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Hi everyone and Happy New Year. Yesterday I was ready to pause my Patreon as with pain coming and going through this past week, I did not manage to do much. But, yesterday was the 1st of the month and Patreon had already started charging you. 

At the same time, pausing my Patreon is not a solution as I will keep drawing and posting when I am well. I have done so in the past if you remember. Maybe I will keep my page running but warn everyone that delivery of the goodiez is not guaranteed. I am really tired of this and will try to talk to some doctors, something not so easy during the pandemic.

In last weeks poll, Iris won with the votes being really close. You can see how you voted in the file below. I would of course have liked to do all of them but I simply can't. Maybe in the future if some week I don't manage to do sketches. This week I managed to do 2, shameful really... but here they are.

First, Job Applicant (Ducktales 2017). I do not really know the character, so based on some reference I found, the idea is to keep her outfit but modify it in a very .. skimpy/slutty way. You get the idea ^^ 

Next, Raven from Teen Titans. The idea was to dress her in Santa's red outfit and have her stuck in the chimney. Unfortunately I was in much pain and could not think at all that day. But here it is, since these are the only sketches I have ... shameful..   -_-

My original idea was, for a few more frames to the "story", where you help her by applying oil to that booty and then "push" her with your "tool" in .. "places" . Yes, in a few words you would give her the D (or maybe the whole team would). But I am pretty sure I wont manage that. 

I did clean that up and kinda inked it because it did not read well from the rough sketch.

New Character Proposals. Last week there were few character proposals. They were good and I would have done more if I was well. I hope this week we get more ideas in from more of you.  As usual, below in the comments you can propose up to 3 characters each.  

Thank you for you ideas and participation. Time to vote and good luck ;)




Told ya Iris 2020! Four more years 🤠


That's a bit disturbing but still. No voter fraud was involved. People spoke and demanded 🤠


It's not a a surprize that the poll was that close, because all of them just look so good. Hard choise to make again this week🤔 Both have their appeal in more than 1 way😂 As suggestions I'd say. Clementine (Overlord) Proudly showing off her ass or boobs. Lois Griffin (Family Guy) Stading in a sexy pose and maybe inviting to join her? I won't suggest a third one, because you might not be in the condition to draw many scetches. But I hope you get the pain releaved and back to drawing, because you enjoy the drawing as much as we enjoy your art🤞


Thanks man, you know I love to draw and if I can't, things are crap and I am sad. But I'll keep fighting

Thomas Michels

Harley Quinn, Emma Frost, or Francine Smith. Kinda in a blonde-ish mood lol. Hope you feel better man