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  • Alice-pinup-60sec.mp4
  • Alice-pinup-full.mp4



Hey guys and (shy) gals 💖 

Alice got to say, turned out great, and if I had more time to take care of some details, it would be even better. Things always start to get complicated the more versions you add and the limited time is always a factor, but I am happy that I went for extra and didn't do the just one image with her, she sure deserved it.

In the attachments below you will find 2 videos (timelapse) that show my coloring. Maybe some other time I can record the inking too. Let me know if you like such videos or don't care. I won't block those under another membership tier anyway. I just want to know your opinion. 

A reminder that our latest Poll is still running for a few more days, so if you have not voted yet, please do so now

Another of my beloved Patrons is near 100$ of support being a long long time with me. So, since I can, I will offer him a free commission (single character) of his choosing. Venron my friend, thank you for supporting my stupid rants for so long now  ^^ ❤ 

As always thank you all for your love and super-hard-core support. Be well, stay cool and see you all again soon ;)




Nice comedy and helluva great art in the same package👌👍 First she's so hesitant, but then she is overly brave😂 What did they give her ,to get her like that🤔


That price tho😅


Thanks buddy :) After a while she discovered her true talent was hardcore porn ^^


Cute, hot, slutty. That's an awesome combo to me 😊


Oh sure, put me on the spot, now I am going to have to engage my brain and think :-(