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Hi there, welcome to our Weekly Poll. This week (from your ideas) we have Zelda, Ladybug and Black Cat Symbiote, which I admit didn't know about, so I thought, sure.. let's jump in blindly and see how I smash my face xD

But first, past week's results. As you see it was a tight match and Rogue won. So I will be doing her for Monday. (You can see how you voted in the attached file below).

But let's start with this week's sketches.

Zelda (witch I never done before), with a burning question.. will it fit?

Ladybug, with another dickening possible pose ^^

Last we have Black Cat which explores the possible benefits of a sex-crazed Alien Symbiote. Obviously I didn't spend much in the alien tentacle-y things yet, but I suppose I can manage if my fate is so ^^

Basically all of them 3 have dick-in-them potential and all a pose without. So we'll see who wins and "gets it". 

Your recent  ideas were many and there are quite a lot I want to do still, but you can propose new girls below in the comments to be added to "November's Pool" which you can check out here. Nice work guys, because the more ideas I have, the easier I can pick some out to draw. 

Time for you to vote. As always, thank you for your participation (and support) ;)




Will it fit? Is a relevant question in that moment. But It can't be answered without trying. Sooo the answer is. It remains to be seen??


yes all the sluts ask this question, first they wonder and then they are in wonder that it did ^^


I hope Black Cat wins this poll, just because I want to make you sweat working on those tentacles (~_^)