of the older sketches I like (and did not win) and do those as full images. I am not quite sure yet, we'll see.

What else? Ah, a reminder that our latest Poll is still running for a few more days and the girls will fight tooth and nail till the last minute. So, if you are a Patron and have not voted yet, please do so now. If you are not a Patron, join me and get to propose characters and vote on polls and be a cool boi (or gal) ^^

In other news my cool-boi and buddy Muplur is secretly working on 2 new games, XIX  is a Teen Titans theme game (and you can read more about on his page). The other is a Kim Possible theme game which you can read more and support on Leroy's page (programmer and writer of this one) . I am very excited about these as the drawing is awesome and the girls are hot. Soon they should have a first playable version out. Go check them out and maybe consider tossing some coins to their creators ;)

This is it from me for this week. I want to thank you all for your love and support through any way and form. Stay safe, and patient for a few more months, as hopefully the virus-thing will be over soon. See you guys again soon ;)





I proposed Storm :D You are welcome everyone :D :D And Thanks for the Shout out Spider :D


These games deserve a lot more attention. I really can't wait or their first build